Chapter 295 The Use of Lucky Points
With realistic references, Zhou Suyi solved the danger of the baby in advance, which greatly improved the progress of the game.

Moreover, the recognition of Fatty Wang and Hu Bayi has been improved again, and they have finally broken through an integer mark again, and they have been rewarded.

Zhou Suyi hesitated for a moment and asked: "Old Hu, there is a word 'ghost' in your Yin-Yang Feng Shui secret art, what is it for?"

"Ah?" Hu Bayi was taken aback, as if he didn't realize it. He didn't know why Zhou Suyi would ask this all of a sudden, but he still explained: "The theory of the underworld is about ghosts. This article is mainly about explaining the owner of the ancient tomb. Circumstances. For example, the placement of corpses and coffins, the location of the martyrs and funeral objects, the symbolism of everlasting lamps and longevity candles, etc., and analysis of anecdotes and quirks.”

Zhou Suyi listened carefully, and it seemed that it was different from what she had imagined.

But this "ghost" word should be used later, but I don't know what the specific function is.

"Miss Yang, why did you suddenly ask this?" Hu Bayi asked.

Zhou Suyi hurriedly said: "Ah, it's okay, I just remembered it suddenly and was curious, so I asked, that's all right, these babies are all done, now we can see what's in this box."

Zhou Suyi changed the subject.

Hu Bayi nodded without thinking too much.

When Fatty Wang heard that the box was about to be unpacked, he immediately became excited again.

"I'll come, I'll come, I must come, Fat Lord, I have committed so many crimes, if anyone wants to rob me, I will be in a hurry with him!"

"Okay, then you come!" Zhou Suyi said, thinking that without the key, even if you were exhausted, you wouldn't be able to open it.

Fatty Wang ran over immediately and began to try to open the box.

However, no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't open it at all.

Zhou Suyi was watching from the side with her arms around her shoulders.

"Grandma's, Lao Hu, give me a grenade and blow him up directly, I don't believe it, it can't blow him up!" Fatty Wang tossed for a long time, sweating profusely, but still didn't open it, a little out of breath.

Only then did Zhou Suyi speak, "Are you stupid? If you don't have such a big keyhole, it will be strange if you can open it."

"The key? Where can I get the key for the box thousands of years ago? In my opinion, it needs to be more violent!" Fatty Wang said.

Zhou Suyi took out the dragon and tiger scepter and shook it, "Look, does this thing look like a key?"

Fatty Wang and Hu Ba glanced at the dragon and tiger scepter, then at the keyhole, and then their eyes widened.

"This thing turned out to be a key? Damn, who would have imagined such a thing? How can I get a key with such a weird shape!" Fatty Wang cursed, and then couldn't wait, "Hurry up, brother Yang, the key Give it to me, I'll open it!"

"Give it to you!" Zhou Suyi gave the key to Fatty Wang without hesitation.

Hu Bayi hurriedly said: "Don't worry, I'm afraid the key is very particular. It's a question of whether to insert the dragon's head or the tiger's head first. If you insert the wrong one, the box may be locked immediately."

"Ah?" Fatty Wang's happiness disappeared again, and he said reluctantly: "Then, then you should do it!"

"Uh, I don't know which one to insert first."

At this time, Zhou Suyi said: "Fatty, you can just open it, plug it in as you like, we trust you, it's a big deal, just blow it up!"

Fatty Wang was immediately moved.

In fact, Zhou Suyi wanted to see whether Fatty Wang's ten points of luck would be useful in the future, and she seriously suspected that these ten points of luck were just for opening the box here.

According to the past behavior of this game, it is very likely that no matter how they open the box, they will not be able to open the box, unless Fatty Wang gets these ten points of luck.

This also reflected the hint that Fatty Wang was out of luck and could not make a sound when he threw thunder.

"Then, then I'm here!"


Zhou Suyi nodded, and Hu Bayi also shrugged, anyway, it's just an attempt, it doesn't matter who comes.

Fatty Wang took a deep breath and inserted the key.

Zhou Suyi could see clearly that Fatty Wang inserted them in the same order as last time.


Another burst of machine amplifier sounded.

"It's hard, locked again? I guessed wrong?" Zhou Suyi was a little nervous.

But the next moment, there was another click, and immediately after, the lid of the box popped open automatically.

"It's on, I guessed it right!"

Zhou Suyi was a little excited, and even secretly happy in her heart, happy that she had seen through the essence of this game.

She felt that she had a better understanding of the game's routines.

"Fuck, it's okay. It was plugged in like this last time. It obviously couldn't be opened, but it will be opened this time. It's outrageous."

"It's because of the luck value. 10 luck points make Fatty Wang more lucky, and everything he does will get twice the result with half the effort."

"It's just good luck. It just so happened that the approval level reached 60. Otherwise, wouldn't it be stuck here again?"

"It's true, if it wasn't for solving the baby in advance and getting the approval in advance, this level may be unsolvable."

"Should I say it or not, sister Zhou's understanding of this game has reached a certain level."


Netizens also felt lucky for Zhou Suyi. If the archaeological team hadn't accidentally entered and found the baby, Zhou Suyi would have been stuck at least for a long time.

Also, you won't know what the problem is, which can be painful.


The box was opened, and the three of them immediately went up to it, and found that there were three grids inside, and each grid contained the same item.

There was a ceramic jar in the first grid, with a thin layer of jade shell on the outside of the jar. Fatty Wang raised his hand to take it, but the jade shell shattered as soon as he touched it.

Fatty Wang was numb, "Damn it, why is there Pangci on it? When you saw it, I just touched it lightly. This thing broke by itself!"

Zhou Suyi glanced at him helplessly, the ten points of luck just added, is it so hard that it will be consumed?

Fatty Wang took out the jar inside, looked left and right, and smiled, "Baby, baby, this thing is probably at least something from the Stone Age. It is estimated that it is the same as the Hongshan jade and jade pig dragon." Level, it is definitely a priceless treasure!"

Hu Bayi hit and said: "Baby, you can't do anything, take it out, I guess you will be arrested the next day!"

Fatty Wang froze immediately.

Some jade, gold and silver are generally easier to sell, and the value of these things will not be too high.

But this kind of things are all national treasures, like bronzes, no one dares to take them, and buying and selling is the same crime, and if you get it, you will die.

This is also the reason why some tomb robbers dare not take many precious things after they go down to the tomb.

"National treasure level?" Zhou Suyi was also surprised.

She used to travel a lot, and went to various museums. Of course, she has seen many of these treasures and knows what each value means.

Now, they got a national treasure here. Although it was in the game, it was enough to make Zhou Suyi excited.


(End of this chapter)

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