Chapter 292 Atlantis

Zhou Suyi really never thought about it, there is still something special about using a key to open a box.

According to her thinking, anyway, the dragon head and the tiger head are different, so just insert it directly and it's over.

Fatty Wang wilted, feeling that all the happiness had disappeared.

"Hey, old Hu, it's up to you!"

Zhou Suyi felt sorry for Fatty Wang, and hurriedly asked, "Old Hu, you are best at this kind of thing. Which one do you think should be put first?"

Hu Bayi smiled wryly, "I don't know about this, I can only try!"

Upon hearing this, Zhou Suyi was not in a hurry, "Anyway, it's just a try, so let Fatty try it!"

Hearing this, Fatty Wang burst into tears with excitement.

"Brother Yang, thank you for trusting me so much!"

Seeing his appearance, Zhou Suyi didn't know what to say.

Hu Bayi also nodded, "Okay, fat man, then you come!"

"Okay, thank you two big brothers for your trust. Don't worry, I, Fatty Wang, have nothing but luck!" Fatty Wang patted his chest with a confident look.

Zhou Suyi almost couldn't help rolling her eyes.

Forget who threw two grenades just now and they didn't explode?

Also very lucky.

However, this luck is really overwhelming, two of them are dumb mines, and most people really don't have such luck.

"Don't worry, even if you can't open it, we won't blame you!" Zhou Suyi gave Fatty Wang a comforting smile.

Fatty Wang felt it was good to be trusted, and then he inserted the dragon and tiger scepter into it.

A stream of black water flowed out of the keyhole, and immediately after, the sound of the machine amplifier running came from inside.

clap clap clap...


Zhou Suyi's eyes lit up, and she thought to herself, has Fatty Wang finally changed his luck?
However, there was a sound, but the box did not open.

"What's the matter, open it, isn't it rusted?" Fatty Wang patted the lid of the box and kicked it twice, but the box didn't respond.

Zhou Suyi's eyes suddenly became strange.

Hu Bayi sighed, "Hey, it must have been plugged in wrongly, this box is completely locked!"

"Fuck, no way, it must be rusted to death, the big deal, there is a grenade, just blow it up!" Fatty Wang certainly refused to admit that it was his bad luck.

It will explode immediately.

Zhou Suyi sighed, it was still a wrong payment after all.

Believing in Fatty Wang's luck is the most unwise thing in the world.

Besides, this guy has cheated me so many times, why do I feel sorry for him, isn't this making it more difficult for me?

"Old Hu, do you still have a grenade? Give me one, grandma's. Fatty, I have to blow it up today!" Fatty Wang couldn't hold back his face.

Hu Bayi took out two grenades.

"There are only two left!"

"That's enough, Fat Master, I'll let him see what it means to have ten thousand peach blossoms bloom."

In the end, before Fatty Wang took it, Zhou Suyi grabbed the grenade and pulled out the insurance.

"Fuck, Brother Yang, what are you doing?"

Seeing this scene, both Fatty Wang and Hu Bayi were frightened.

Before they could dodge, Zhou Suyi pulled the safety button and let go of her fingers. What is this for?
Even if the box is not opened, there is no need to commit suicide.

"Hey, let's start again, let's destroy, let's die together, good brothers, we must be neat and tidy!" Zhou Suyi sighed.

She doesn't feel anything, just do it all over again.

But Fatty Wang and Hu Bayi were shocked.

"It's over, it's over, Brother Yang is bewitched!"

As soon as the sound fell, there was a loud bang, and all three of them were blown to pieces.

【game over】

After quitting the game again, Zhou Suyi sighed.

Well, another way to die has been unlocked.

"Hey, after dying so many times and changing so many ways of dying, I think Lin Mu should give me a lifetime death achievement award."

Thinking of Lin Mu, Zhou Suyi became worried again, and then habitually dialed Lin Mu's number again, but no one answered.

This made her even more worried about Lin Shu's safety.


At this moment, abroad, on the sea.

A large salvage ship was floating on the sea, and in a box in the ship, Lin Shu was sitting there leisurely drinking red wine.

Across from him sat a man wearing a golden mask.

The man was wearing a crisp suit and was staring at the trees.

Lin Mu held the wine glass and raised it to the man in the golden mask, "I said Lao Huang, if it doesn't work, just take off this mask, you said, you can only watch me drink such a good red wine, aren't you greedy/ "

"I'm not called Lao Huang, call me Pharaoh!" Pharaoh's voice was obviously full of anger.

That's right, the man with the golden mask is the Pharaoh.

From that day when Lin Mu asked the digger to contact Pharaoh, unexpectedly, Pharaoh responded quickly and sent someone to pick up Lin Mu immediately.

Of course, those people would not trust Lin Mu.

But Rinpoche's excuses and reasons are solid.

After all, even the police now suspect that he is a tomb robber, but there is no evidence, and he himself told the pharaohs that he is a tomb robber, and he said everything with his nose and eyes, and the pharaohs naturally couldn't doubt it .

It took some time to get inside the enemy.

Those people obviously won't trust him easily.

Therefore, Lin Mu declared that he could find the disappeared Atlantis, which made the Pharaoh look at him with admiration, and the present scene happened.

"Hehe, it's not his real name anyway, so it doesn't matter what it's called, right, Lao Huang!" Lin Mu said carelessly.

The Pharaoh's chest heaved violently.

Even with his current status, he has already mastered Qi Cultivation Kungfu, but facing Lin Shu, he still couldn't help being impulsive.

"You'd better pray that you can really find Atlantis, otherwise, you know what will happen to you!" Pharaoh said.

"Oh, don't be so angry, I'm not stupid, if I can't find it, I will come to you stupidly?" Lin Mu took a sip of red wine.

It is said that this is the real 82 Lafite, and the taste is really good.

"Old Huang, just put your heart in your stomach. If we cooperate, it will definitely be a win-win situation. When we find Atlantis, we will dig the Mausoleum of the First Emperor. Don't worry, I know a secret way." , can go in quietly, and when the time comes, you will still be called Pharaoh, then I will be able to be called Shi Huangdi!"

Lin Mu spoke very excitedly, as if looking forward to the future.

These words moved Pharaoh slightly.

He is famous all over the world for stealing Tutankhamun's pyramid and taking away the golden mask, and has unparalleled fame.

If it is possible to steal the Mausoleum of Qin Shihuang in the Great Xia Kingdom, it will be another great feat and will be well known by the world.

At his position, money and the like have long been ignored.

What is important is to make some great achievements, such as finding Atlantis, such as stealing the Mausoleum of Qin Shihuang, and the arrival of Lin Shu just fits his wishes, so the two sides can reach a cooperation so quickly.

"found it!"

Suddenly, Lin Mu, who was drinking, put down his glass, and his face became serious.

The Pharaoh frowned slightly, and he couldn't believe that Lin Mu could find Atlantis, which had disappeared without common sense, by sitting here without doing anything.

But the various magical skills this guy showed before made him believe it.


(End of this chapter)

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