Chapter 281 Being Hypnotized
Since Team Li and the others had all entered the hospital, the archaeological team was in short supply, so Chen Yan could only bring the staff of the archaeological team with him.

There are not many security personnel left, only a dozen people left.

These people dug the secret passage and indeed saw a large number of ivory products, but they were afraid that the third master who went in ahead would destroy them, so they didn't care about sorting out the ivory and started chasing forward.

It didn't stop until it reached the middle position.

The staff measured the air quality inside.

"Professor Chen, the oxygen content inside has reached 52%, far exceeding the oxygen content in the atmosphere!"

"No wonder, no wonder those things can grow so big."

This at least proves one thing, not that the people who go in have become smaller, but that the animals and plants inside are indeed really big.

"I put the drone in and found those big toads, but I didn't find the two tomb robbers. The drone was attacked by those toads and fell into the water. Professor Chen, what should we do now?"

Chen Yan hesitated, "Those big toads are very dangerous, but it's strange, how did those two people get in? There was only an hour or so before and after, and they passed by so easily, they shouldn't be!"

"Could it be that you just shot all the toads with a gun?" someone said.

"Impossible, the drone just went in and found that those toads were not attacked at all!"

"This is even weirder. How hard are these two people able to fly?"

Everyone is puzzled.

Chen Yan thought for a while and sighed. It was obviously impossible to catch up with the two tomb robbers in a short time.

Because they can no longer take risks.

Too dangerous.

"Hey, let's contact the biologists, send the photos of these big toads, and let them think about what can restrain these toads. Although we don't have the unicorn blood in the game, it must be something else that can be replaced. !"

Ever since what happened last time, Chen Yan has become a lot more stable.

Of course, it is better to say that you are restrained and afraid of accidents than being steady.

Ancient tombs may not be dug, but if there are a large number of casualties, it is not good.

Now more than 20 people are being rescued in the hospital, and there is absolutely no risk.


Zhou Suyi and the others sat there to rest, looking at this cave like a prehistoric world, they were quite emotional.

Fatty Wang sat there, spit out, and then rubbed his feet. Suddenly, he let out a light sigh, and rubbed hard again.

"Old Hu, Brother Yang, come and see!"

Suddenly, he cried out in surprise.

Zhou Suyi felt disgusted for a while, "Spit out what to show us, you're disgusting!"

"Fatty, it's too much!" Hu Bayi also felt disgusted for a while.

"No, no, I don't have such a bad taste." Fatty Wang waved his hands quickly, "Look, there seems to be writing on this stone platform."

"Any word?"

Now both of them became interested and moved over.

This really made a discovery.

"It's not characters, it's relief sculptures, let's clean it up and have a look!" Hu Ba said.

The stone platform was covered with moss, the three of them hurriedly worked together, and quickly cleaned up a large area.

In the figure of the stone carving, there is a tall black-faced deity with big ears and high nose, coarse hair on his face, and a skull in his mouth. It is simple and strange, and it is unforgettable.

"Isn't this the black-faced statue in the temple?" Zhou Suyi was about to recognize it at a glance.

Hu Ba nodded, "the images are slightly different, but most of them are the same person. The statues in the mountain temple have the style of the Qin and Han Dynasties, and they should have been influenced by the culture of the Central Plains. It's even earlier in the king's time!"

"The stone carvings on this altar have a primitive and wild color. They are at least three or four thousand years ago. They should be the relics left by the ancestors of southern Xinjiang before the Warring States Period. It is possible that the mountain temple at the entrance was built to sacrifice the king. At the time of the tomb, the image of the god was created according to the legends around here."

"The Warring States period!" Fatty Wang's eyes lit up, "It's a pity, why didn't there be any cultural relics left?"

Zhou Suyi looked at these reliefs carefully, "It seems to record something on it."

The three of them continued to watch, and the reliefs were connected together. Zhou Suyi's mind seemed to automatically recall what happened here.

A group of ancient people sang and danced on the altar, and some people fished out that kind of big toad from the water.

These big toads are tied to long bamboo poles.

Soon, someone rowed a boat to the entrance of a cave, and stretched a bamboo pole tied with a big toad into the cave.

Thick smoke will soon emerge from the large hole.

Immediately afterwards, those people took out the bamboo poles and saw that the big toad had turned into jerky, as if it had been used to attract stars.

In the blurry smoke, a vague black figure appeared.

The black shadow was too big, with a black face with no expression on it. Under the black shadow, there seemed to be many radiant corpses floating.

These corpses are all in a strange way, with their backs facing the sky, their hands stretched and drooping, and their legs arched back, like the feeling of twisting and crawling with limbs twisted backwards in foreign horror movies.

This picture makes people feel extremely uncomfortable.

Zhou Suyi only felt that she seemed to be one of those corpses, floating in the icy water.

An unspeakable sense of suffocation, loneliness, despair, piety...

Numerous emotions emerged in her mind, which made her gradually lost, and her eyes gradually became hollow.

Looking at Fatty Wang and Hu Bayi again, the two of them also seemed to have clashed with evil, their expressions became dull, and the originally curious faces were replaced by pious expressions.

Immediately afterwards, the two of them got into the water slowly, walked inward, and disappeared into the darkness not long after.

"Fuck, what's going on, did Hu Bayi and Fatty Wang collide? Why did they suddenly go into the water?"

"Sister Zhou, sister Zhou, wake up, why are you still crying?"

"Mom, what happened again? What's going on? Why do these people suddenly lose their souls?"

"There seems to be something wrong with this stone carving. If you look at it for a long time, you will lose your mind."

"No way, it's just a stone carving, how can it be so powerful?"

"This should be a way of hypnosis. Through these stone carvings, people are hypnotized unconsciously."


It was fine one second, and it was like this the next second, which made the netizens gasp.

So evil.

It is understandable to say that the mandrill is a mountain spirit and wild monster, which can confuse people's hearts.

However, after only a few glances at a stone carving from thousands of years ago, people fell into it and fell into a hypnotized state quietly. This is too weird and too sensational.


(End of this chapter)

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