Chapter 283 High Energy Ahead
Zhou Suyi saw that the archaeological team didn't need her help much anymore, so she didn't worry too much.

After being hypnotized by watching the stone carvings, I took a good rest.

I slept until I woke up naturally, and the first thing I did when I woke up was to call Lin Mu.

Undoubtedly, no one answered the phone, which made Zhou Suyi more and more worried about Lin Mu.

I got up to wash up, had breakfast, and went to the police station to check the situation, but there was no news from Lin Shu, so I could only go home and continue playing games.

Enter the game, stand on the stone platform and look at those stone carvings.

She just took a few glances, didn't look too much, for fear of getting lost again, she stared at Hu Bayi and Fatty Wang.

The two looked extremely focused.

Zhou Suyi noticed that the eyes of the two began to change at a speed visible to the naked eye.

From curious to confused, and then to pious.

"There is really a problem with this stone carving. This stone carving should not be written by King Xian, but made by the local people who used to be here. It seems that even the people who lived here the first time were not so simple!" Zhou Suyi said in the I sighed in my heart.

Then I saw Hu Bayi and Fatty Wang going into the water again.

"Old Hu, fat man, wake up quickly!" Zhou Suyi called out hastily.

But the two of them didn't respond, as if they didn't hear her at all.

Zhou Suyi stepped forward and pushed the two of them again, but there was still no response.

"Is this a deep hypnosis?" Zhou Suyi took a deep breath, "Then you two, don't blame me, I can only use the ultimate move."

As soon as these words came out, the two of them seemed to feel something, and they trembled unconsciously.

And the next moment, Zhou Suyi was not polite, she just made two big pussies to the two of them.

clap clap...

The voice was crisp and clear, and it made Hu Bayi and Fatty Wang turn around in circles, and their eyes instantly became clear.

"I'm stupid, what, what's the situation, whoever hit me, come out, I will fight with you!" Fatty Wang became anxious immediately.

Hu Bayi was still a little confused and didn't react, "What's going on?"

Seeing that the two of them had recovered, Zhou Suyi was relieved.

"The two of you have been hypnotized, and you will be sacrificed to the black-faced god. If I hadn't stopped you, you two would have become sacrifices now!" Zhou Suyi curled her lips.

Hearing this, the two of them froze for a while, as if they had thought of something.

Fatty Wang's eyes widened, "Hypnosis? Damn, I really felt like a fucking toad just now!"

Hu Bayi's eyes are strange, and he feels the same way.

"It's the stone carving. Is there a problem?" Hu Bayi looked at the stone carving on the ground, but he hurriedly looked away again, for fear of being tricked again.

Zhou Suyi nodded, "Well, there is something wrong with this stone carving. When carving it, it is likely that a method that we cannot understand was used, which can gradually hypnotize those who stare at it."

Fatty Wang gasped, "Grandma, is a pair of stone carvings so wicked?"

She looked at Zhou Suyi again, "Thank you."

Hu Bayi took a deep breath, "It seems that this place is more dangerous than we thought. Any negligence may result in loss of life. Thanks to Ms. Yang this time, otherwise the consequences would be disastrous."

Fatty Wang also nodded again and again, "I think this place is very evil, let's leave quickly!"

Both Zhou Suyi and Hu Bayi nodded, wanting to leave this weird water hole quickly.

There was a beach on the edge of the stone platform, and finally there was no need to go into the water, and several people jumped down and continued on their way.

The further you go, the smaller the space.

Hu Bayao: "It seems that the water holes on both sides should be in the shape of a big gourd. We are going to the waist of the gourd!"

Fatty Wang stared at the front, and said with a guilty conscience: "I said, the big hole depicted in the stone carving, could it be the front!"

Zhou Suyi nodded, "It's probably done. Be careful, everyone, there may still be danger inside."

For a while, the three of them cheered up very much.

The three of them arrived at the waist of the gourd after talking. The joint was more than a bulge, more than ten meters high.

A few people climbed up cautiously. Below is a smooth slope covered with moss. As long as you fall down, it may be difficult to get up again.

Zhou Suyi looked forward, it was pitch black, but she could see everything inside.

The water is very calm, nothing.

The water plants, water spiders, and big toads in the previous gourd cave have all disappeared.

The position of the waist of the gourd is like a dividing line between yin and yang, completely dividing the two ends of the gourd into two completely different worlds.

And this dividing line is like a forbidden area for those animals, so those animals dare not approach here.

"Go down?" Fatty Wang said with a suppressed voice.

Just as Zhou Suyi was about to nod, she saw ripples on the water in front of her, as if something had come out from under the water.

"Turn off the lights!" she said hastily.

"Turn off the flashlight? What are you doing?" Fatty Wang was confused.

Hu Bayi directly turned off the flashlight, "Turn it off if you tell me, there's so much nonsense."

The flashlight was turned off, and the surroundings were instantly plunged into darkness.

There was no light at all, as if he had come to a land of nothingness.

The endless darkness makes people feel extremely uncertain.


Hu Bayi and Fatty Wang couldn't see anything, but Zhou Suyi could see clearly, and couldn't help but gasped.

The gasping voice made Hu Bayi and Fatty Wang even more uncertain.

Fatty Wang scratched his ears and cheeks, and couldn't help but want to turn on the flashlight.

But suddenly, bursts of white light lit up on the water in front of him.

The light was colder, but it vaguely illuminated the surroundings.

When Hu Bayi and Fatty Wang saw it, they both gasped.

On the surface of the water not far away, a female corpse emitting white light gradually surfaced, slowly approaching their position.

The female corpse was upside down, her cheeks were blue, her hands and feet were invisible, and she was underwater.

But everyone had seen those reliefs before, and they could imagine the picture of the female corpse's limbs bending backwards, which made people's scalp tingle.

"Damn it, it's that death again, grandma's, I think, let's act first, just shoot her with a gun!" Fatty Wang picked up the gun.

This thing looks scary.

The ghosts and ghosts appear and disappear, which makes people feel extremely uncertain.

But Zhou Suyi hurriedly stopped him, "Don't move, there are more!"

"Also, still!"

Fatty Wang was startled.

This death drift is enough to make people feel uneasy, could there be more?Wouldn't it be the same as in the stone carvings, there are many?

The scene of the densely packed death floats exuding white light and floating on the surface of the water makes one's hair stand on end just thinking about it.

"High-energy early warning ahead, please prepare quick-acting heart-relief pills."

"Hahaha, I'm in school class, I'm not afraid."

"Afraid of a chicken, they are all lovely and beautiful young ladies."

"Damn Mosaic, I'm not with you."

"You guys are so perverted!"


When I got here, looking at the weird scene in front of me, I said I wasn't afraid, but the hearts of the netizens all lifted up, and they were definitely no better than Zhou Suyi and the others.


(End of this chapter)

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