Chapter 271 The master is here
Zhou Suyi also relied entirely on luck for a risky and risky adventure.

Fortunately, in the game, she can have the opportunity of trial and error again and again, so the psychological burden is not so heavy, and when she throws the little god, she doesn't have too much pressure.

Therefore, this knife hits directly.

If you do it again, you may not be able to do this.

Sometimes, luck is still very important.

"It's done, it's finally done."

"Fuck, it's burning, it's burning."

"This knife threw out a bright universe."

"All I can say is, Miss Zhou is awesome, yyds, she's a dick."

"Mom asked me why I knelt down to watch TV. I really wanted to pay my respects. It was just a little bit close, so dangerous!"


At this moment, countless people are extremely excited and have indescribable joy.

This night plus the tension of the day, he was almost overwhelmed by the strange ability of the mandrill.

Now, the mandrill was finally killed.

All the people watching the live broadcast felt an extreme sense of relief.

It turns out that watching live broadcasts can really be happy.

When Chen Yan and the others saw this scene, they also breathed a sigh of relief, but their expressions were still solemn.

Because of the strange ability of the mandrill.

If they act rashly, how should they deal with that weird voice.

Seeing the appearance of several people in the game, it is not enough to just cover their ears to deal with it.

As for them, there is only one last chance left, and they must have a perfect plan.

"Professor Chen, come and see!"

Suddenly, the staff exclaimed.

Chen Yan was already nervous, but this almost caused him to have a heart attack.

"what happened?"

Chen Yan was really afraid of hearing any bad news again, and his heart was seized.

"Professor Chen, come and see, two strangers appeared, they seem to be grave robbers!"


Professor Chen hurried over.

On the screen was the camera that Su Xin and the others brought in, but as Su Xin and the others fainted, the camera also fell to the ground.

But the angle is good, and you can just see the picture in the temple.

At this moment, two ragged people appeared on the screen.

These two people were in a mess, their clothes were torn and torn, they were pitch black, and there were still many scabbed wounds on their bodies, but they were both wearing gas masks, so they couldn't see their faces clearly.

"These two are..."

Chen Yan had strange eyes.

He said that these two people were tomb robbers, but he didn't believe it.

Because judging from the screen, these two people seem to be too miserable.

Chen Yan still had doubts about saying that they were tomb robbers, but Chen Yan would definitely not doubt that they were two beggars.

However, it is impossible for a beggar to run into this dangerous mountain.

Combined with the news that the police have captured a large number of tomb robbers nearby during this period, it is believed that these two are tomb robbers.

"Are they grave robbers? Here, what happened? Look, it's so miserable!" someone said.

Chen Yan's expression immediately became serious, a little worried.

If they were really tomb robbers, they were all ruthless people. If they saw their official people and silenced them directly, it would be troublesome.

"Mandrill, mandrill, come out!"

At this moment, Chen Yan actually hoped that the mandrill would come out quickly and get rid of these two people quickly.

"Fuck, a tomb robber really went in, that's awesome."

"Those things in the water hole, could it be done by these two people?"

"What happened to them, it looks too miserable."

"Look, they have Chicago typewriters on them. Damn, they couldn't get them from the big banyan tree."

"Very likely, in this world, it is impossible for the outside world to get such a gun."


Netizens were all amazed.

In such a dangerous place, even Zhou Suyi in the game had to die several times in succession to get rid of the mandrill.

Moreover, so many people in the archaeological team, armed with live ammunition, were all lost here.

How big are these two people.

Not only was he alive, but he even found the temple.

This simply subverted netizens' perception of tomb robbers.


What appeared in the picture was naturally the third master and Scarface.

The two left from the big banyan tree, got some equipment, and then continued to search in the mountains. After a few days, they finally found this place.

However, with the equipment in these few days, the food has improved a lot.

Otherwise, if netizens saw them before, it would be even worse.

"Third Master, what's the situation? Could it be that you met your colleagues? In such a big battle, it's hard for the Pharaoh to take action?" Scarface looked at the group of people lying on the ground, a little dazed.

Although these people did not wear official uniforms, everyone was loaded with live ammunition, and they were not ordinary people at first glance.

As tomb robbers, the first thing they thought of was their peers.

Among the peers, only the Pharaoh Organization can have such courage.

The third master squatted next to a person, took the gun out of the person's hand and looked at it, "This is official equipment, it seems that it is a cop, their speed is a bit beyond my expectation, so dangerous Water hole, how did they get here!"

The third master was a little curious.

"Tiaozi." Dao Scar's face was startled, and he aimed his gun at those people.

The third master tried the man's breath, waved his hand, "Don't be nervous, these people have no experience at first glance, they have inhaled the poisonous miasma, and they have been poisoned. If no one treats them, they probably won't last for three hours, yes We have no threat."

When Pan Zi heard this, he put the gun away.

"Hehe, these people really don't know the heights of the heavens and the earth, they come from everywhere. We came in, but we came in, but we escaped death and lost so many brothers. If they dare to come, isn't this their death for nothing?"

The third master looked around vigilantly, "Don't rush to make sarcastic remarks, I think there is something wrong. Before these people passed out, they were all in a state of tension, and they were all holding guns. I'm afraid there are other dangers here. We Be vigilant!"

"Okay third master!" Pan Zi immediately picked up the gun again.

These few words of dialogue instantly made the people in the live broadcast room even more lively.

"Listening to the conversation is a master."

"Good guy, the corpse in the water hole is indeed their accomplice. Such a dangerous water hole can still be passed. There are really two brushes."

"What do they mean by Pharaoh?"

"Don't you know this? I heard that it is a large-scale transnational cultural relics reselling organization. It is a part-time tomb robber. It once robbed the pharaoh's mask and shocked the world."

"Is it so arrogant?"

"I can't survive one more day, hurry up and save someone, otherwise, something serious will happen!"


The amount of information in their conversations is too large, and many of them are things that ordinary people can't understand in a lifetime, and it is the first time that the Pharaoh Organization has been known to ordinary people in the Great Xia Kingdom in this way.


(End of this chapter)

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