Chapter 291
No one expected that the half-dead insect suddenly started to move again, which shocked the three of them.

Netizens were also taken aback by this sudden corpse fraud.

Some people almost threw away their phones.

"Fuck, it's said that animals are the best at pretending to be dead. Could it be that they pretend to be dead on purpose to attract us and wipe them out?" Zhou Suyi suddenly had this thought in his mind.

After all, I have seen a lot of things about the animal world.

Many animals do this behavior.

Therefore, she reacted strongly and grabbed Hu Bayi.

It was obviously a woman, but she was holding a [-]-jin burly man back in a daze.

This picture is really very funny.

Fatty Wang's reaction was okay, he raised his gun and was ready to shoot.

Hu Bayi thought for a while? ? ?
He also remembered a sentence, it was said by the fat man, if he is really with Miss Yang in the future, he will not be domestically abused, right?
Immediately afterwards, the head of the Huo's undead worm lifted, and it swelled up, as if a person was nauseated.

Then with a wow, he vomited out all the female corpses he had swallowed before.

These female corpses no longer had a cool light, they were all wrapped in disgusting mucus, Zhou Suyi and Hu Bayi ran far away, but they were not affected.

But Fatty Wang suffered a lot, the mucus was not wasted at all, it was all sprayed on Fatty Wang.

With the soaring stench, Zhou Suyi was so far away that she almost vomited.

Fatty Wang was numb standing there, and a sentence probably came to his mind at this moment.

"Disgusting mother cries in disgust, disgusting to death."

Nude corpses fell on him one after another. If it was normal, Fatty Wang, who is known as Wang Bold, might take advantage of the situation to touch a few to try his hand.

This is a girl from thousands of years ago, who can have such a good opportunity.

But now, the body of this female body is covered with mucus, and the stench is so stinking, it really doesn't make people interested at all.

After the corpses fell down, a huge bronze box spit out from the mouth of Huo's Undead Worm.

Fatty Wang was still in a daze wondering about his life.

Then there was a bang, and the bronze box fell right next to him.

Fatty Wang's body trembled suddenly, as if he just came back to his senses.

The bronze box hit the ground, smashing a female corpse into a meat paste, and the rotten pieces of meat flew horizontally, splashing everywhere. The feeling was simply indescribable.

Add to that the stinky smell.


vomit... vomit...

Zhou Suyi retched for a while, and then couldn't help it, she ran to the side and vomited.

"This, no..."

He wanted to calm down and express himself, but the smell was too strong and the visual impact was too strong, so he couldn't hold back, and ran to the side and vomited.

Not to mention netizens.

Across the screen, it seemed that the stench could be smelled.

There was also the sticky liquid and rotten pieces of meat, many people couldn't bear it, and ran directly to the bathroom to vomit.

"Okay, it's really disgusting. Damn open the door for nausea. It's disgusting."

"Please, I'm eating snail noodles, you can kill me."

"Good, good, very good, I can lose weight happily today."

"Is it because of my heart? Why does it smell so bad? Damn it, my dog ​​vomited!"


It took a while for Zhou Suyi to recover, and turned to look at Fatty Wang.

I saw Fatty Wang looking at her and Hu Bayi with resentment on his face.

"It's fading, it's fading, it's fading, Brother Yang, you actually don't care about me!"

At this moment, Fatty Wang's face was full of grievances.

Zhou Suyi only pulled Hu Bayi and didn't pull him, which caused great trauma to his heart.

Zhou Suyi was somewhat embarrassed.

"Hehe, that, if you survive a catastrophe, you will have a future!" She said awkwardly.

Hu Bayi spread his hands and looked aggrieved, probably meaning to say that it has nothing to do with me, I was taken away by the rapture, and I was the passive one.

However, Zhou Suyi still underestimated Fatty Wang's mentality.

He actually nodded in agreement, "Well, you're right, if you survive a catastrophe, you will have future blessings. Damn it, there must be treasures in this box!"

After speaking, the guy looked at the box next to him with golden eyes.

Zhou Suyi...

She and Hu Bayi looked at each other, and Hu Bayi smiled awkwardly, "He, that's it, as long as there is a baby, let alone the mucus, it is..."

He wanted to say that shit hit him all over without blinking.

But think about it, on this occasion, don't mention shit and fart, it's too inopportune.

Zhou Suyi silently gave Fatty Wang a thumbs up.

With this mentality, awesome!
If she had been Fatty Wang, she would probably have committed suicide at this moment.

"I said, you two don't stand still, come and help me to see how to open this box!" Fatty Wang fiddled with it for a while, but found that the box couldn't be opened at all.

Zhou Suyi really didn't want to go there, after all, it was too disgusting.

But when I thought that this box was spit out from the monster's stomach, I felt that it must be not easy, so I could only bite the bullet and walked over.

Looking at the keyhole of the bronze box, "Hey, do you guys think that the shape of the keyhole seems familiar?"

"Does it look familiar? Isn't it just a big hole?" Fatty Wang wondered.

Hu Bayi also looked suspicious, as if he didn't see anything.

Zhou Suyi stared at the keyhole, and the more she looked at it, the more familiar it became. Suddenly, her eyes lit up, "It's the dragon and tiger scepter, the dragon and tiger scepter we got from the high priest's coffin!"


They hurriedly took out the dragon and tiger scepter, looked at the keyhole, and it was true.

"Fuck, this should be a key, waiting for us here!" Fatty Wang's eyes widened.

Zhou Suyi was even more surprised.

I used to think that the level of the big banyan tree was too dangerous, so I thought about giving up, but who would have thought that the things there were actually key props.

If you give up, you won't be able to open the box at this level, and you won't know what's inside.

Netizens were also shocked.

No one thought that the interlocking plots were waiting here.

"Hey, hurry up, leave the task of opening the treasure chest to me, Fatty, I have suffered so many crimes, I will definitely be able to open a treasure that defies heaven!" Fatty Wang couldn't wait, kept stopping, excited The appearance is estimated to be more exciting than marrying a wife.

"Well, this opportunity must be given to you, otherwise, I'll feel really bad!" Zhou Suyi nodded.

She felt sorry for Fatty Wang.

Toss the child like this, let him be happy.

But Hu Bayi stopped him and said: "Don't worry, it's a dragon, a tiger, it's a problem to insert the first one. If the order is wrong, this box may never be opened!"

Hearing this, Fatty Wang wilted again.

The child's happiness disappeared in an instant.


(End of this chapter)

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