Chapter 274 Reality Game Complementary
Pan Zi felt that he had fought so many battles with the third master, but this moment was definitely the most dangerous. The key point was that until now, many brothers had died.

However, it is still on the outskirts of King Xian's tomb, and the old nest of King Xian's tomb has not even approached yet.

"Third Master, offering the king is really a bit evil, or..."

Pan Zi still retreated more or less.

The third master sneered, "It doesn't matter how powerful you are. If you die, you are dead. No matter how many methods you have in life, you are dead if you die. We are living people, how can we scare a dead person?"

"The third master is right!"

Pan Zi admired the courage of the third master even more.

The third master carefully observed the broken mandrill statue, and found that the mandrill was holding a toad in its hand, and there was a bead in the toad's mouth.

He raised his hand and twirled the bead.


Suddenly, a slight vibration and friction sound came from outside.

"Go, go out and see!"

The third master ran out immediately.

The two went out to have a look, and found that the big gourd had cracked, and a dark and secret passage appeared.

"Hahaha, it really is here!" The third master laughed heartily, but he didn't get carried away, "We have to find a way to completely destroy this mechanism, otherwise, the people behind will really follow the road to catch up with us! "

"Third Master, what should we do?" Pan Zi asked.

"Get a timed grenade and blow it up. Even if someone comes, it will take some time. That's enough!" said the third master!

"Okay, I'll do it!"

After a long time, with an explosion, the mechanism was destroyed and the passage was completely sealed off. At the scene, there were no traces of San Ye and Scarface.

It wasn't until he heard the explosion that Chen Yan let out a long breath, making sure that there was no other danger.

"Save people, let people go in and save people immediately!"

He gave the order at last, while secretly getting away with it.

Fortunately, there are two people from the third master to help find the way, otherwise, most of the people who went in to rescue would be lost in it.

At that time, even if someone is sent to rescue, it may be too late.

Rescuers had been waiting outside for a long time, and when they heard that the danger had been lifted, they rushed in to rescue people.

Soon, everyone was carried out, and the ambulance arrived, and these people were immediately carried into the ambulance.

However, the terrain here is remote, and the ambulance still needs to walk a long distance to go to the hospital. If there is no Sanye and their anti-drug pills, Su Xin and the others may not be able to survive the hospital and will die.

"Professor Chen, what should we do now, should we just blow up the hole and follow in?" the staff member said to Chen Yan.

Chen Yan hesitated, "Forget it, let them go first, there may not be any danger inside, we went in and escaped death, but they, maybe, can help us open the way."

Originally, people sent by the academy like Chen Yan didn't like countrymen like tomb robbers at all.

However, when he saw the third master and the others today, he was really convinced.

Although he despises tomb robbery, he has nothing to say about the abilities of these two people.

The fact that the two of them were able to get here safely and deal with the mandrill showed that they were really capable. Compared with others, he was really incomparable.

"By the way, send someone to search immediately to see if there are those two big banyan trees in the game?" Chen Yan ordered again.

Not long after, news came that the two big banyan trees had been found.

However, the two trees were really called Thunderbolt.

At the root of the tree, a huge stone tortoise stele was found.

Even found the coffin.

Inside the coffin was a shriveled corpse with a skinned dry giant python wrapped around its body. However, the head of the corpse and the giant python had been cut off.

There was nothing in the coffin, apparently everything had been taken away.

When Chen Yan heard the news, he was heartbroken and slapped his thigh.

The dragon and tiger scepter and the golden mask are too precious, so they were taken away by the tomb robbers. This is definitely a huge loss.

But after calming down, Chen Yan thought of the game designer again.

"What is this person's background and why he knows all of this clearly. It's so difficult that he is really a tomb robber? But, if he is really a tomb robber, why haven't the things in these two places been damaged? It's so difficult , He just looked around and didn't move anything?"

This question is not only puzzling to Chen Yan, but also to everyone.

However, now that Lin Mu is missing, no one can find him, and even if he is found, there will be no answer.

Zhou Suyi took care of the mandrill, and then searched carefully in the temple, but found nothing, and was forced to log off by the game again.

The game time is too long this time, and the game requires a break.

After exiting the game, I quickly paid attention to the movements of the archaeological team. When I saw the video playback, I was stunned.

"I'll go, this third master, he can't be Lin Mu's own father, otherwise, how could he be so powerful and pass by so easily!" Zhou Suyi's eyes were strange.

Seriously doubt whether Lin Mu has anything to do with that third master.

But thinking about it, I feel impossible.

If the two were really related, it wouldn't be so troublesome, Lin Mu would tell the third master everything directly, wouldn't it be easier for the third master to deal with those problems.

"The mouth of the mandrill statue actually hides a mechanism. My God, this third master is really powerful. I can find it all. If I hadn't watched this video, I probably wouldn't have stayed here any longer. I would have left a long time ago. , once you leave, it is estimated that this game will be deadlocked again!"

Zhou Suyi sighed for a while, she never expected that this time it wasn't me in the game who helped people in reality, but people in reality helped me solve a big problem.

Saved a lot of useless work and time.

"And that bell, it's too amazing. It is estimated that now that it is exposed, the officials will definitely pay attention to these two people. They probably don't know about it yet, but they have already been broadcast live on the whole network!"

She was a little worried about the third master and the two of them.

"Now that the danger is over, I have to take a good rest!" Zhou Suyi stretched her waist, she was sleepy, tired and hungry, "It's too much, call Lin Mu and see where this guy went last night , you won’t really be fooling around with any woman!”

Dial the phone, but the phone is still no one answered.

Zhou Suyi ran to the next door to knock on the door again, but there was still no response from inside.

"Where did this guy go, can something really happen?"

For a while, Zhou Suyi began to worry.

Every husband is not guilty, and he is guilty of his crime.

Now that Lin Mu is so famous, and the matter of the archaeological team is also a sensation, the probability of Lin Mu being targeted by tomb robbers is still very high.

Therefore, Zhou Suyi hesitated whether she should call the police immediately.


(End of this chapter)

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