Chapter 280 The Third Master's Method

Listening to the conversation between the two, Zhou Suyi couldn't help but smile bitterly, she couldn't bear to fool these two silly children.

I'm really afraid that these two children will get into the drama too deeply, and they will solve problems with blood in the future.

Don't talk about whether there will be too much blood loss, just talk about the water hole before.

As soon as this blood comes out, I am afraid that it will attract piranhas to attack it in a few minutes, and it will be reaping the fruit of itself.

"Hahaha, I feel a little bit sorry for Fat Master and Lao Hu. These two people really think that their blood is so powerful."

"With Fatty Wang's urination, I'm afraid he will really dare to sell blood after he returns."

"This Qilin bloodline is really useful."

"It was quite scary at first, but now I am dying of laughter, Lao Hu and Fatty are so funny."

"Sister Zhou, hold back, I see you are smiling."


Netizens were also dumbfounded.

Fatty Wang and Hu Bayi really believed it when they were fooled, and they were still analyzing the length of time, making people laugh to death.

Fatty Wang is still very proud, "Old Hu, I think, let's really stop looking for Muchen Bead. With this blood, we will fight again in the future. We won't be afraid of meeting the corpse king, just spray him with blood all over his face." With a face, you ask him if he is afraid, if he is afraid."

"Okay, you think you are a blood bag, you can't find Muchen Bead, you won't live to be 40 years old, and you are still fighting, then fight yourself!" Zhou Suyi said, and quickly broke the relationship between the two. fantasy.

Otherwise, if these two get too involved in the drama, problems will arise.

"It's only 40, forget it, it's more important to find Muchen Bead, but we found it, we don't have to use it until we are 39 and a half years old, haha, old Hu, do you think I am a genius?" Fatty Wang felt himself Think of a best way.

Zhou Suyi rolled her eyes, you are a fucking little genius.

"Okay, let's get out of here quickly, here is running water, the blood will disperse soon, we can't keep letting it go, we can't take it anymore." Hu Ba said.

The three continued to move forward, and a huge stone platform appeared in front of them not long after, and the three of them hurriedly climbed up and sat on it to rest.

At this moment, a group of mosquitoes flew from nowhere.

Seeing those mosquitoes, Zhou Suyi's scalp became numb again.

The smallest of those mosquitoes have the length of the middle finger, good guy, if you are stared at, it will definitely be enough.

Fortunately, as soon as those mosquitoes flew over, red tongues stretched out one after another under the water surface, sweeping away all the mosquitoes, and the rest dispersed immediately.


"I said, we won't really get smaller, right?" Fatty Wang was a little uncertain.

at the same time.

The third master and Scarface were also experiencing the same thing.

They also came across those big red toads.

"Third Master, this, this, this is a toad, not a beast?" Scarface looked at those huge toads, and was a little dazed.

At this moment, the two of them were hiding on a stone pillar, under which were all big red-skinned toads, watching them covetously, treating them as prey.

Cold sweat broke out on the third master's forehead, "No matter what it is, it may be very dangerous. Don't move. Toad's eyes can only catch moving objects. As long as we don't move, they won't be able to see us!"

Pan Zi has been doing this for several minutes, feeling his body aches and pains.

He smiled wryly, "Master, we, we can't stay still like this forever, can we? I can't hold on any longer."

The third master thought about it carefully, and quietly touched the backpack with his hand, moving very slowly, trying not to attract the attention of those toads.

The faster the speed of this kind of thing, the sharper their eyes will be, and the slower the speed, they will not be able to see clearly.

Soon, the third master took out a black donkey's hoof from his backpack.

Taking a deep breath, he threw it back behind him.

When he moved, those big toads immediately responded.


A few tongues rolled out.

However, the black donkey's hooves were fast, so they didn't catch them.

However, there was also a tongue rolled towards the third master's arm.

The third master was also a bold man with a high skill, he just retracted his hand slightly, and the tongue was rolled out, and then the third master remained motionless, as if he had fallen into petrification again.


The black donkey's hoof fell far into the water, and many toads chased after the black donkey's hoof.

In an instant, the number of toads around them was reduced by more than half.

When Scarface saw this scene, his heart jumped into his throat.

He was really afraid that the action of the third master just now would trigger a group reaction from these toads.

However, the third master's psychological quality is really strong.

Even if Mount Tai collapsed in front of him, his expression would not change.

"Third Master, it can't be done, there are more, otherwise, let's just kill them!" Dao Scar said with a face.

The third master shook his head, "No, once the snatching rings, we will definitely attract more toads if we move again. At that time, as long as we are trapped and dragged into the water, we will definitely end up dead."

"What should I do?"

The third master frowned, wondering if he should try another black donkey's hoof.

However, at this moment, there was a buzzing sound, and a group of large mosquitoes flew towards them from the front.

"Fuck, what the hell is this?" Scar looked shocked.

"Don't move, hold back!" The third master hurriedly stabilized himself.

Mosquitoes flew by, and in a short while, big tongues came out from under the water, snatching up those mosquitoes. Those mosquitoes flew by quickly, and the group of big toads could not miss the chance to find food, and all followed.

Scarface only felt a mosquito land on his face, and then sprayed out his mouthparts, ready to suck a mouthful of blood, his face was turning green, and he couldn't help but slap it down.

Such a big mosquito, who knows if this bite will directly suck him to death.

However, before he could do anything, fortunately a big toad did it first.

With a roll of the tongue, the big mosquito disappeared.

Scarface only felt that his face was sticky, and his face was really green with fright.


The third master saw the opportunity, and hurriedly greeted Scarface to leave.

The opportunity was fleeting, and we had to seize it, so, taking advantage of the time when the big toads were attracted by the mosquitoes, they finally arrived at the stone platform safely.

Unfortunately, no one saw this scene.

If they also have a live broadcast, if Zhou Suyi sees it, they must give a thumbs up.

The Qilin bloodline is only for her, and it is not a universal method, but the third master's method can be used by everyone.

But this method is not everyone can think of.

Today's archaeological team is blocked outside.

The archaeological team dug the entrance of the cave and finally entered the water cave. They were very happy at first, but when they saw the big toads in the live broadcast, they stopped again and did not dare to move forward.

I want to refer to the game's method of bloodletting, but where can I find the unicorn blood, this method cannot be copied at all.

This made them very depressed, and then, before they saw the third master and the others, it proved that the third master and the others had passed.

The two of them easily passed by, but they were stopped, which made them even more uncomfortable.


(End of this chapter)

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