Chapter 273 Artifacts
The mandrill suddenly appeared, and everyone was sweating for the third master and the others, but when they saw that the mandrill actually used the sound wave skills in the game, the third master and Dao Scar were in pain.

Almost everyone felt that the third master and the others were also dead this time.

Who can resist this almost magical attack.

Even in the game, Zhou Suyi, who has received ten points of willpower and has the blood of a unicorn, has a hard time passing the level, let alone an ordinary person in reality.

However, when the third master took out the hexagonal bell and shook it, something unexpected happened to everyone.

Scarface's eyes became dazed, and it seemed that he was no longer in pain.

Not only the scarred face, but even the squeaking mandrill seemed to be in poor contact at the moment, and the voice began to become intermittent.

Even the netizens across the screen felt sleepy when they heard the crisp sound of the bell.

It's so weird.

It is even weirder than the sound of a mandrill.

Accompanied by the ringing of the bell, the third master approached the mandrill statue, turned to the side, and saw something hiding behind the statue.

Seeing this, his pupils suddenly shrank.

I thought it was people playing tricks, but I didn't expect it to be a monkey, no, it was a monkey-like monster.

"Pretending to be a ghost, if you are a god, I can also kill a god!"

Third Master gritted his teeth.

He rang the bell with one hand, took out the gun with the other and aimed at the mandrill.

The mandrill is still calling, but the sound is intermittent, and even its eyes are sometimes clear and sometimes confused.

When it was clear and bright, seeing that the third master had pointed a gun at him, he immediately looked terrified.

It seems unexpected that someone can resist its sonic attack, not only that, but there is something that can resist it.

This is too outrageous.

The mandrill was suspicious again.

However, when it wanted to avoid it, its eyes suddenly became confused again.

The third master is not an indecisive person. Taking advantage of this opportunity, he pulled the trigger one after another.

bang bang bang...

The bullet hit the mandrill's head, almost shattering its head, and the disturbing and painful sound stopped abruptly.

The third master stopped ringing the bell, and the surroundings seemed to be clean.

The mandrill's corpse twitched a few times before falling to the ground.

Without those voices, Scarface's eyes quickly recovered.

The moment he recovered, he hurriedly stood up, "Third Master, Third Master!"

He hurriedly looked for the figure of the third master.

"Stop shouting, here it is!" The third master's tired voice came from behind the mandrill statue.

Scarface hurriedly got up and ran over, only to see the third master sitting on the ground, bleeding from his nostrils, he seemed very weak.

"Third Master, are you using that bell again?" Dao Scar's face turned ugly, and he hurriedly searched through the backpacks of those people, found a medical kit, and helped Third Master stop the bleeding.

The third master nodded, "Grandma, I really didn't expect to meet a monster like a mandrill here. I almost capsized in the gutter. If we didn't have this artifact, we would have to confess to being here today!"

"However, this thing was used once, and the damage was too great. Next time, you give me the thing, and I'll shake it!" Dao Scar's face was distressed.

It can be seen that he is really sincere to the third master.

The third master waved his hand, "I'll talk about the future. If we can't get through this time, there is no future. Pan Zi, make a fire and burn this thing. This thing is very evil. I'm worried. Even if you blow your head , it will come alive."

"Okay, third master, you are resting, I will burn him!"

Pan Zi dragged the mandrill's body outside, found some gasoline on Dui Li's body, sprinkled it directly on the mandrill's body, and ignited the fire.


The flames rose high, and bursts of foul-smelling black smoke rose into the sky.

ah... ho...

For a moment, in the place covered by the black smoke, there was the sound of howling ghosts and wolves, and the black smoke continued to condense into various shapes, as if a person was struggling and sleeping in pain.


Rao Pan Zi was very courageous, but seeing this scene, he felt a little numb in his scalp.

He was lucky in his heart, fortunately, the third master was very capable, and he thought of the place where the big banyan tree was before, if the third master had no means, I am afraid they would have died long ago.

"Haha, the third master is the third master, if he dies so easily, then he is not the third master!"

Pan Zi felt more and more that following the third master was definitely the most important decision in his life.

When all the sound is gone.

The drowsy feeling disappeared instantly.

Chen Yan regained his sobriety, seeing that the mandrill had been killed, he was a little excited.

He stared at the screen, at the hexagonal bell in the third master's hand.

"This, this pattern should be at least a cultural relic from the Warring States period. This thing can actually make people fall into a coma. It's amazing!"

At this moment, he wanted someone to go in directly, grab the two of them directly, and then grab the hexagonal copper bell and study it carefully.

However, when I thought about whether this was a bit of a waste of time, I really couldn't do such a thing.

"Awesome, fuck me, this is the real master, stronger than sister Zhou in the game."

"That's not necessarily the case. The main reason is that the third master has a magical weapon. This bell sounds very special."

"According to the meaning of that scar face, there seems to be a price for using this bell. Seeing that the third master's face is covered with blood, this thing probably won't do me any harm if I use it."

"I've really learned a lot. In reality, there are really good people."

"The bell is for sale. My boyfriend suffers from insomnia. He fell asleep when he heard the bell just now."


The ability of the third master and the magical ability of the hexagonal copper bell make people extremely curious.

Just ask who wouldn't want to own such an artifact.

Take this thing on the street, just shake it, is it equivalent to standing still in time?

A big fire burned up the mandrill's body.

The third master rested for a while, recovered a little, and stood up, "We have to speed up the time, these people are all here, there will definitely be someone to rescue, we have to find the secret here before these people come! "

"Okay, third master!"

The third master had rich experience. After searching for a while, he found that the statue of the mandrill was not simple.

The mandrill statue was punched with dense holes by Pan Zi with a gun, and many places were completely peeled off, revealing the inside of the bronze.

"It seems that the secret is on this mandrill statue. King Xian raised such a mandrill to guard this place. It has no real skills, and it really can't pass the mandrill. As long as the mandrill does not die, the secret here will never be lost. People will find out!" said the third master!

Hearing this, Pan Zi felt a chill down his spine.

From what he saw along the way, he felt more and more that this King Xian was too terrifying.

He has fought with the third master a lot, but this one is definitely the most dangerous and weird one.


(End of this chapter)

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