Chapter 287 Unlucky

Chen Yan felt that in his 30 or [-] years of archaeology, he had seen countless large tombs and small tombs, and he had also seen some anecdotes and strange things. He thought that some old professors had appeared, and he had already seen the world.

However, this trip to the ancient tomb made him doubt his life.

Looking at the huge monster on the screen, is this Nima a monster that can appear in reality?

Doubt life, really have to doubt life.

After the sound of the explosion ended, the front was quieter, only the sound of splashing water.

For a while, no one knew what happened inside.

Did Huo's Undead Kill the two grave robbers, or did the two grave robbers kill the Huo's Undead.

But in their opinion, it should be the former.

After all, it was just two people, even though they had all the equipment in their hands, how could it be possible, absolutely impossible to deal with such a fully armed monster.

Although they all felt in their hearts that these two tomb robbers were really capable, they couldn't be that great.

In this way, these people stayed for a full 10 minutes, and no one spoke, as if they had lost the ability to think.

After a long time, Chen Yan took a deep breath, and finally recovered from the shock, but just as he was about to say something, he suddenly stepped forward, and there was another loud gunshot in front of him.

Everyone's hearts that had just been let go suddenly lifted up again.

They were all stunned, what was the situation, why did they even take an intermission.

What happened again.

This instantly increased the pressure in their hearts, and no one dared to enter rashly.

"What are you waiting for, go and have a look."

"Ah, this...could it be a fight? The two sides have researched it. Is there really a halftime break?"

"I feel that with the pissing nature of this game, there are probably more dangerous things."

"Don't make trouble, Jingjue Ancient City is not that difficult."

"If there are really other dangers, that would be too extreme. Don't leave any way for people to survive!"


Netizens were very curious, thinking that people from the archaeological team could go in to see what happened, and how fierce the two of the third master were.

Unfortunately, no one dared to enter rashly.

This is not a game, if you die, you can still return, but if you die in reality, you are really dead.


Of course Zhou Suyi didn't know what happened here.

Stared at by that monster's one eye, his scalp was about to explode.

The next moment, the monster opened its bloody mouth and bit it.

If it is bitten, it will be swallowed directly without chewing.

Then, Zhou Suyi's brain was a little short-circuited, thinking that she was really swallowed in the stomach, and whether she could cut his stomach open with a knife and escape.

However, looking at the thick dragon scale demon armor, Zhou Suyi couldn't help shaking.

"Miss Yang, get out of the way!"

Seeing that Zhou Suyi was still in a daze, Hu Bayi hurriedly shouted a reminder.

Zhou Suyi hurriedly put away her thoughts and quickly backed away. At the same time, she also took out the Chicago typewriter, aimed directly at the monster's one eye and pulled the trigger.

Da da da……

The bullets poured out, and with the help of the huge rebound force, Zhou Suyi continued to retreat.

Puff puff……

One after another bullets entered the monster's one-eyed eyes, but there was no reaction. The eyes there were clearly a black hole, an abyss that could swallow everything up.

"I'm stupid, it's all right, you are really an immortal!"

Zhou Suyi cursed.

This thing really lived up to its name, but I wasn't too surprised.

It would be outrageous if this thing could be killed easily.

Moreover, the Huo's undead worm has lived underground for countless years, and the eyes may have degenerated long ago, becoming the least important part of the body.

Thinking of this, Zhou Suyi became even more depressed.

How can you beat your mother.

The whole body of this thing is covered with bronze armor, and there is a golden mask on its face. The only weak point is the position of the eyes. It is useless to attack the eyes now, and Zhou Suyi doesn't know where to attack.

Seeing the monster's head flung over, Zhou Suyi could only put away the Chicago typewriter.

But the road on the shore is narrow, and this thing is too big. If you want to dodge it, you have to go into the water, but there are still those terrible female corpses below.

If you enter the water by yourself, you will be trapped in minutes, and you will die faster then.

"By the way, blood!"

Zhou Suyi found that she also had Qilin Blood Dependency.

He didn't dare to hesitate, and hurriedly opened the unhealed wound.


It hurts.

With a bitter face, Zhou Suyi spilled blood.

The blood was splashed on the monster's face, but it had no effect. Instead, it seemed to stimulate the monster and make it more ferocious.

The dense claws linked together and rushed towards Zhou Suyi.

"It's useless!" Zhou Suyi's face suddenly turned pale.

Seeing that the monster was about to charge over, Zhou Suyi's body was thrown into the air in desperation.

"Kui Xing kicks!"

She used her most powerful move.

This move directly hit the golden mask.

The golden masks are slightly dented, but the difference is still too much.

However, with the help of the huge rebound force, Zhou Suyi flew upside down, but was saved from being swallowed by the monster.

"Miss Yang!" Hu Bayi panicked.

When they dodged just now, they hid on the other side with Fatty Wang, but now seeing Zhou Suyi feeling overwhelmed, they suddenly became anxious.

"Fatty, hurry up and hold him back!"

"Okay, don't worry, Fatty, I'll give him a cannonball!"

Fatty Wang took out a grenade.

These are all trophies collected from that plane, but there are not many, and after so many years, no one is sure whether they can still be used.

Fatty Wang pulled out the safety of the grenade, and threw it at the monster.

"Cover your ears!"

He yelled and quickly covered his ears.

Hu Bayi also hurriedly covered his ears.

This is a water hole with a strong sound gathering effect. If you don't protect it, your ears may be shaken.

The grenade fell on the monster.

Fatty Wang was a little excited as he counted the time.

He likes things like blowing up firecrackers.

When the time came, Fatty Wang shouted excitedly, "Blow me up!"

Everyone's heart trembled, and they made meticulous preparations.

Even the netizens unconsciously covered their ears, as if they were afraid of being shocked.

Momentum is up.

However, the grenade did not sound.

"Blow it up, blow it up, blow it up for me!" Fatty Wang shouted depressed, as if he was cheering up the grenade, but the grenade still didn't explode.

"Damn it, he's a little bit unlucky, I met a dumb guy, don't worry, come again!"

He took out another grenade and threw it out again.

Zhou Suyi landed steadily on the ground, backed up again and again, and at the same time felt a little numbness in her legs.

This move is powerful, but it is a bit useless.

Seeing that the monster charged up again without giving him a chance, he felt very anxious. When he heard that Fatty Wang used a grenade to help him attract the monster's attention, he had some expectations.

However, after waiting for a while, I heard that the voice was hoarse, and I became anxious immediately.

And the monster had already arrived in front of her at this moment.


(End of this chapter)

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