Chapter 270

Fatty Wang hated the mandrill so much that he wished he could blow all the bullets in his gun on the mandrill before he could vent his anger.

However, there was a mandrill statue blocking it, but the mandrill was unharmed.

It's just that the statue was riddled with holes, which seemed to make Mandrill's heart ache.

"Damn, damn, all damn, squeak..."

Accompanied by a harsh sound, Fatty Wang's gunshots stopped abruptly, and he suddenly threw the gun, clutching his head as if in pain.


Hu Bayi also snorted, covering his ears, with a very painful expression on his face.

Zhou Suyi only felt that her head was also booming.

Immediately, all kinds of negative emotions ran into my mind.

It feels like there are countless thoughts, all of which have been drilled into the middle of the mind.

These thoughts are like ghosts, screaming, howling, and crying in her mind, and it seems that there are voices persuading her to commit suicide.

These emotions were so complicated that Zhou Suyi felt like her brain was going to explode.


She also covered her ears in pain, but it didn't help at all.

Those voices linger in my head.

Hu Bayi and Wang Fatty next to him fell to the ground and rolled in pain. Wang Fatty even grabbed his own gun, and then pointed it at his forehead little by little.

It looked as if he wanted to end himself, but he was still fighting the final battle in his heart.

Hu Bayi was not much better, holding the paratrooper knife in one hand, and kept approaching his neck, while the other hand grabbed his wrist, as if he didn't want this one to move.

He is like a combination of contradictions.

One hand wants to commit suicide, while the other hand is trying to prevent suicide.

Compared with them, Zhou Suyi looked much better.

Although the idea of ​​suicide kept appearing in my mind, I didn't put it into action.

"What's going on, why is it all like this all of a sudden."

"Damn, this thing is really a mountain spirit wild monster, very evil, and this is a charm ability, it is impossible to guard against!"

"It seems that the charm ability of this thing is not only relying on the eyes, but obviously the voice is also."

"How can you fight this? This shit is a bug. Even if it's not a god, it's still a talking monster."

"I am the exorcist, everyone get out of the way!"


The weirdness of the mandrill makes people frightened, but the truth of this thing makes people hard to guard against.

No matter how powerful Zhou Suyi, Hu Bayi and others are, they are still in the category of human beings.

And this thing can already attack with magic, which is really impossible.

Looking at this scene, Chen Yan gasped, and couldn't help wiping the cold sweat from his forehead, feeling scared for a while.

He made a wise decision and feels lucky for himself.

If there was no Gou Yishou just now and rashly let the people behind to save people, then the whole army might be wiped out again now.

He stared nervously at the picture on the screen, and felt like scolding his mother in his heart.

If this mandrill has any other means, how can it save people?

Is it possible to really go to Mount Wutai, and invite a few masters to make a move?
Zhou Suyi clutched her head in pain, but she was not lost.

She looked at Hu Bayi and Fatty Wang who were about to commit suicide, and gritted her teeth.

"Suicide, get out, kill him, kill him!"

She passed all this negative emotion on to the mandrill, and her eyes were a little red at the moment.

At this moment, the role of the 10 points of willpower is highlighted.

With the blessing of these 10 points of willpower, she will not be as lost as Hu Bayi and Fatty Wang.

So, Zhou Suyi stepped forward and walked towards the mandrill statue.


The mandrill is still trying his best to use his skills, but it can be seen that he is not omnipotent.

When using this ability, it seems to be subject to certain restrictions.

For example, it has to make a sound and cannot stop until the prey is completely dead.

Originally, the mandrill still had a smug face, but when he saw Zhou Suyi walking towards him with a fierce face, his face was instantly filled with fear.

It is estimated that it is impossible to imagine that the human beings in front of them are completely affected and can still maintain their rationality.

It's impossible, it's absolutely impossible.

For thousands of years, this ability has made him the god of this area, and the nearby villagers were bewitched by it, worshiping it as a god, and offering sacrifices honestly during the New Year and festivals.

But the human beings in front of them, why are they not affected.

Impossible, absolutely impossible!

Mandrills will doubt the mandrill's birth.

However, the fact is that Zhou Suyi approached it, but it could be seen that Zhou Suyi couldn't bear it anymore.


The mandrill was so frightened that it increased its voice.

Zhou Suyi suddenly felt a pain in her head, as if it was going to burst.

At the same time, Hu Bayi couldn't bear it any longer. The paratrooper's knife was already on his neck, and a line of blood appeared on it, and bright red blood flowed down.

Fatty Wang aimed his gun at his forehead, and his fingers were already pulling the trigger.

Seeing this scene, Zhou Suyi became anxious.

If he wanted to go to the mandrill again, it was obviously too late.

In desperation, she suddenly grasped the little god front in her hand, ready to fight.

"go to hell!"

Almost exhausting all his strength and reason, he threw the little god front in his hand directly.

The moment it was thrown out, the brain instantly lost its mind and was immediately swayed by those negative emotions.


Xiaoshenfeng turned into a ray of cold light, and his speed was extremely fast, almost reaching the mandrill in the blink of an eye.

Mandrill's eyes widened suddenly.

Until Xiaoshenfeng pierced through his head and passed through, it still maintained an expression of disbelief.

It seems that they can't figure out how the human beings in front of them can have such strong willpower.

The creaking sound stopped abruptly.

Zhou Suyi only felt that those things in her mind disappeared without a trace in an instant, and her mind was instantly clear.


There was a gunshot behind him.

"Fuck, is it still a step too late?" Zhou Suyi hurriedly turned her head to look.

Fatty Wang's muzzle was slightly crooked, his hair on the left side was scorched, and the bullet seemed to fly past his head.

It was just a little bit short, but at the moment of recovery, Fatty Wang turned the gun slightly, which saved his life.

Hu Bayi's paratrooper knife also almost cut the main artery.

Both of them broke out in a cold sweat.

Fatty Wang clamped his thighs tightly, and almost lost control of his sphincter and was scared to pee.


The mandrill's eyes widened, and he fell to the ground with a face full of disbelief.

No matter how evil this thing is, if it is pierced through the head, it is impossible to survive.

"Okay, it's so dangerous, I feel like I made a move at the gate of hell. Fat Master, I feel that I saw the gate and almost went in. Fortunately, Brother Yang is so wise and powerful that he pulled us back abruptly!"

Fatty Wang was really grateful to Zhou Suyi.

[Fatty Wang's recognition +5]

[Hu Bayi recognition +5]

This time, thanks to the life-saving grace, the data has been rising again and again!


(End of this chapter)

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