Chapter 278 Prehistoric Water Cave
Fatty Wang's sudden snarl scared Zhou Suyi enough.

Originally, it was dark here, but just now seeing that weird death float, I was very scared. Her voice almost sent Zhou Suyi away.

Netizens were also terrified by his bluffing.

When there is no danger, Fatty Wang is definitely the most dangerous.

"What happened?"

Fatty Wang pointed to the side and said, "Old Hu, Brother Yang, take a look, did I wake up from a dream and saw a water spider as big as a washbasin!"

Zhou Suyi frowned, this guy is really unreliable.

How can a spider be as big as a washbasin? It's still a spider.

Then she looked over.

It's okay if you don't look at it, she is even more excited than Fatty Wang.


Zhou Suyi was so frightened that she yelled, she threw her head up and fell into the water, thumped in the water, choked a few mouthfuls of water, but Hu Bayi quickly helped her up.

"Don't be afraid, although it's big, it's just an ordinary water spider, not aggressive!" Hu Bayi said hastily.

Zhou Suyi looked at the huge water spider next to her, her face turned pale.

Fatty Wang is really not exaggerating. This water spider is really the size of a small washbasin. If the legs are extended, they are almost comparable to human long legs.

If it was a giant python or something, Zhou Suyi would be somewhat resistant.

But this kind of insect really makes people's scalp tingle.

No, this is still an insect, this is simply a beast.

Fortunately, those water spiders didn't attack them, otherwise, these water spiders alone would be enough for them to drink a pot.

Fatty Wang said: "Grandma, Old Hu, tell me, did all the water spiders here eat Dali Pills? How did they grow so big?"

"Never mind him, as long as he's not aggressive!" Hu Bayi didn't care.


At this moment, the water splashed for a while, and the three looked nervously, and saw that the water spider was suddenly swept away by something, and then entered the water.

"Be careful!" Hu Bayi suddenly became nervous, and the flashlight hurriedly shone toward the water.

With this photo, the three gasped again.

Originally thought that this water spider the size of a small washbasin was the limit, but who would have thought that there was a huge toad living under the water.

This toad is red all over, and it is as big as a calf.

The huge pimple on the body is like a pimple that is about to mature, and the scalp feels numb when you look at it.

The water spider was obviously eaten by the toad.

Goosebumps appeared on Zhou Suyi's body.

Especially looking at the pimples on the toad's body, the feeling is absolutely amazing.

Then, she looked forward a little, and she felt bad again.

There are quite a few toads underwater, and a few of them inhabit there at a distance.

"Let's, let's get out of the water!" Zhou Suyi's voice was trembling.

Hu Bayi and Fatty Wang nodded together.

Who knows what the hell is going on under the water, leaving as soon as possible is the kingly way.

Fortunately, there are stone pillars here, and they climbed up easily.

"What's the matter, have we come to the Giant Country?" Zhou Suyi had seen the Giant Country, so what happened at the moment was similar to that.

Fatty Wang said: "It may also be that we have become smaller after entering that passage."

"I understand this. This kind of cave is generally isolated from the outside world. The oxygen content inside is far higher than the outside world, and the size of animals and plants will become very large."

"It's a bit like a prehistoric world, with abundant oxygen and living animals and plants that were much larger than they are today."

"I wipe, there are talents."

"High-energy early warning, Yao Mozi will arrive soon."


Many netizens saw that the knowledge they usually learned was finally useful, and began to popularize science to other netizens in the barrage area.

Zhou Suyi and the others were all nervous.

At this moment, Zhou Suyi felt something was wrong.

There was a feeling of thorns on her back again, she hurriedly looked around, but found nothing, but soon, her eyes shifted strangely to the water.

I saw, at some point, a toad came under her, looking at her head-on.


Being stared at by a toad, Zhou Suyi felt creepy and funny.

Is this being treated as a prey"?
Damn it, you toad, you really want to eat swan meat, Zhou Suyi cursed in her heart.

Fatty Wang's voice also suddenly sounded, with a trill.

"Damn it, I think we might be in big trouble. These fucking big toads have obviously had enough of the big spiders here, and want a change today!"

At this moment, as far as the eye could see, the big red toads were approaching them. Obviously, it was just like what the fat man said, these toads were really going to change their tastes today.

The scalps of the three were numb.

Who would have thought that one day they would be surrounded by a group of big toads, if they hadn't seen it with their own eyes, who would have dared to believe it.

The bodies of these big toads are so numb that it makes one's scalp tingle. Who knows if there is any danger.

However, normal toads are generally poisonous, but this big toad is red and red, and no one would believe it if it was not poisonous.

"I said, two, what should I do? Be careful, otherwise, let's forget about them. I heard that the skin is sown on this thing, and the meat is fresh and tender. We can still have a good meal!" Fatty Wang said .

Hu Bayao: "You bastard, forget about the poisonous pheasant before, and still want to eat, so you won't be afraid of being poisoned to death."

"Well, forget it, but look at it, if we don't eat them, they will eat us!" Fatty Wang wiped the cold sweat from his forehead.

It was the first time I was frightened into a cold sweat by a group of toads, and felt a little ashamed.

Zhou Suyi hurriedly said: "Before these toads completely surround us, let's rush over!"

"Well, I think so too. Be careful, everyone, don't be touched, this thing may be poisonous!" Hu Ba said.

"Grandma, do it!"

Immediately, the three of them stopped hesitating and prepared to break out towards the front.

But it's okay to not move. With this movement, all the toads moved.

A sticky big tongue rolled towards them.

This thing has a big head and a long tongue, fully sticking out, it is two or three meters long.

This is not a tongue, it is clearly a steel cable, and the speed is so fast that it is almost invisible to the naked eye.

As soon as Zhou Suyi jumped out, she felt her legs were entangled by something.

Immediately afterwards, a strong force came, about to pull her down.

Zhou Suyi's expression changed, her legs exerted strength, and she lifted the two big toads out of the water in a daze, followed by her feet, and the two toads were instantly kicked away.

But it wasn't over yet, as the movements increased, more and more toads noticed him.


Tongues scrambled out one by one, as if forming a big net, enveloping them.


(End of this chapter)

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