Chapter 293 Scared to Death, Scared to Death

Zhou Suyi committed suicide in the game and came back again. Chen Yan and the others saw no other dangers, and the movement in the cave had disappeared for a while.

This left each of them scratching their heads.

I wanted to go in and see what happened, but I didn't dare, for fear of any danger.

Don't go and see it, my heart is really itchy.

Moreover, after such a long time, if the third master and the other two are not dead, there must be a long distance between them again. At that time, if there is anything in front of them, they will really not be able to get any of them ah.

"Professor Chen, what should we do now? Are we still waiting?" someone asked.

Professor Chen was very depressed.

A person who listened decisively at first, is now stunned into a difficult choice. He can't make up his mind at all, and he doesn't know what to do.

After hesitating for a long time, the others did not dare to make a decision.

Finally, Professor Chen gritted his teeth, "Take three people and me in to check the situation. Everyone else should stay here and wait for orders."

"Professor Chen, you can't go. If something happens to you, what can we do?" The staff immediately advised.

Chen Yan gritted his teeth, "I'm not, then you go!"

The man froze instantly.

Just kidding, the situation inside is unknown, who dares to take risks easily.

And just from the fierce confrontation before, it can be heard that it must be very dangerous inside.

The chances of the third master and those two being killed are very high.

Moreover, judging from Zhou Suyi's game video, it seems that there is no other danger except the Huo's undead insect.

Chen Yan picked three more courageous guards and went with him.

All four of them had ugly faces.

The temperature in this water cave is obviously very low, but they are sweating nervously.

"Don't be nervous, those two people are really capable, maybe they have already killed the danger ahead!" Chen Yan comforted the three of them.

In fact, it was to comfort himself.

All three nodded, "Professor Chen, don't worry, we will protect you regardless of danger!"

Their speed is not fast.

The others were all looking at the screen, watching the movements of these people, their hearts were in their throats.

Finally, they also climbed to the waist of the gourd.

The front was pitch black.

Chen Yan and the others slowly turned the light of the flashlight over.

Well, it's okay if you don't take the photos in the past. This photo scared Chen Yan so much that he didn't come up, and he was almost sent away.

Not far in front of them, a naked child was turning to look at them.

The child was about the size of a baby, naked, with a gecko-like tail, big eyeballs, and a big mouth.

When he saw them, he immediately grinned.

The mouth was split right up to the base of the ears, and there was a layer of fish-scale teeth growing in the mouth.

I was already very nervous, but when I saw this terrifying child again, I didn't want to mention my feelings.

Moreover, there are many such children, and there are some on the shore below.

Seeing the light here, all the babies looked towards them.

"Damn it!"

Several people felt that their souls were frightened away.


I don't know who yelled, and a few people slid down from the top.

"Oh my god, I'm scared to death, this is going to send me away."

"What the hell, why are there so many babies?"

"What kind of baby is this? This is a ghost baby. The ghost children in the movie are not so scary."

"My God, this is a haunted place, what are those?"

"Are the two of the third master still alive? They can't be dead, right?"


This sudden frightened scene is definitely countless times more terrifying than the sudden startled scene in horror movies.

Many people who concentrated on watching the live broadcast were really almost scared out of their wits.

Zhou Suyi originally wanted to take a break and continue the live broadcast, but during the break, she just watched the live broadcast of the archaeological team.

Well, it's okay if you don't look at it, as soon as I opened it, I saw the scene of the scary baby appearing.

"Fuck me!"

Good guy, Zhou Suyi was so frightened that she couldn't be caught off guard, and the chair overturned directly, and she fell on her back.

"Oh, it hurts me to death!"

Zhou Suyi got up from the ground, clutching her waist.

Well, I thought it would be scary enough in the game, but the real live broadcast is also so scary.

At that moment, she almost thought that she had entered the game and hadn't come out, or that the screen at home was really haunted.

so horrible.

"Ah this..."

"Sure enough, no matter how scary the game is, it's not one-tenth of the reality, because the psychological factor is very important."

"Look at throwing my daughter-in-law."

"Hahaha, brothers, I have the screenshots you want, private message me, hehe."


Zhou Suyi got up, looked at the barrage, "Fuck, you are still human, I fell so badly, you still laugh at me!"

She hurriedly raised her chair and continued to watch the live broadcast.

The following live broadcast was too shaky. Obviously, several people ran back desperately, but the weird baby didn't seem to catch up.

"What is that? Why, I haven't encountered it, it's so difficult, there is no such thing in the game?"

After calming down, Zhou Suyi thought carefully.

"No, no, I remember, this thing seems to have appeared in a cg animation!"

Immediately, Zhou Suyi hurriedly searched for the cg animation, and sure enough, she found that part.

Strange babies crawled out of the female corpse's back. Although the picture flashed by, Zhou Suyi was sure that those weird babies should have crawled out of the female corpse's back.

This thing has been taboo before, so I didn't observe those female corpses carefully, but now it seems that these female corpses surrounded them in the water before, it should not be fraudulent corpses, but the babies behind the corpses are playing tricks.

After thinking about this clearly, Zhou Suyi wiped the cold sweat from her forehead, feeling a little scared.

"Hey, this time, whether or not reality helped me a lot. When I enter the game, I have to get rid of these corpses first, otherwise, I must be in big trouble!"

Zhou Suyi made up her mind and entered the game again.

Fortunately, there was no need to fight Huo's Undead Worm again this time, but seeing Fatty Wang being smashed all over by disgusting mucus and corpses, he was disgusted again.

However, Zhou Suyi didn't have the time to feel sorry for Fatty Wang this time, but instead looked at the female corpses and carefully sized them up.

The body of the female corpse was covered with a hard shell, like amber, her limbs were bent backwards, and a cocoon-like thing was wrapped in the middle, which looked extremely strange.

Zhou Suyi frowned, staring at the silkworm cocoon behind the female corpse, it seemed to be moving, as if something was struggling inside, and it was also like the fetal movement of a woman after pregnancy.


(End of this chapter)

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