Chapter 286 Dragon Scale Demon Armor
The voice and the red mist disappeared, and the surroundings suddenly became quiet, which made Zhou Suyi and the others even more uncertain.

Zhou Suyi only felt that her heart was in her throat.

"It's nothing, fat man, I just made a slight move, and this **** black-faced god was scared to death!" Fatty Wang was still screaming proudly there.

"Don't be shy, hurry up before that thing comes out!" Hu Ba said.

Zhou Suyi nodded hurriedly, and wanted to leave here quickly.

It would be great if he could leave safely.

But it's not that easy.

At this moment, the water in front of him suddenly exploded.


A gigantic creature rushed out from under the surface of the water.

The three of them gasped, and saw a monster with a golden mask appear in front of them before they could reach the defense.

The golden mask was very similar to the one they got before, but it was many times bigger.

Like a giant's mask.

As the monster spewed out, a large cloud of red mist enveloped them.

"Fuck, can this gas mask hold up?"

Fatty Wang stopped being embarrassing this time.

This red mist looks like a blood mist, covering people directly, who is not afraid.

Zhou Suyi was also shocked.

When he was in Xiye Ancient City, the poisonous mist spit out by the centipede monster could not only enter the body through the respiratory system, but also enter the body through the pores.

Now, they only wear gas masks, and they feel insecure in their hearts.

Fortunately, there seemed to be no problem in a short period of time, and I didn't feel any discomfort.

"This, this, what the hell is this?"

Fatty Wang was stunned as he stared at the huge monster.

Zhou Suyi gasped even more.

The size of this thing is too big, not much worse than the earth dragons I have seen before. Moreover, the most weird thing is that its face is covered with a golden mask, and its body is wearing a layer of bronze scale armor.

The scales of these armors rubbed against each other, making the sound of metal rubbing, which made people's teeth sour and very uncomfortable.

"This should be Huo's Undead Worm. I read it in the book. This kind of bug is called Undead Worm. As long as the body is not completely damaged, it will keep growing and multiplying!" Hu Bayi said quickly.

"Huo's Undead Worm? This nima is big, you tell me it's a bug?"

"Uh...does any god know about this thing?"

"It seems to be a kind of prehistoric creature, also known as the long beetle worm. It has round nerves, no central nervous system, and has a composite cell structure that can divide infinitely. Moreover, the body and nerves of this thing are separated, even if the body dies The nerve will still survive, and then continue to divide and continue to grow a new body."

"Well, what is this Huo's undead worm? It's called immortal worm or undead worm."

"Sure enough, the oxygen content here is high, and this weird thing was born."

"No, forget about the bug, who the hell put a bronze armor on this big bug."


Netizens were amazed, someone really knew something about this thing, but they were even more curious about who put such a strong armor on this Huo's undead insect.

How can this be worn in?

Zhou Suyi and Fatty Wang have never heard of such a thing.

"Go to hell, don't care if he is a god or a bug, kill him!"

Fatty Wang was very straightforward, he picked up his gun and fired a burst.

Da da da……

The bullets poured out and hit the thing, making a clanging sound, and sparks flew everywhere.

This layer of armor is too thick to be pierced at all.

"Get out of the way!"

Although the monster was not injured, it seemed to be provoked, and it was furious, and its huge body ran towards them.

Zhou Suyi hurriedly rushed to the side.

Hu Bayi and Fatty Wang also hurriedly dodged aside.


The thing hit the wall in front of it, and the rocks splashed suddenly, and the movement was unusually loud.

If it is hit, no, let alone being hit, even if it is rubbed, it will be smashed to pieces.

Zhou Suyi rolled on the spot and got up straight away, only to see the monster turn to look at her.

There is only one eye in the middle of the huge golden mask, and there is something like an eyeball that turns around.

The mouth of the mask is in the shape of a tiger's mouth. The bloody mouth looks like a gate to hell, with pink meat membranes exposed inside.

Those fleshy membranes spread out and became square.

There is also the same small mouth inside, it is said to be a small mouth, and it is not a problem to swallow two or three living people at the same time. There is no row of teeth in the mouth, but there is a hard "meat tooth" in each of the four corners of the mouth.

Opening his mouth, another large cloud of red mist sprayed out.

The part of the body exposed to the water is covered with claws, and each claw is as thick as an adult's thigh.

Seeing this, Zhou Suyi couldn't help but gasped.

Originally thought that the earth dragon in Jingjue Ancient City was the ceiling of the animal world, but who would have thought that there is something even more terrifying.

The shape of this thing is countless times more terrifying than that of an earth dragon.

Especially wearing a bronze armor on his body, it looks extremely strange.

"In reality, does such a weird monster really exist?" Zhou Suyi thought with strange eyes.


archaeological team.

Chen Yan and the others were still on the stone platform, and there were endless gunshots and shouting in the depths of the cave.

Coupled with the sound gathering effect of this water hole, it sounds like there are thousands of troops fighting in front of them, as if the fight is extremely fierce.

Everyone's face was extremely ugly.

"Inside, what is there? No, there are really zongzi, right?" Someone said with a guilty conscience, and began to imagine the scene in the water cave. The more he thought about it, the more scared he became.

And with such a big movement, it is not easy to think about the things inside.


Suddenly, there was an explosion inside, obviously the sound of explosives exploding, and the whole water hole trembled.

Everyone was startled again, and the timid ones' legs went limp, and they were so frightened that they knelt on the ground.

"What the hell, what is it? Why did you use explosives and grenades!" Someone was about to cry.

I thought the archaeological team was a fat job with nothing to do, but who would have thought that they would actually risk their lives now, who could bear it.

They all admired the three masters in front of them.

These two are worthy of being masters among tomb robbers.

"Professor Chen, Professor Chen, look quickly, Sister Zhou and the others also met!" The person in charge of watching the live broadcast hurriedly brought a mobile phone for everyone to watch.

At this moment, the monster was rushing out of the water. Its huge body, weird golden mask, and thick copper-rusted dragon-scale demon armor all shocked the visual nerves of everyone present.


There was a sound of gasping for air, and even Chen Yan couldn't help gasping, feeling his thighs shaking non-stop.


(End of this chapter)

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