Chapter 272 Hexagonal Bell
When Chen Yan heard the conversation between the third master and Scarface, his heart immediately became aroused. He took the walkie-talkie and was ready to send someone in to save him.

In any case, it cannot be delayed any longer.

Otherwise, you will really be in big trouble.

However, just before the order was about to be issued, Chen Yan gritted his teeth again and resisted the urge.

"Wait a little longer, wait a little longer!"

At the same time, he said to the staff around him: "Contact the hospital immediately and tell them the current situation!"


In order not to waste rescue time, call a professional ambulance team as soon as possible.

There was silence in the archaeological team, and everyone was staring at the screen. At this moment, they probably had one thought in their minds, that is, the mandrill should come out quickly and kill the two tomb robbers as soon as possible.

The third master waved to Pan Zi, "Bring our anti-drug pill!"

The scarred face was a little bit reluctant, "Third Master, we don't have many anti-drug pills, they are all cops, it's good if we don't catch us, we still want to save them?"

The third master said: "Saving a life is better than building a seven-level pagoda. There are only two of us left. It is useless to keep so many anti-drug pills. We can help so much. Whether we can survive depends on their help." Made good."

"Okay, listen to the third master!"

Scarface took out a small medicine bottle, poured out a lot of pills, and stuffed them into the mouths of those people one by one.

As soon as the anti-du pill entered their mouths, the complexions of these people obviously recovered, and the thick black air was no longer shrouded.

Seeing this scene, both the archaeological team and the netizens were silent.

This move was completely beyond their expectations.

In their perception, tomb robbers should be extremely vicious people, and if they don't kill people and steal money, that's all good.

Today, there are still a few medicines that can save people, which is really unexpected.

"It seems that these two people are not completely bad."

"How can this thing be so absolute? Wherever there are good people, there will be bad people. You can't generalize."

"Seeing that they are doing well, in the future, let them take one less shot."

"Anti-drug elixir, there really is such a thing, these two people don't seem to be simple, they are not ordinary tomb robbers."


Chen Yan was also dumbfounded. He originally thought that these two people would directly kill people to silence them, but now they are taking the initiative to save people, which is too unexpected.

"If you take the anti-drug pill, you can last for a few more hours. Whether you can survive or not depends on your luck!" The third master got up and ignored these people.

Done what needs to be done, and don't bother with the rest.

"Third Master, is there really a mystery here?" Scarface asked.

The third master nodded, "According to my speculation, the construction of this temple must have a certain purpose. Perhaps, the entrance leading to Xianwang's tomb is here, look for it!"

"Okay, if the third master said yes, then there must be!" Scarface believed in the third master's words.

It can be seen that he has been with the third master for so long, and he has really seen the third master's ability, otherwise he would not be so determined and convinced.

The two entered the temple and saw three statues in front of them.

At this moment, a sharp and piercing sound sounded.

"Bold, don't kneel down when you see this god!"

The sound was so sharp and piercing that it made one's skin crawl.

"Fuck, third master be careful!"

Scarface was taken aback, and immediately raised his gun and stood in front of the third master.

Netizens who watched this scene were full of admiration.

"Who, who is playing tricks, come out!"

The third master's face also changed, and he stared nervously ahead.

At this moment, netizens were inexplicably sweating for the two of them, and some didn't want to see them also being killed by mandrills.

It can be seen that the little act of kindness just now made netizens have a little more kindness towards them.

"Bold, this god is here, so hurry up and worship!" The voice sounded again.

"Pretending to be a ghost!" Scarface shouted angrily, without saying a word, he pulled the trigger directly.

He is not a good person.

Try not to make noise if you can.

Da da da……

The bullets fired indiscriminately at the front, and the three statues were immediately splashed with earth and stone.

"Bold, bold, you dare to offend this god, damn it, you guys should die!" The voice was furious, screaming strangely.

"I will let you die first!"

Scarface determined the location of the sound, and fired at the statue of the mandrill.

"Damn, die, squeak!"

Suddenly, the voice suddenly became sharp.

The piercing sound seemed to rush into the eardrums.

Scarface only felt a buzzing in his head, as if countless hands had reached into his head and ravaged his head crazily. In pain, he covered his head, fell to the ground and wailed in pain.

It has to be said that this mental attack of the mandrill is too terrifying.

It is hard to guard against, and there is no defense against it.

Even if you cover your ears, it doesn't help at all.

The third master's facial features also instantly distorted, he covered his ears hard, and the veins on his forehead were exposed.

"It's over, it's over, these two people have also been recruited, there is no solution."

"This ghost thing is too fucking evil. Except in the game, how can we deal with it in reality?"

"It's also simple, just a bomb."

"There are still more than [-] people inside the key, who dares to throw bombs in it."


At this moment, everyone was sweating for the third master and the others.

"Third, third master, third master, hurry up, let's go!" Scarface was worthy of being the most heartfelt subordinate.

Even at this time, I still think about the third master.

Although his face was in pain, he still crawled towards the position of the statue with all his strength.

"Damn it, I can, I have lived until now, I want to kill you, I have too many, no matter if you are a human, a ghost, or a shit god, give it all, I, get out!"

The third master clenched his fists and roared in his throat.

He stretched his hand behind his back with difficulty, and then took out a bronze hexagonal bell.

Jingle, jingle...

Use all your strength to shake the hexagonal copper bell.

The bell made a crisp sound. Although it was not as sharp as the mandrill's sound, it was still clearly audible.

Almost at the moment when the bell rang, the creaking sound seemed to be cut off, and it started intermittently, as if the power supply was not in good contact.

And Scarface's eyes suddenly became confused, and he no longer struggled, as if he had lost his soul.

Not only the scar face was affected, even the netizens across the screen suddenly felt dizzy and sleepy at this moment.

Many people yawned unconsciously.

Many people who were already sleepy after seeing them all night fell asleep immediately.

"Ah... so sleepy!"

In the archaeological team, some staff members yawned greatly, and then began to lose their spirits.

Chen Yan also felt a feeling of tiredness swept over his heart instantly, his eyelids began to sink, and he felt as if he hadn't slept for many days, so he just wanted to sleep directly and didn't want to worry about anything else.


(End of this chapter)

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