Chapter 290

When Hu Bayi jumped down, he was caught by Zhou Suyi.

Both bodies froze for a moment.

The Yin-exploring claw also loosened for a while, almost falling off.

Fortunately, the game is produced and the quality is very good.

The monster opened its bloody mouth again, and it was about to bite down, and it was bound to swallow the two of them.

Fortunately, at this time Zhou Suyi and Hu Bayi started to swing back with the help of the rope, and almost swung forward again close to the monster's big mouth.

This kind of way of picking chestnuts out of the fire, the people who watched it really forgot to breathe, and they were so nervous that they couldn't be more nervous.

And at this moment, Zhou Suyi saw a flash of fire at the monster's throat.


This should be the best news that Zhou Suyi has seen in this short moment.

Fortunately, I am lucky.

At least one of the two grenades exploded.

Immediately afterwards, there was a muffled bang in the monster's stomach, and the monster's body shook violently and stopped in place.

And Zhou Suyi and Hu Bayi flew away in an instant.


The two fell into the water together.

It all happened so fast, it was like adding a slow motion.

The place under the monster's head exploded directly, and yellow juice and minced meat flew, accompanied by bursts of red smoke, which looked disgusting.

Fortunately, Zhou Suyi and Hu Bayi fell into the water and escaped unharmed.

Fatty Wang in the back was covered in minced meat and mucus, which made this guy so disgusting that he almost vomited.

The two fell into the water, and the monster's body also fell down.

clap la la...

Before the two of them could react, they were blown away by the waves and hit the shore, which saved a lot of trouble.

"I'm stupid, awesome, awesome, Brother Yang, Lao Hu, you two are so handsome!"

Seeing that the two really killed the monster, Fatty Wang ran over excitedly.

Zhou Suyi let out a long breath.

The tense nerves suddenly relaxed, and it felt a little unreal.

"It was really killed, and, once, it succeeded!"

At this moment, Zhou Suyi was excited and had a strong sense of accomplishment.

But when I recalled everything just now, I still felt a wave of fear.

In that short moment, she was licking blood almost every second. If she were to do it again, she might not be able to do better.

Immediately, there was a nasty smell.

"Hey, Fatty, hurry up and wash in the river, it's too smelly!" Zhou Suyi looked at Fatty Wang with disgust.

Fatty Wang didn't take it seriously, "Take it, I don't want to be dragged by those female corpses to be a groom every day, Brother Yang, you were so handsome just now!"

[Fatty Wang's recognition +1]

[Hu Bayi recognition +1]

The data rose again, and Zhou Suyi felt elated.

"It's awesome, it's really awesome. In this wave, sister Zhou is really handsome."

"Good guy, my heart is still beating, and I really showed the blood licking from the knife to the fullest."

"Is this still Sister Zhou? Since when did Sister Zhou become so daring."

"Hahaha, I remember the first time I watched Sister Zhou play, I was scared to see a psychiatrist. This growth is really too fast."

"That's right, sister Zhou, but I watched her grow up with my own eyes."


Netizens really want to pay their respects.

As for the operation just now, even if any link goes wrong, they will surely die.

Zhou Suyi was able to make a series of countermeasures so calmly, and she still didn't forget to save Hu Bayi, which is a bit scary.

Chen Yan and the others were dumbfounded watching the live broadcast. They were also very nervous just now.

Then he thought that he might be able to kill that monster by following Zhou Suyi's method.

However, after this operation, everyone was confused.

How can this fucker copy homework, it is simply impossible to copy, even if the special forces come, they will be given for nothing.

At this moment, the gunfire in front suddenly stopped.

The sudden silence once again made everyone uncomfortable.

"Why, again, it's over again, this time, who is dead?" Someone timidly asked.

"No, it's halftime again."

They're all getting a little deranged.


Being praised by the two, Zhou Suyi was of course flattered in her heart, but when she turned her head, she saw that the gas mask was gone from Hu Bayi's face.

It should have been washed away by the strong current when it just fell into the water.

"Old Hu, your gas mask!" Zhou Suyi's face suddenly changed.

No, no, after finally killing this monster, it’s so difficult to do it all over again?
If this is the case, Zhou Suyi will really go crazy.

Fatty Wang's face was also pale.

"Old Hu!" The voice was choked with sobs.

Only then did Hu Bayi realize that the gas mask was missing.

At this moment, there is red mist everywhere here. If it is really poisonous, it will definitely die.

"No, something is wrong, this red mist doesn't seem to be poisonous." Hu Ba said.

It's been a while since I went ashore, but at the moment I don't feel any discomfort, and there is no sign of poisoning at all.

"No, no poison?" Fatty Wang was surprised.

Zhou Suyi also looked surprised.

"It's unscientific. This is not the character of this game. The mist is so red, but it's not poisonous?" She couldn't believe it.

In the past, according to the urine nature of this game, you will never be left behind wherever you can live on the whole.

Hu Bayi felt it carefully again, "It should really be non-poisonous, otherwise, I wouldn't feel it now. I guess, this red mist is not a poison, but a special gas that can change the air here. structure!"

"So, the animals here are all so big, and it has something to do with the red mist emitted by this monster?" Fatty Wang said.

Hu Ba nodded.

Zhou Suyi thought everything.

However, since the red mist is really not poisonous, she also breathed a sigh of relief, after all, there is no need to come from it again.

Fatty Wang tore off the gas mask.

"Hey, since it's not poisonous, Fatty, I don't want to take this thing with me!" He looked at the monster again, "I said, should we kill this thing?"

Hu Bayao: "Not necessarily, the centipede is dead but not stiff. This thing is called undead, so it doesn't die so easily!"

The three of them got closer and found that the exposed part of the monster's carapace had changed from red to light red.

The area under the head was blown apart, but even so, some parts of the body were still moving, obviously not completely dead.

"Fuck, it's true!" Fatty Wang cursed.

Zhou Suyi kicked away a fragment of the bronze armor with her foot, and found something engraved on it.

"Come and see, there's still something painted on it!"

The two walked over, but Fatty Wang couldn't understand.

Hu Bayi made a careful distinction and said: "This is called a soul poking talisman. It is a kind of talisman in the Shushu, and it is a vicious magic technique used to seal the dead soul!"

"This old Xian Wang is so damn wicked, he won't let go of even a bug. If I was born in that era, Fatty, I would be the first to turn against him!"

As soon as Fatty Wang finished speaking, the monster's body suddenly trembled violently, as if it had faked a corpse, and the three of them backed away in fright.


(End of this chapter)

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