Chapter 289
Zhou Suyi quickly climbed up, and because of her flexible body and extremely fast speed, she soon reached the position of the monster's mouth.

At this moment, the quadrangular mouthparts opened, and a long tongue protruded from it, directly curling towards Zhou Suyi.

Many times of narrow escapes and tooth extraction, Zhou Suyi has practiced the kung fu of staying calm in the face of danger. Seeing that the tongue came almost instantly, Zhou Suyi did not panic at all.

Almost instantly, she slashed over with the small god's blade.

"I can't cut off your armor, but I can't cut off your tongue!" Zhou Suyi sneered.

A cold light flashed.

Xiao Shenfeng is invincible, cutting iron like mud is no joke.


This knife is extremely accurate.

Before the snake-like tongue could wrap around Zhou Suyi, it was cut off by Zhou Suyi.

This time, the monster was furious, and its huge head began to shake, trying to throw Zhou Suyi off.

Although this thing is huge in size, compared with humans, its movements are much clumsy.

Zhou Suyi clung to the rope tightly, her body swayed left and right.

On the other side, Hu Bayi also climbed to the position of the monster's head. When the monster shook his head, he couldn't stand still, and his body slid down directly.

"Old Hu, be careful!"

Fatty Wang's heart was raised in his throat.

This monster is lying on its stomach, and its body is seven or eight meters high. If it falls, it will feel uncomfortable.

What's more frightening is that there are too many of these things, densely packed, as long as it is stepped on, it is estimated that it will be directly trampled into meat sauce.

Fortunately, the moment Hu Bayi slipped, he grabbed the scales of the dragon-scale demon armor and stabilized his figure. He didn't dare to waste time, and hurriedly continued to climb up.

However, the monster seemed to sense danger, and its head shook even more violently.

Zhou Suyi only pulled the probing claw, her body had nowhere to use her strength, her body swayed like a swing, and almost hit the nearby stone wall a few times.

If this is bumped into, it will definitely not feel good.

Not to mention broken bones and tendons, it will definitely not get better.

Zhou Suyi wants to change this situation, but there is no good way at present, at least hanging on it, the monster's big mouth can't bite her.

However, the monster seemed to have discovered the problem, it stopped suddenly, and then adjusted the direction of shaking.

This time it was shaking back and forth.

As soon as Zhou Suyi's expression changed, her body swung forward.

Then, the monster opened its mouth wide, and rushed forward with one bite.

"Fuck, it can still be like this, this **** is a bug!"

Zhou Suyi is going to scold her.

This thing is actually much smarter than expected, and you know you can't eat it by shaking it from side to side, so you can shake it back and forth.

In this way, as long as she moves forward a little, when Zhou Suyi swings back again, she has to directly and actively drop it into its mouth.

For a moment, Zhou Suyi was anxious and was about to let go.

And at this moment, he saw several black shadows flying down from above his head.

"Miss Yang, catch it!"

She looked up, and found that it was Hu Bayi who took advantage of the moment when the monster stopped, and climbed to the top of the monster's head, and threw out two grenades.

Seeing those two grenades, Zhou Suyi instantly changed her mind and was about to pull out her teeth.

"Damn it, fight hard, it's a big deal, unlock the way to die again!"

This time, Zhou Suyi decided to fight.

Being able to always give her a lot of courage, this is the benefit of the game, it is much easier than reality.

Instead of letting go of the rope, she adjusted the direction, grabbed the two grenades, and pulled the safety off.

"I hope I won't be as unlucky as Fatty Wang, Ou Huang possessed me." Zhou Suyi said silently in her heart.

With a shake of his hand, the probing claws caught on the monster flew back, but the trend of his body did not decrease, and he was still flying towards the monster.

The monster opened its bloody mouth wide, waiting for the food to come to its door.

But Zhou Suyi didn't wait for it, but waited for two black grenades, which flew directly into its stomach.

Zhou Suyi threw out the Yin-Detecting Claw again, this time backwards.

Needless to say, several weapons such as the Yin-Exploring Claw and Vajra Umbrella have been used by her with great proficiency.

The Yin-Exploring Claw accurately grasped a piece of rock high in the sky.

"Old Hu, jump!"

Zhou Suyi shouted.

Killing monsters is not the ultimate goal. The ultimate goal is to kill monsters without causing casualties.

So, at this moment, she thought a lot.

The monster must be killed, but Hu Bayi cannot die.

The monster's head was more than ten meters above the ground.

It is obviously too late to wait for the explosion to escape.

Hu Bayi did not hesitate, chose to trust Zhou Suyi, gritted his teeth, and jumped forward.

This meant that it was Hu Bayi who came up, if it was Fatty Wang who was afraid of heights, it would be over.

Seeing that Zhou Suyi was about to fall into the monster's mouth, the four buds at the corners of the mouth were ready to move.

Netizens were all sweating for Zhou Suyi.

All of this just happened in a short moment. Everyone was so nervous that they couldn't breathe, and they didn't blink their eyes, for fear of missing an important shot.

"Friendly reminder, you can breathe here."

"This is really a tiger's mouth pulling teeth. These two grenades must go off."

"It's over, it's over, I let you fight monsters, I didn't let you die together."

"No, sister Zhou, escape!"


Countless netizens clench their fists subconsciously at this moment, really sweating for Zhou Suyi.

It's because Zhou Suyi's falling speed is too fast.

In the blink of an eye, it was near his mouth, but at this moment, Zhou Suyi didn't panic.

Moreover, she found that instead of panicking, she was calm, as if she was already enjoying this adventure.

A large amount of adrenaline is secreted, and the secretion of dopamine also increases.

"Kui Xing kicks!"

At the moment when he was about to fall in, he used Kuixing Kick Dou again.

This kick happened to hit the upper jaw of the monster's golden mask.


The golden mask was dented a little more.

Zhou Suyi only felt that her feet and legs had lost consciousness, but the castration stopped instantly, and then she didn't dare to stop, her arms exerted strength again, and with the help of the rope, her body suddenly flew backwards.

The monster opened its mouth, intending to swallow Zhou Suyi, but it felt the prey in its mouth and escaped, which made it furious.

With a roar, a large amount of red mist spewed out of his mouth.

Countless legs moved together, and they chased after Zhou Suyi in the direction where Zhou Suyi flew out. Their big mouths opened, waiting to swallow Zhou Suyi.

At this time, Hu Bayi had already jumped down, his body fell freely, and fell rapidly toward the bottom.


Zhou Suyi's body happened to intersect with Hu Bayi's, and he grabbed Hu Bayi's hand, and the two bodies stagnated in the air for a moment.

It was such a moment that made people's hearts rise to their throats.

A big mouth bit down again.


(End of this chapter)

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