Chapter 284

This time, what appeared on the water was not a body, but a layer.

The cold light is like green lamps in the darkness, but what lies under the green lamps is not a lampstand, but a naked female corpse.

Fatty Wang's hair was about to stand on end.

"Grandma, have we entered the rice dumpling nest? The black donkey doesn't have enough hooves!" Fatty Wang didn't dare to move.

They brought two or three black donkey hooves.

And there are at least a hundred corpses here, or even more, even if two people have one in their mouth, it is not enough at all.


Zhou Suyi swallowed and spit, feeling her scalp go numb.

This is the first time I have seen so many corpses, and it is still in this environment, so don't be too horrified.

None of these female corpses were rotten, and their skins were all intact, and even looked slippery, but it made people feel extremely horrified.

The entire cave was illuminated by cold light, and an unspeakable atmosphere of fear enveloped everyone.

"He's coming towards us, what should we do, let's run!" Fatty Wang said.

Even he retreated, which shows what kind of depressing scene this is.

Hu Bayi said, "Don't worry, it's not for us. According to the stone carvings, these corpses should all enter the cave where the black-faced god is."

"Black-faced god? Is there really a black-faced god?" Zhou Suyi felt guilty.

She thought of the huge black shadow in the cg animation, and trembled unconsciously.

Hu Bayi shook his head, "There is no god, I guess it is something, it is just pretending to be a ghost, let's take a look first, this is probably the passage leading to the tomb of King Xian, if we want to find the tomb of King Xian, we must pass through here .”

Zhou Suyi nodded.

Fortunately, Hu Bayi's calmness gave her some comfort, and the three of them continued to watch quietly and wait for the opportunity.

Sure enough, the corpse did not come at them, but flowed to a nearby cave.

The cave is huge, and under the cold white light, you can see the thick red mist steaming inside, just like the color of fresh blood, giving people an extremely strange feeling.

"It may be poisonous, put on your gas masks!"

Zhou Suyi gained experience this time, so she hurriedly asked someone to wear a gas mask.

Soon, the first corpse floated into the red mist and disappeared, followed by the second and the third.

There seems to be a bloody mouth behind the cave, which can swallow everything.

And as more and more female corpses disappeared, the red mist became thicker and wider.

Zhou Suyi imagined the scene in the cave.

A huge monster resembling a statue outside opened its bloody mouth wide, swallowing female corpses one after another into its stomach, and then spit out a red mist of blood.


The more I think about it, the more terrifying I feel.

"No, this thing can't be imagined!" Zhou Suyi hurriedly shook her head to get rid of these distracting thoughts.


The archaeological team arrived at the corpse platform safely and began to clean up the moss on it.

Chen Yan warned: "For a while, don't stare at those stone carvings. If anyone is tricked, and other people who are not tricked, just slap him quickly, remember?"


Everyone nodded, but they were very nervous.

As the stone carvings were cleaned up, no one dared to look at them.

Chen Yan was the most curious in his heart.

As a professor of archeology, I am most interested in this kind of writing and stone carvings, but I don't dare to look carefully, and I have to look away after a second.

But when he saw the black-faced god, he still frowned slightly, as if he was thinking about something.

clap clap...

But at this moment, Chen Yan felt pain on both cheeks at the same time.

The painful Professor Chen burst into tears.

"What are you doing?" Chen Yan was anxious.

Looking to the side, two apprentices were looking at him worriedly.

"Teacher, you were recruited just now. If it weren't for us, you might have jumped into the water!"

"Yes, teacher, it's so dangerous. This thing is too dangerous!"

Looking at these two people, Chen Yan trembled angrily.

"You two, which eye saw that I was recruited, I was just thinking, thinking!"

Chen Yan was shivering coldly.

He felt that the two apprentices didn't do it on purpose, did they?
Even if it wasn't intentional, with such strength, there was some personal grievance.

Da da da……

And at this moment, there was a burst of gunshots in the water cave.

There was also the faint shouting sound.

The sound gathered in the cave can be heard even if it is far away, but it is hazy and unclear.

At this moment, everyone's hearts were raised again in an instant.

"Yes, it's those two grave robbers, they are in danger!"

As soon as these words came out, everyone was ready to run away.

After all, it's just archaeology, who would risk their lives, Li Dui and the others' end is vividly remembered.

Chen Yan's face changed, and he couldn't care less about reprimanding his two apprentices.

"Quick, quick, be alert, and, quickly turn over the live broadcast and see what happened?"

The staff hurriedly brought Zhou Suyi's live broadcast.

"How do you feel, these two tomb robbers are a bit miserable, this is just a thunder for the archaeological team."

"Uh... Really, the archaeological team is lucky to meet two master tomb robbers, Tiao Lei."

"There's no real black-faced god in there, is there?"

"Watch Sister Zhou's live broadcast, and the answer will be revealed soon!"


Now, the speed of all parties is almost synchronized. Some people directly watch Zhou Suyi's live broadcast on their mobile phones, and watch the archaeological team's live broadcast on their computers.

Fishing at work, skipping classes at school, no one wants to miss this exciting scene.

Zhou Suyi and the others had their hearts raised in their throats.

Seeing the fewer and fewer corpses, Zhou Suyi felt that she couldn't stay any longer.

"I think, let's sneak past that thing without noticing us, and try not to make any noise!"

"Well, I think it's okay!" Fatty Wang immediately nodded in agreement.

Hu Bayi naturally had no objection either.

The three of them stuck tightly to the wall, moving closer to the side little by little, away from the big hole.

"Be careful, don't slide down!" Zhou Suyi reminded.

My heart was in my throat, I felt like I was doing something bad in front of others, and I was careful not to make a sound.

This is the location of the gourd waist, which is itself a slope, covered with moss, very slippery, so be careful with every step you take.

After a while, cold sweat broke out all over his body.

But fortunately, none of the corpses found them.

"Don't have an accident, don't have an accident, if you can pass safely, that's fine!" Zhou Suyi prayed in her heart, the closer she got to the shore below, the more nervous she felt.

"Hey, hey, Hu, give me a hand!"

Something terrible happened, at this moment, Fatty Wang slipped his foot and slipped down.

Hu Bayi rushed to pull it, but the speed of the slide was too fast and he couldn't pull it.


Seeing this scene, Zhou Suyi slapped her thigh.

"I knew it, I knew it would never be so easy, Fatty Wang is the plot trigger!"


(End of this chapter)

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