Chapter 277
What Zhou Suyi said made all three of them nervous.

And Hu Bayi didn't know what he saw, and his face suddenly became extremely ugly.

"Old Hu, don't scare me, people scare people, but they really scare people to death!" Fatty Wang said in a low voice.

"Look ahead!" Hu Bayi whispered.

clap la la...

Accompanied by Hu Bayi's voice, the sound of splashes came from the front.

Zhou Suyi's body trembled, and she also looked forward.

Following the sound, a faint white figure slowly appeared in the dark depths of the groundwater. Although the cave was very dark, the white light on that figure became clearer and clearer.

It was a faint cold light of white.

Generally speaking, the Illuminati will bring people a sense of peace of mind, but the cold white light in front of them not only does not bring people a sense of peace of mind, but makes people feel even more hopeless.

Zhou Suyi only felt that the surrounding temperature seemed to drop several degrees.

"High energy ahead, please prepare quick-acting heart-relief pills."

"High-energy early warning."

"Barrage body protection."

"I'm stupid, it's night again, you're doing something again, right?"

"Looks like those scary female corpses in the cg animation."

"You can breathe, everyone don't forget."


At this moment, all the netizens tensed up, as if they had also entered the game, as if they were standing with Zhou Suyi.

That extreme sense of oppression made people dare not take a breath, and even almost forgot to breathe.


Zhou Suyi swallowed heavily.

"Yes, those female corpses in the trailer?" Zhou Suyi also thought of those clips in the cg animation.

At that time, when watching this scene, I felt my scalp tingling, let alone experiencing it myself now.

In the final analysis, it is still the corpse, which makes people instinctively afraid.

In "Exquisite Ancient City", at most, I saw a mummy and countless bones and coffins, but that feeling was far from the excitement of seeing the corpse with my own eyes.

"Go, go and have a look!" Hu Bayi was really courageous, and even leaned towards the female corpse first.

After Fatty Wang saw the female corpse, he was not as scared as before.

It can be seen that what is unknown and invisible will make people more afraid, and after seeing it, the sense of mystery will disappear a lot, and the fear will be much less.


Zhou Suyi exclaimed in her heart that she was awesome, and hurriedly followed.

When they got closer, the three of them could see clearly.

It was a naked female corpse. The female corpse was covered with a layer of sticky stuff, emitting a faint white fluorescence, lying on the water in all directions.

At first glance, the female corpse's appearance was not bad, and she had the feeling of a young girl like an ancient girl.

If he saw this scene normally, Fatty Wang would definitely comment on it, but how can he be in that mood now.

They knew in their hearts that no one had been here for thousands of years.

If it has not decomposed for thousands of years and can still float in the water, can it be an ordinary corpse?
Not sure, it's just a female rice dumpling.

"Hehe, this is clearly a beautiful girl with delicate features."

"Hey, I've been single for a long time, and I feel pretty when I see a dead body."

"I was scared to death at first, but after seeing it, I suddenly felt that this girl is quite beautiful, can I save her?"

"It is strongly recommended to cancel the mosaic, which is an insult to us gentlemen."

"Hahaha, what a group of wolf friends, you guys can fuck this thousand-year-old corpse, right?"


Not to mention, although the female corpse has been floating around for thousands of years, her facial features are very clear. This kind of pure natural and unsculpted face is really pretty.

The female corpse stopped a dozen meters away from them, and seemed to be confronting them.


Fatty Wang swallowed, wiped the cold sweat from his brow, and hurriedly took out the black donkey's hooves from his backpack.

"Grandma, no matter if it's a zongzi or a monster, I think we'd better act first and stuff this hard black donkey's hoof into her mouth to let her know how good we are!"

Zhou Suyi gave Fatty Wang a weird look, and she felt that this guy was driving.

Before Zhou Suyi and Hu Bayi could reply, the corpse suddenly moved.

At the same time, the light on his body seemed to disappear, disappearing from everyone's sight.

From this light to darkness, even Zhou Suyi's eyes couldn't find the trace of the corpse for a while.

"Hey, I must have been scared away after hearing what the fat man said!" Fatty Wang held the black donkey's hoof, and he was a little proud.

This guy has a really big heart.

Hu Bayi said: "Be careful, this kind of dead float likes to hide under the water. Once you enter the water, they will hold your feet until you drown in it and give them a scapegoat."

Hearing this, Zhou Suyi's heart that had just been let go suddenly lifted again.

"Brother, can we stop talking about this now?" Zhou Suyi complained.

At the same time, he hurriedly looked down, but fortunately, the water was clear and there was nothing.

Otherwise, I'm really afraid that a face will suddenly appear in front of me.

Fatty Wang was also taken aback, and hurriedly looked down, but luckily he didn't see anything.

But this guy is stubborn, "Hey, I say you old Hu, you don't need to scare me, who doesn't know, my fat man is called Wang Daoer, let's just say, if there is such a beautiful little lady pulling me down, Then the fat man will go and be her husband, that's not bad!"

"Okay, you can be poor, you are so fat, people can't pull you down."

Zhou Suyi admired these two people even more.

At the critical moment, these two people are really courageous.

In such an evil place, these two people are still in the mood to joke and bicker, who else has such a big heart.

"Don't be poor, you two, let's get out of here quickly!" Zhou Suyi recalled everything about this place in the cg animation, and felt uneasy in her heart, and hurriedly urged the two to continue on the road.

Both nodded.

The three of them continued to move forward, and after walking about a hundred meters forward, a small hole appeared in front, and behind the hole was a larger space.

Several people got in and found that it was different from the outside.

The surrounding rock walls are red and smooth, and the light of the flashlight shines red on it, which is reflected on the sparkling water, which looks a little strange.

"Why does it feel like I've come to another world!" Zhou Suyi frowned.

Although I just passed through a cave, the scene before and after is really different.

There are a lot of aquatic plants near here, the three of them can only push through the aquatic plants and move on.

"Oh, I'm stupid, what is this?" Fatty Wang exclaimed, and there was a splash on the water, causing a splash of water.

Zhou Suyi and Hu Bayi were startled by his sudden slam.

"What's the matter, what's the matter?" Zhou Suyi took out Xiao Shenfeng with a swish, and stared nervously at the surroundings.

I thought it was the female zongzi floating back to attack people again.


(End of this chapter)

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