Chapter 294 Breakthrough
Zhou Suyi took a special look at these female corpses this time, she didn't know if she didn't look at them, she was really shocked.

Every female corpse has a cocoon-like thing on its back, and there seems to be something moving inside, like fetal movement after pregnancy, as if the baby inside is really about to be conceived.


Thinking that there might be a freak with scales and teeth inside, I felt my scalp tingle.

On this shore, there are at least a thousand female corpses floating on the water. It would be terrifying if there was a monster under each corpse.

If these things run out together, they will definitely die.

"This King Xian, how did he manage to make such a freak out of a corpse that has been dead for thousands of years? It's simply too perverted!"

Thinking of this, Zhou Suyi's expression became more complicated.

"Miss Yang, if you feel uncomfortable, don't watch it!" Hu Bayi thought that Zhou Suyi was disgusted.

Zhou Suyi shook her head, "I'm fine."

Fatty Wang wiped the mucus from his face, with a disgusted expression on his face, "Grandma, if you survive a catastrophe, you will have future blessings. There must be treasures in this box!"

He couldn't wait to open the treasure chest.

Zhou Suyi said: "Fatty, don't worry about that box, you have to get rid of these female corpses first!"

Fatty Wang was puzzled, "No, they are all rice dumplings. It would be nice if they didn't come to provoke us. It's time for them to do anything!"

Hu Bayi also said: "Miss Yang, do you think there is something wrong with these corpses? However, in my opinion, although these corpses are not decomposed, they are not zongzi, so they should not be aggressive!"

Hu Bayi had seen zongzi before, so he could tell that these corpses were not aggressive.

Zhou Suyi thought about it carefully, combined the monster's and Xianwang's killing techniques, sorted out the language, and then said: "If my guess is correct, these corpses should be killing corpses, and their function should be based on their own resentment. Hatch the baby, once the baby on the back hatches, we will be in trouble!"

"Yiying, what the hell is it?" Fatty Wang shivered subconsciously.

Although I don't know what it is, it sounds strange.

Hu Bayao: "Xian Wang's killing techniques are all based on resentment. The deeper the resentment, the more terrifying the things cultivated. I think what Miss Yang said is right. Let's take precautions before they happen, and deal with these corpses first. talk later!"

"Well, that's fine, I'll listen to you, but wait a minute, I have to do the unpacking!" Fatty Wang said.

Zhou Suyi really wanted to tell him a few words, what luck is it that I don't have a clue, I'll give you back, but after thinking about it, forget it.

After all, children are really miserable.

Immediately afterwards, the three of them got busy. They brought gasoline with them when they came in. Although the amount was not much, it was enough to sprinkle some on a corpse.

At this moment, the female corpses on the surface of the water also slowly floated over, piled up layer by layer on the shore, and there were as many as a thousand of them.

The female corpses in the river emitted a cold light, illuminating the surroundings brightly.

"Get out of the way first, everyone be careful!" Zhou Suyi said.

The three immediately hid far away, and then directly lit the fire.


The flames instantly became a piece, and the flames rose to a height of seven or eight meters. The three of them were surprised.

"Why is this fire so big?"

Zhou Suyi said: "It seems that the oxygen content here is indeed much higher than outside, so the animals here are so big!"

The flames became a piece, and all the female corpses in the river and on the bank were burned.


Suddenly, a sharp cry sounded, making one's scalp tingle.

Immediately afterwards, they saw that something rushed out of the flames.

"Fuck, what is that?" Fatty Wang was startled.

Taking a closer look, the thing was about the size of a baby, with a tail, half human, half insect, with a mouth full of row-shaped fish-like teeth.

Hu Bayi's face also changed, he didn't expect that there really was the baby that Zhou Suyi mentioned.

This thing looks horrible.

The fish-scale teeth in that mouth, if bitten, will definitely not feel good.

"Don't stand still, quickly kill all those fish that escaped the net!" Zhou Suyi hastily reminded.

The three quickly raised their guns and started shooting.

Some infants were directly burned to death by the fire, and the few who escaped were quickly smashed to pieces. Immediately afterwards, many infants rushed up.

However, their bodies were stained with gasoline and carried fire. After running not far, they were burned and screamed, and they stopped moving after a while.

For a moment, the entire water cave was full of howling ghosts and wolves, filled with sharp screams, which made one's scalp tingle.

"Good guy, these corpses are actually carrying baby babies. How did this King Xian do it?"

"The question is, are these babies human, animals, or monsters?"

"I guess, it should be some kind of animal. It's just that they have been mutated by ostracism, so that they are almost like babies, which is more scary."

"Xian Wang's old man is too perverted, his tomb is not upside down, it's too much for God."


Netizens also had lingering fears. Fortunately, Zhou Suyi saw the live broadcast of the archaeological team, and then had a plan in advance.

Otherwise, if they wait for these babies to crawl out first, then they will definitely die.

These things are not the behemoths of Huo's Undead Worm.

They are small in size, fast, large in number, and elusive. Once they besiege Zhou Suyi and the others, even if they have guns, they will definitely die.

The oxygen content here is very high, so the burning process was very violent. It lasted for more than an hour. All the corpses were burned to ashes, and the rest that were not completely burned turned into coke.

There was a smell of gasoline and stench throughout the water hole.

Fatty Wang and Hu Bayi both had lingering fears.

They looked at Zhou Suyi with a little more admiration.

If Zhou Suyi hadn't discovered this in advance, their lives might really have to be confessed here today.

[Hu Bayi's recognition rate +2, Hu Bayi's recognition rate reaches 60%, Hu Bayi unlocks the sixteen-character yin-yang feng shui secret art 'ghost' chapter. 】

[Fatty Wang's approval degree +2, Fatty Wang's approval degree reaches 60%, Fatty Wang's luck +10]

The data has been improved again without any surprise, and the recognition has broken through the integer level, unlocking the abilities of the two people again.

"Sixteen-character Yin-Yang Fengshui "Ghost" chapter?" Seeing this skill, Zhou Suyi frowned slightly, because the word "Ghost" is too easy to make people have some bad associations.

However, she really didn't understand this thing, but she expected to use it in the future.

As for Fatty Wang's ability to unlock, it's much simpler, luck is added by 10 points, this time, this guy won't be so unlucky, right?


(End of this chapter)

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