Chapter 285

I wanted to sneak past this pass quietly, but who would have thought that Fatty Wang would lose the chain again at the critical moment.

Zhou Suyi was so depressed that she wanted to cry.

But it's useless to say anything now.

With the urine nature of this game, even if Fatty Wang doesn't fall, there will definitely be other people who will fall, and they will definitely not be allowed to take advantage of the loopholes to pass this level.


In the next second, Fatty Wang fell into the water.

Hello, this is really a stone that stirred up a thousand waves, and all the female corpses stopped instantly. For a moment, it seemed that there were countless pairs of eyes, all looking at them.

Zhou Suyi felt like her scalp was going to explode.

Now that things were up to now, there was no need to be cautious anymore, and immediately jumped from the top.

Hu Bayi also hurriedly followed.

Zhou Suyi hurriedly looked at Fatty Wang.

She thought to herself that the big pussy pocket before was still light.

If I knew this earlier, I should have hit him a few more times.

Fatty Wang got out of the water, and seeing the female corpses floating around him, his hair stood on end in fright.

"Come up soon!" Hu Bayi shouted.

Fatty Wang was quick-witted, as if his lost soul had returned to his body, and then, without saying a word, he started hopping towards the shore with both hands and feet.

However, just after swimming not far away, female corpses floated in front of him.

"I'm going to fuck you, good dogs don't get in the way!"

Fatty Wang is always extraordinarily courageous in a critical moment, and he swung the black donkey's hoof in his hand and smashed it forward.

The female corpse floated backwards to avoid it.

"Hehe, but that's all. Fat Lord, I have a black donkey's hoof in my hand. Gods block and kill gods, and Buddhas block and kill Buddhas. Wait for the rice dumplings, let Fatty Lord get out of the way, otherwise..."

Otherwise, before he finished speaking, he felt a burst of coolness around him.

Seeing this, I was speechless.

In just a short while, he was completely surrounded by the female corpse, and the surrounding was tight.

Zhou Suyi said heartily, what are you pretending to do at this time, it's okay now, these female corpses can't stand it anymore.

"Old Hu, Brother Yang, help!"

Fatty Wang knew he was scared this time, so he hurriedly called for help.

Hu Bayi hurriedly shouted: "Blood, use blood, our blood can ward off evil spirits, and it will definitely be useful to these corpses!"

"Yes, yes, blood, blood, bloodletting!" Fatty Wang didn't say a word, and immediately started bleeding and sprinkled it around.

"Grandma, Fatty has been cursed, so I ask you if you are afraid!"

Blood flowed horizontally on the palm of his hand, and it was thrown everywhere.

I thought that these corpses would run away like those big toads when they encountered the blood, but the reality is that it is not the case at all.

Instead of avoiding them, these corpses approached even more.

It seemed that the smell of blood attracted them even more.

"Fuck, why is it useless!" Fatty Wang was stunned.

Hu Bayi was also stunned, he didn't expect that this blood was useless at all, it seems that he is still young.

Zhou Suyi covered her face, not knowing what to say.

I am a sinner myself.

Look at the people who fooled the two children, they really took it seriously, if there is anything to do, they will bleed.

Netizens also couldn't laugh or cry, they didn't know what to say.

Sure enough, one lie needs to be covered by countless lies.

"Hey, your blood is not old enough, let me do it!"

Zhou Suyi had no choice but to cut open her palm with a dagger again.


This is really painful.

Every self-mutilation is a great torture.

Moreover, the blood seems to be much less this time.

Obviously, this section of the road has been opened with blood many times, reducing the blood in the body.

This game is still very rigorous, it is impossible for her to take advantage of loopholes.

If the blood is scattered casually, it is really easy to pass the level.

It's okay, just let the blood out.

A handful of blood was spilled over.

Immediately, the surrounding female corpses retreated one after another.

Fatty Wang was overjoyed, "Haha, Brother Yang's blood is old enough. Hey, Brother Yang, let's discuss something. When you do something, can you keep it for me to ward off evil spirits?"

Hearing this, Zhou Suyi was so angry that she wanted to hit someone, she regretted saving this guy, she was so lazy.

"Fuck off!"

Hu Bayi blushed too, he didn't expect Fatty Wang to be so shameless.

But then I heard Fatty Wang say: "What are you thinking? I'm talking about nosebleeds. When you have nosebleeds, keep the nosebleed paper for me!"

"I fucking..."

Zhou Suyi wanted to hit someone, really wanted to hit someone.

Fatty Wang took advantage of this effort to climb up, and Zhou Suyi wanted to give her a kick before going back.

If you still have nosebleeds, go ask those girls in the river for nosebleeds, and make sure you get enough.

Fatty Wang had no self-awareness at all, and his narrow escape made him extremely excited.

"Hey, thanks to Brother Yang, otherwise, Fat Lord, I would have let some female corpses be taken away, and I would be a groom every day!"

"I'm still poor at this time, hurry up and copy the guy!" Hu Ba said.

Zhou Suyi really wanted to kick him back again.

Go back and be your daily groom.

"Fatty Wang really sputters his mouth. If it were me, I wouldn't be able to resist beating him now."

"Speaking of cheap, my fat brother has never been afraid of anyone."

"This heart is really big. If I were in that scene, I would have been scared to pee."

"Hey, anyway, in the water, who knows if this guy was scared to pee."

"High-energy early warning, the Black-faced God has three seconds to arrive on the battlefield."


Fatty Wang's mouth has been cheap for a long time. Ever since Jingjue Ancient City, many players wanted to beat him up. Unfortunately, this guy is very powerful.

New players can't beat it at all.

At this moment, the water surface in the distance suddenly boiled, and at the same time, there was a sharp sound of metal rubbing against the wall, which made people's skin crawl.

"The black-faced god is coming out!" Hu Bayi's face changed drastically.

You can feel it just by listening to the sound, so the one that comes out must be a giant.

Fatty Wang picked up the gun and loaded it directly, "Grandma's, let's fight with him. Fatty, I want to see what is pretending to be a ghost. We have already burned a fake mountain god. I don't mind killing another one."

After finishing speaking, he directly pulled the trigger, and there was a burst of chugs into the depths of the darkness.

The flames spit out, and there was a clanging sound in the distance, as if the bullet had hit some kind of metal.

"Why is it the sound of metal?" Zhou Suyi frowned, and said to herself, could it be that this so-called black-faced god is really a god, and his body is made of metal?

But at this moment, the group of red mist suddenly disappeared, and the sound of metal rubbing also disappeared.

"Fatty, stop hitting, save some bullets!" Hu Bayi hurriedly stopped Fatty Wang.

Fatty Wang proudly said: "What kind of shitty black-faced god, how about it, seeing his bravery and martial arts, didn't you scare him away?"

Zhou Suyi didn't bother to talk to him anymore.

What can be seen will make people afraid, and when this thing disappears, people will feel fear.

It's like catching a centipede in the house. When you see it, at least you have confidence in your heart, but when the centipede disappears, you will feel extraordinarily uncertain.

Zhou Suyi feels this way now.


(End of this chapter)

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