Chapter 262
In order to get enough information for the archaeological team, Zhou Suyi didn't plan to sleep tonight.

Although there was a wave of extermination before, and he was worried and frightened by the weird corpse and silk thread, but at this moment he could only continue to bite the bullet.

After washing my face, my brain cleared up a bit.

"Damn it, how do we deal with those silk threads?" Zhou Suyi thought for a while but had no idea, and could only think about entering the game to find a way to crack it.

Entering the game this time, after getting the things in the coffin, Zhou Suyi called Hu Bayi and Fatty Wang to leave quickly.

However, the mandrill took the opportunity to come out to do something again, and after some resistance, the mandrill once again overwhelmed the corpse in the coffin.

Zhou Suyi wanted to stop it, but that thing was too wicked and very smart.

Protecting the coffin by himself, he attacked Fatty Wang and Hu Bayi who were confused.

If I take care of these two people, the corpse in the coffin will be exhausted, and I have a dilemma.

Either way, the game will eventually fail.

This made Zhou Suyi crazy.

"Fire, grandma's, try it with fire, fat man, old Hu, take out all the alcohol and burn this tree!" Before they were trapped by the red silk threads all over the sky, Zhou Suyi could only take risks with.

"No way, once the fire goes down, we will all be burned to death!" Hu Ba said.

"There is no other way now, try it!"

Zhou Suyi couldn't control that much anymore, she took the alcohol and sprinkled it around, and then ignited the fire.


The flames ignited instantly and spread quickly.

The whole tree was soon enveloped in flames.

"Fuck, Brother Yang, you waited for me to go down." Fatty Wang's face was flushed red from the roast, and he hurriedly climbed down.

Seeing that Zhou Suyi was on fire, Hu Bayi gritted his teeth and sprinkled the alcohol in his hand towards the coffin.


A fire was connected in an instant.

However, when the flame touched the corpse, it was slowly extinguished.

The temperature around the corpse seemed to be extremely low, and even the flames could not burn.

The flame does have a suppressive effect on those red silk threads, and those red silk threads dare not approach the flame at all.

"Hahaha, useful, useful!" Seeing this, Zhou Suyi laughed.

However, she soon stopped laughing.

Although the flame is useful to those red silk threads, is it also useful to them?

Naturally, they couldn't run into the fire, but those red silk threads didn't need to enter the fire, as long as they were trapped.

Thus, side effects occur.

On the contrary, the large area of ​​flames restricted their room for movement, and dense red silk threads entangled them. They didn't even have a place to hide, and they were soon entangled by red silk threads one by one.

"Hahaha, this is a bit of a cocoon."

"Is this the legendary saying that if you injure a thousand enemies, you will injure two thousand?"

"The fire attack is obviously not good."

"Yes, Sister Zhou has unlocked a brand new way of dying, going farther and farther on the road to death, which no one can match."


There is no doubt that Zhou Suyi failed again.

Don't mention how miserable it is this time.

Being tightly entangled by those red silk threads, he was burned to death.

Even Hu Bayi and Fatty Wang felt the pain.

Zhou Suyi who opened her eyes again turned pale.

Although the painful taste in the game cannot bring reality, it still makes people feel lingering.

"Hey, that doesn't work either, what are we going to do!"

Zhou Suyi let out a depressed breath.

Glancing at the live broadcast of the archaeological team, he gritted his teeth and entered the game again.

Once again, the sneak attack of the mandrill was settled, and the mandrill hid on the coffin again.

"Close your eyes!" Zhou Suyi knew what the mandrill was going to do, so she hurriedly shouted.

"Ah, what?"

"What do you mean?"

Both Hu Bayi and Fatty Wang were taken aback for a moment, unable to react, not understanding what Zhou Suyi meant by calling this sentence.

Then the next moment, the mandrill's eyes turned green, and he was confused again.

Although Zhou Suyi had the Qilin blood to protect her body, she fell into a state of confusion for a short time. After she realized it, she directly snatched Fatty Wang's submachine gun and pointed at the mandrill.

At this moment, there is no other good way, let's force the mandrill back first.

However, the mandrill reacted faster and sprayed into the coffin in one breath, and the old man in the coffin stood up again.

"Damn, it's impossible to have no solution!" Zhou Suyi was really mad.

Stepping forward, there were two big bullies, waking up Hu Bayi and Fatty Wang.

The endless red silk thread surrounded him from all directions.

"I'm fucking with you!"

Zhou Suyi was really in a hurry, threw the submachine gun to Fatty Wang, and rushed towards the old man's body with the small sharp edge.

Hu Bayi and Fatty Wang were dumbfounded seeing Zhou Suyi being so reckless.

No one knew why Zhou Suyi was so excited.

The old man's body has the most red silk thread, and it is the most dangerous place. Rushing over at this time is simply asking for death.

"It's over, it's over, sister Zhou's mentality is a little bit broken."

"The way you go forward is so hot in Thai pants."

"Hey, if you don't die, you just do it. If you want a strategy, reckless is right."

"Hey, this level is too difficult. How can this be a hidden task? This is clearly an impossible task. Just give up. Anyway, the rewards are not of much use."

"According to previous experience, even rewards for hidden missions are useful!"


Many people think that it's okay to just give up this hidden mission. Anyway, the treasure appraising ability rewarded now seems to be of no use at all, and it should not be used at all.

Rather than taking such a big risk and wasting time here, it is better to just give up.

However, Zhou Suyi's purpose now is not to complete the mission, but also to help the archaeological team get more information.

"Brother Yang, don't be impulsive, come back quickly!" Fatty Wang shouted anxiously. At the same time, the submachine gun in his hand fired a burst of fire to cover Zhou Suyi.

"Miss Yang, be careful!" Hu Bayi was also in a hurry.

He was puzzled for a while, he really didn't know why Zhou Suyi was so well-behaved, why he suddenly collapsed emotionally.

However, Zhou Suyi completely ignored them.

There is only one thought in her mind now, to kill this old man.

Even if the old man is already dead, then kill him again.

Xiaoshenfeng has the ability to ward off evil spirits, she wants to try it now to see if this ability to ward off evil is useful or not.

Countless silk threads rushed towards Zhou Suyi like overwhelming.

Fatty Wang's gun fired indiscriminately, interrupting a lot.

Hu Bayi threw the engineering shovel in his hand directly, and also blocked some red silk threads.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Zhou Suyi rushed to the old man's side.

But at this moment, the huge python's head suddenly came out from behind the old man, and bit Zhou Suyi's head with one bite.


(End of this chapter)

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