Chapter 261
Su Xin was struggling in her heart, and wanted to escape from this weird place several times, but she still couldn't make up her mind several times, and in the end, she could only grit her teeth and follow along.

Li Dui walked in the front, and the others followed, everyone was excited, wishing to really eat the monster Li Dui said alive.

The crooked figure made Su Xin feel extremely frightened, but she still insisted on running over.

When he got behind Vice Captain Yang, he didn't care so much, he took out his kettle and opened it, and poured a pot of water on Vice Captain Yang's face.

She didn't know if it would be useful or not, and this was the only way out of options. What she was thinking of was to see if she could wake up Vice Captain Yang.

The water was very cold, splashing on his face made Vice Captain Yang feel alert.

Su Xin watched nervously, if the situation was not good, she really had no choice but to run away.

Deputy Captain Yang wiped the water from his face, his eyes gradually calmed down, and he looked around in a daze. After seeing other people so excited, goose bumps suddenly appeared on his body.

Seeing the change in Vice Captain Yang's eyes, Su Xin knew that this method worked.

"Captain Yang, it's great that you've recovered!" Su Xin almost cried with joy.

Deputy Captain Yang wiped the water from his forehead, feeling lingering fear, "How could this happen? It's so weird. It feels like I was so angry just now. I can't even control my emotions. I just want to kill people and get revenge!"

"If my guess is correct, Team Li at the front is likely to be fake, a mandrill pretending to be. He took advantage of your anxious and worried mood, and put your emotions infinitely." Su Xin told Yang about her guess. vice captain.

After hearing this, Deputy Captain Yang became even more frightened.

At this moment, looking at the figure in the front, I also felt a chill down my spine.

Su Xin continued: "We have to find a way to stop them, otherwise, if we continue walking, I'm afraid there will be danger."

Vice-captain Yang nodded. Being able to be the vice-captain also shows that he has a certain ability, so he won't panic.

"You're right, but what should we do now?" For this weird situation, he really couldn't think of a good way, because he had never come into contact with it.

Su Xin said: "I just splashed water on you to wake you up, we can try the same method, but try to be careful not to disturb the things in front, otherwise I am worried, he will have other methods to deal with us! "

"Well, just do as you say!"

Vice-captain Yang was also terrified at first, but seeing that a little girl like Su Xin can be so calm, the fear in his heart became less.

The two immediately started to take down the water bottles of those people without a sound, and then sprinkled them on their faces.

Obviously, the mandrill's ability to confuse people on a large scale is not strong. Although it affects everyone's emotions, they can easily escape from this influence.

Of course, this is the premise that someone is not affected and helps break the situation.

Otherwise, everyone will perish, and the mandrill will naturally succeed.

"Su Xin did a great job."

"This mandrill is too confident in his own abilities, and the people behind him are all rebellious, so don't look back."

"I'm so nervous. If the mandrills find out, they won't suddenly kill them."

"Good job, you are worthy of being from the archaeological team, you are really courageous, Su Xin is awesome!"


Netizens praised Su Xin unanimously.

It can be predicted that without Su Xin, these people would be in trouble today.

However, no one knows the specific reason why Su Xin was not affected.

Chen Yan and the others breathed a sigh of relief when they saw a person recovering, but looking at Team Li at the front, they were still sweating for everyone.

Vice-captain Yang and Su Xin quickly woke up everyone. No one acted rashly. They continued to pretend to be affected, and then continued to follow the mandrill.

"Continue to follow. The place he went to is probably where Team Li disappeared. At the same time, make a mark so that people behind can find us!" Deputy Captain Yang ordered.

Everyone was extremely nervous.

It is one thing not to know, but it is another thing to know that Team Li in front may be a mandrill pretending to be. The mood is completely different.

It feels tense and exciting, and it is even more stressful than killing enemies on the battlefield.

"Captain, why don't you just kill him!" Someone whispered, really unable to bear the huge pressure in his heart, thinking of just shoveling that guy from behind and forgetting about it.

Sneak attack from behind, with so many guns, it's hard to believe that they can't kill the guy in front of them.

Deputy Captain Yang shook his head, "No, although I suspect that the thing in front of me is a fake, no one can guarantee that he is not the captain, and no one knows what evil abilities this mandrill has, so it's better to be cautious and procrastinate." Let’s wait until the follow-up support troops bring in professional things!”

Suddenly, Captain Li in front seemed to sense something was wrong, stopped suddenly, and then turned his head abruptly.

"Hurry up, keep pretending!" Deputy Captain Yang was startled, and hurriedly reminded.

Although these people are terrified, their psychological quality is very strong.

Seeing Li Dui looking over, he hurriedly continued to yell for revenge and save people.

Captain Li scanned the area, but he didn't seem to find anything unusual, so he continued on his way.

Vice Captain Yang and all of them had sweat on their foreheads, this feeling was simply too exciting.

That's it, keep going.

Under the hazy moonlight, Su Xin vaguely saw a building in front of him. It was huge, but it was so far away that he couldn't see what it was.

"There are buildings in this barren mountain?"

Su Xin and Vice Captain Yang were a little surprised.

Vaguely, anyone can guess that this seems to be the destination of the thing in front.

"Everyone is ready to fight!" Deputy Captain Yang reminded.

Everyone's hearts were raised again.

There were some broken stone tablets and other ruins around, and when they got closer, they finally saw clearly that there was a rather tall mountain temple in front of them.

The mountain temple has been in disrepair for a long time and has long been dilapidated.

"Yes, it's them!"

Someone exclaimed in a low voice, and immediately saw that the people lying outside the mountain temple were the teammates who had disappeared before.

"Captain Li is here too, hiss!"

Someone spoke in a low voice, and gasped at the same time.

Because they saw Captain Li on the ground.

He fell to the ground motionless, not knowing whether he was dead or alive.

Everyone was extremely nervous, because the cinnabar pills hadn't been delivered yet, and if they did it at this time, no one would be sure.

It's really that the mandrill is too strange. Even in the current game, I haven't fully figured out what kind of weird and evil skills this thing has.


(End of this chapter)

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