Chapter 282 This Method Really Works
Because of staring at the stone carving so intently, the three of Zhou Suyi fell into a state similar to being hypnotized.

Both Hu Bayi and Fatty Wang entered the depths of the water cave with a look of piety, as if they had become a big red-skinned toad, waiting to sacrifice to the black-faced god inside.

Zhou Suyi's face was full of tears, as if she had become one of those female corpses, drifting in this icy river for endless years.

Suddenly, her body shook violently and she woke up.

"What's going on?" Although I woke up, the complicated emotions were still lingering in my heart, I raised my head and touched my cheeks, and it turned out to be full of tears, "I, why did I cry, just now, what happened, how do I feel ..."

Zhou Suyi frowned, and then realized that Hu Bayi and Fatty Wang were gone.

"Old Hu, Fatty, where are you?"

Zhou Suyi was dumbfounded.

She even wondered if she was trapped in a mysterious imaginary space like she was in Jingjue Ancient City.

But everything around has not changed, except that Hu Bayi and Fatty Wang are gone.

"What's going on, what's going on?"

A chill came to her heart, and she looked down at the reliefs again, a chill came from her back.

"It's hard, are these reliefs?" Really thinking, suddenly heard two screams from a distance.



【game over】

With the sound of screams, the game directly judged failure, and Zhou Suyi quit the game with a confused face.

"What's going on, it's so difficult that Lao Hu and Fatty abandoned me and left by themselves?" Zhou Suyi didn't believe it.

According to their relationship in the game, it is impossible for these two people to abandon her for no reason.

I hurriedly looked at the barrage, and made some vague discoveries, and then hurriedly flipped through the replay of the live broadcast.

Watching the replay, the whole person is not good.

"Damn it, this stone inscription thousands of years ago can still affect us and put us in a hypnotic state? Shit, can it be more outrageous?" Zhou Suyi cursed.

Who would have thought of this.

Although with the Qilin blood and ten points of will blessing, he finally broke out of the hypnotic state, but it was still a bit late.

"Shit, I was hypnotized to treat myself as a female corpse. These two guys won't be hypnotized and become two sacrificial toads, right?" Zhou Suyi's eyes were a little strange.

She found the cg animation again and took a closer look, her scalp felt numb again.

"That black-faced god, is it so difficult to really exist?"

In the CG animation, the huge black shadow in the darkness, and the scalp-numbing sound of metal rubbing all made Zhou Suyi feel terrified.

"What is it exactly?"

I have seen strange things like mandrills in the game, and it seems that it is not unacceptable to say that there is a black-faced god.

Weird stone carvings blocked Zhou Suyi's way again.

However, Zhou Suyi had nothing to worry about at this level.

It's a big deal to do it all over again, just don't look at it carefully, it's purely a disgusting level, so Zhou Suyi didn't take it too seriously.

What she was afraid of was still the black-faced god hiding in the water cave.

This thing is definitely a boss-level existence.

If you want to pass the level, you must face this boss.


The third master managed to get on the stone platform. The two of them were also lucky. The moss on the stone platform was very heavy, so they didn't find those stone carvings at all.

Based on his experience, the third master analyzed that this might be used for sacrifice.

But it has been too long, and the sacrificial things have obviously been washed away by the water.

So, the two continued on.

The archaeological team was very surprised when they saw Zhou Suyi's live broadcast. A set of relief stone carvings can make people fall into a hypnotic state. It was not only the archaeological team who were shocked.

Some professionals who are good at hypnosis are more interested in this, and they can't wait to see the power of this stone carving with their own eyes.

As a result, a large number of experts in related fields rushed here again.

Just like the ancient city of Jingjue before.

An archaeological project later attracted a large number of experts and scholars in space physics.

It's a bit outrageous to say it, but it happened for real.

Chen Yan put down the phone, "Hey, I hope those two people will also be recruited, so that the cultural relics in front will not be destroyed or stolen!"

However, after thinking about it, Chen Yan felt that he had no conscience in thinking so. After all, the third master had saved more than twenty of them before.

"Hey, China Merchants Bank, but, just stay on the stone platform honestly, it's better not to have any accidents!"

Suddenly, the staff ran over.

"Professor Chen, there is a solution!"

"What way?" Chen Yan's eyes lit up.

The staff said: "We contacted a biologist. They said that there are materials to restrain this thing, but it would be too time-consuming to send them. They also have a method to prevent those toads from attacking us!"

"Really? Tell me!" Chen Yan's eyes gradually brightened.

This place is too remote, even if things from outside are brought in, it will take at least a day. If it is normal, it is okay for them to delay for a day.

But now knowing that there are two tomb robbers going down first, there is really no delay.

One more day of delay will increase the risk of theft and destruction of the cultural relics ahead.

As an archaeologist, this is the last thing I want to see happen.

"He said, as long as we find something to feed those big toads, then those toads will naturally not attack us when they are full!" the staff said.

Hearing this, Professor Chen looked a little strange.

"This method is really..." He smiled wryly, "It's really simple and practical!"

It is true that people will not attack people when they are full. It is the same reason when people are really full and have no desire to eat.

"Professor Chen, look..."

Professor Chen hesitated for a moment, then made up his mind.

"All rations are halved, and the rest will be sent here!"

"Okay, I'll do it now!"

I brought a lot of rations before, and now, more than 20 people have been sent back, which saves a lot of rations.

Many of these rations are compressed biscuits.

Soaking this thing in water can greatly improve the feeling of fullness, and it is undoubtedly the best choice.

Chen Yan also had people catch a lot of bugs outside.

This is the Valley of Insects, that is, there are many insects, and the mosquitoes are all in one piece, and you can catch a lot of them with one net.

Then, mix these mosquitoes with water-soaked compressed biscuits, knead them into fist-sized dough, and start to act.

When they got to the position, they didn't dare to go in rashly, so they threw dough forward.

Those toads sensed the movement of the dough, and regardless of that, they rolled their tongues and swallowed them directly.

Needless to say, this method is really useful.

In the end, all the rations were almost used up, and the big toads were fed, gave up the desire to attack, and obediently lay down in the water without moving.


(End of this chapter)

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