Chapter 279

The tongues of those big toads were also red, each one of them looked like black impermanence hooks, which made one's scalp tingle just looking at them.

Zhou Suyi kicked two big toads away, but it was useless.

It's okay to not move, but when it moves, it is obvious that it has become the target of those big toads, and it is directly besieged.

Looking at those sticky tongues, Zhou Suyi felt disgusted and scary.

She hurriedly took out the vajra umbrella and blocked it.

dang dang...

Those tongues were still very sticky, and they stuck directly to the Vajra Umbrella.

A strong force came, and Zhou Suyi's body was thrown towards the water surface. In desperation, she could only loosen the vajra umbrella.

"Gululu, old, Gululu, save... Gululu..."

Suddenly, Fatty Wang's voice came from behind.

Zhou Suyi hurriedly looked back, and saw that Fatty Wang was dragged underwater and was struggling desperately.

The mouths of the big toads bit him.

With their mouths open, these toads could swallow a millstone, and several big toads together almost ate Fatty Wang directly.

Moreover, Fatty Wang's face was flushed, not a normal red, but red as if it was about to catch fire.

It was clearly underwater, but it seemed to be on fire, obviously poisoned.


In a hurry, Hu Ba quickly squatted down to pull Fatty Wang, but when he didn't pay attention, his waist was wrapped up by a slender tongue.

Immediately afterwards, the body became unstable and fell into the water.

Once they fall into the water, they can't help them.

Underwater is the world of these big toads, no matter how hard they struggle, it will be of no avail.

Seeing this scene, Zhou Suyi became anxious.

"Fuck, this fucking..."

She was very depressed, maybe she was going to be wiped out again.

However, letting other things be wiped out is still in the past, but letting a group of big toads be wiped out is not a good thing to say.

"What to do, what to do?" Zhou Suyi was in a hurry.

She really wants to save people, but two fists are no match for four hands, a hero can't stand a group of toads.

She only has two hands and two feet, but there are tens of thousands of toads below. It's not easy for her not to be pulled down, and it's just a dream to distract Hu Bayi and Fatty Wang.

"Hey, it's another wave of mass destruction, and it was killed by a group of toads, ah..."

"Hahaha, who would have thought that this group of toads would be so powerful."

"It's uncommon sense. A toad's eyes can only catch moving things. As long as it doesn't move, it's fine."

"Staying still is bastard, you can't just stay here forever."


Netizens expressed emotion one after another, and obviously felt that Zhou Suyi's test must be too difficult to pass.

Looking at the two struggling underwater, Zhou Suyi was also very anxious.

Suddenly, her eyes lit up and she thought of something.

"Kirin bloodline, unicorn bloodline, this thing makes the old Black Mountain demon afraid, will it be useful for these things?"

At this moment, it is completely urgent to go to the doctor.

There is really no better way, as long as there is a chance, try it.

Immediately, Zhou Suyi grasped Xiao Shenfeng's blade, gritted her teeth, squinted her eyes, and gave herself a slash.


"It hurts!"

Zhou Suyi was in so much pain that tears were about to flow out, she hurriedly sprinkled her palm on the water.

Drops of red blood were like raindrops, dripping on the water, and then scattered.

"It must be useful, it must be useful." Zhou Suyi was very worried, really afraid that it would not be useful at all.

When the blood spread, something weird happened.

Those big toads who were so ferocious just now, they don't know what happened, they suddenly went crazy and ran away.

Some of them were close to the blood beads, and they just rolled their eyes and turned their backs to feign death.

The big toads that trapped Hu Bayi and Fatty Wang just now also ran and turned over, and the two of them broke free from all restraints in an instant and escaped from the water.

However, it was obviously too late.

Both of them were poisoned, and their skin was red all over.

"Old Hu, fat man!" Zhou Suyi hurried over to help, but it was of no avail. After a while, the two had sex.

The game fails again.

Zhou Suyi quit the game and sighed.

As the game time got longer, Fatty Wang and Hu Bayi had really become friends. Now, watching the two of them die again and again, the feeling is still not very good.

"If this game is played for too long, will it be difficult to distinguish between the game and reality!" Zhou Suyi thought in her heart.

Even so, I entered the game.

After all, games can really make people happy.

This time, facing the siege of densely packed toads again, Hu Bayi and Fatty Wang's faces turned green.

Zhou Suyi was much calmer this time.

"Don't be afraid, I will make a move!"

Both Hu Bayi and Fatty Wang looked at Zhou Suyi with weird eyes, probably thinking in their hearts, what the hell if you make a move, they will stop attacking if you make a move, they really think they are swans.

Even if it is really a swan, but these are toads, they really want to eat swan meat.

In the next moment, Zhou Suyi cut the palm of his hand with the small sharp edge.

"It's over, it's over, Brother Yang is so scared!" Fatty Wang's heart went cold.

If you deal with a toad, you deal with a toad. Why do you still have bloodletting?

Seeing Zhou Suyi self-harm, Hu Bayi suddenly thought of how he dealt with the old tree spirit before, and suddenly thought of something, "Fatty, let the blood out!"

"Ah?" Fatty Wang was stunned, "Old Hu, Brother Yang is crazy, and you are crazy too? It's over, it's over!"

Another part of Fatty Wang's heart is also cold.

Crazy is crazy, how can this be contagious.

You won't be infected too.

Then I heard Hu Bayi shout: "Have you forgotten how Ms. Yang used blood to deal with zongzi before? Our blood has been cursed, and we may have restraint against these things!"

"Fuck, yes, why did I forget!" Fatty Wang started bleeding himself when he heard it, thinking, "It's over, it's over, it's really contagious!"

Zhou Suyi had strange eyes.

Only she knew in her heart that other people's blood was useless, only her own blood was useful.

However, thinking about the bloodletting together, I finally feel better, and I don't need to hurt myself after all.

Hey, good brother, let's hurt together.

So, the three of them let out blood together and sprinkled the blood on the surface of the water.

Then, those toads ran and turned over.

"Fuck, it's useful, it's useful, it's really awesome!" Fatty Wang was so excited, "Hahaha, let me see, this blood is so awesome, what kind of much dust beads are we looking for to break the curse, how delicious it is. "

Zhou Suyi gave him a weird look, it's over, it's over, this child is too involved in the play, so he won't let bloodletting if he has nothing to do in the future.

Guilt, sin.

Then, Fatty Wang became suspicious again, "Hey, old Hu, something is wrong, why are the toads at Brother Yang's place turned their backs, and ours seem to have nothing wrong, they all ran away!"

Hu Bayi said, "Miss Yang has been cursed since she was a child. We were cursed just now. The effect must be different."

Then, Zhou Suyi's eyes became even weirder.

Well, she doesn't know how to explain, Hu Bayi explained it for her, it's so sweet.


(End of this chapter)

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