Chapter 288
Seeing the monster approaching her again, Zhou Suyi felt anxious.

Hearing that Fatty Wang wanted another one in the distance, she hurriedly shouted: "Fatty, don't let your shit luck come again, let Lao Hu do it!"

Let a plot trigger to delay time, what good things can be dragged out.

In Zhou Suyi's mind, Hu Bayi is more reliable.

"Brother Yang, don't worry, it will definitely work this time!" Fatty Wang really didn't believe in evil, and took out another grenade and threw it out.

"I don't care about your mother's legs!" Zhou Suyi felt like scolding her in her heart.

There is really not much time left for her.

"Blow me up!"

Suddenly, Fatty Wang gave another shout of excitement.

Then, it was still calm there, and there was no explosion at all.

"Fuck, he's dumb, Laomei, he's unreliable, it's no fault of me!" Fatty Wang shouted depressed, not forgetting to clear his responsibilities.

"I knew it, my mother knew it!" Zhou Suyi wanted to hit someone angrily.

At this moment, the monster had already arrived in front of her, and its huge body crushed it directly.

In desperation, Zhou Suyi hurriedly took out the vajra umbrella and blocked it in front of her.


Zhou Suyi only felt that both arms lost feeling, and then she flew upside down like an offline kite, and fell into the river with a plop.

"Miss Yang!" Hu Bayi's eyes were red, and he took out a grenade from Fatty Wang's backpack, pulled out the insurance and threw it out.

The monster was condescending, opened its bloody mouth, and bit the river, as if it wanted to swallow Zhou Suyi.

And at this moment, a loud bang sounded behind him.


The sound of the explosion echoed throughout the water cave, and boulders fell from it from time to time.

The monster's body stopped suddenly, and it roared angrily.

Part of the bronze scale armor was blown away at the location of the explosion, and a wound the size of a water tank was blown nearby, bloody and bloody.

But compared to the huge figure of the monster, it's really nothing.

However, it really bought Zhou Suyi a certain amount of time.

Zhou Suyi got out from under the water surface. The explosion just now was isolated by the water, but it was not affected.

"Fuck, why, I feel like this grenade is targeting me deliberately!"

As soon as he got out, he heard the sound of Fatty Wang pulling his neck and shouting.

Zhou Suyi couldn't help but rolled her eyes, what kind of luck do you have, don't you have any clues in your mind.

Even the mandrill is pretending to be you, if you don't pretend to be someone else, don't you have any clues?
The monster turned around and looked for Hu Bayi and Fatty Wang behind him.

Zhou Suyi took the opportunity to swim to the shore.

However, those female corpses didn't know if they were really conscious or just a coincidence, they all floated to her side, preventing her from leaving.

Surrounded by pale female corpses and still in the water, it doesn't feel very good.

"Go away!"

But now is not the time to be afraid, Zhou Suyi swept her hands forward, and some blood finally flowed from the unhealed wound.

The female corpses retreated immediately.

Taking advantage of this time, Zhou Suyi hurried ashore, and at the same time shouted into the distance: "No, this thing's defense is too strong, and we have to use the old method to try to throw the grenade into its mouth. You give the grenade to it!" Me, I'll do it!"

"Okay, just wait, I'll send it to you right away!" Hu Bayi shouted.

Just in case, I took out all the few grenades that were left.

The two wanted to sneak past.

However, this monster's body is too huge, and its body is almost close to the stone wall. If it passes by, it may be crushed to death if it is not careful.

If he died like this, there would really be nowhere to cry.

Fatty Wang was depressed, "No, I can't make it through, unless I swim in the water. However, our blood has no effect on those dead people. If I had known, I would have asked Brother Yang to put more blood on his body for backup!"

Hu Bayi looked ahead, gritted his teeth, and ran towards the monster.

"Old Hu, what are you doing?"

"If you can't get past the side, then crawl over!" Hu Bayi's eyes were firm.

"Climb, climb up?" Fatty Wang was startled.

This monster is always moving, it's okay to climb up, if it falls, it will be trampled into meat paste by those dense and thick legs in minutes.

However, before he could say anything, Hu Bayi had already run over.

Seeing the right opportunity, he ran quickly and pounced on the monster, grabbing the scales on the monster's body.

Fortunately, there are gaps between these scales, which gave Hu Bayi a chance.

In the blink of an eye, Hu Bayi has already climbed up. His skills are also very good, and he is very flexible. His hands and feet are very nimble.

But the closer to the head, the more violent the vibration.

He nearly fell down several times, and Fatty Wang broke out in a cold sweat when he saw it.

In front, the monster didn't attack Hu Bayi and the others, it seemed to have spotted Zhou Suyi.

As soon as Zhou Suyi climbed out of the water, the monster attacked again.

"Damn, it's too deceiving!"

Zhou Suyi was also furious at being bullied, she gritted her teeth and stomped her feet, instead of retreating, she rushed over, dodged the big mouth, took out the little sharp point and chopped at the monster's foot.


Xiao Shenfeng is really sharp.

This blow almost cut off one of the monster's legs.

However, the shortcoming is also obvious, too short.

If it was longer, it would not be a problem to cut off the monster's feet directly.

However, even so, it was useless.

This thing didn't seem to know what pain felt like, it was completely ignorant, and its densely packed feet stepped over it.

Zhou Suyi had been prepared for a long time, she had already taken out the probing claw in her hand, and threw it towards the monster.

The Yin-exploring claw got stuck in a scale, and Zhou Suyi used her arms to fly up suddenly, avoiding the trampling of those feet.

At the same time, he quickly climbed up, ready to meet Hu Bayi.

"You said, can sister Zhou pass by once this time?"

"Once? What a beautiful dream, this thing is so scary, let alone once, I feel lucky to be able to pass ten times."

"Why do I feel that there is something interesting? The current sister Zhou is much more powerful than when she was in Jingjue Ancient City, and she has rich experience, and she also cooperates with Hu Bayi and the others tacitly. I really have a chance."

"This is true, with various data bonuses and the blessing of Qilin blood, it is quite powerful, but this thing is too scary, I think it is hanging."


This time, what netizens care about is not whether they can pass the test, but whether they can pass it at one time.

After all, the game can be tried many times. If this plan fails, the next plan will always be a reliable one.

But if you pass the level once, it will be different.

This is also an achievement, if it can be achieved, even netizens will be excited and excited.


(End of this chapter)

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