Chapter 296 Ability to Appreciate Treasures
When the three items in the box came out, the whole Internet was really shocked.

There are only a few cultural relics that can be called national treasures. Now that one is found here, it is definitely big news.

Chen Yan and the others escaped, but fortunately, those babies didn't chase them, and they saw this video before they went back to rest for a long time.

When Chen Yan saw that thing, he was so excited that he almost fainted.

The excitement and excitement were beyond words, but soon, his face turned ugly, he gritted his teeth, stomped his feet, and was ready to go inside again.

"Professor Chen, what are you doing? It's dangerous there, you can't go anymore!" The staff hurriedly stopped him.

Chen Yan said anxiously: "National treasure, national treasure, must not fall into the hands of those grave robbers!"

As soon as these words came out, everyone's faces were ugly.

Chen Yan was right, but there were still two grave robbers ahead.

When I just went there, I took a quick glance and didn't see the figures of the two tomb robbers, so I naturally didn't know whether the two were dead or alive.

If he was still alive, would he have obtained those national treasures?

However, someone immediately persuaded: "Professor Chen, don't worry, even if there is such a box in reality, it is still in the belly of that monster. How could they get it by such a coincidence? Besides, it is so dangerous inside." , Maybe, they are already dead, but the things must still be there.”

"That's right, it's so dangerous. Unless they have the skills and abilities of the characters in the game, otherwise, the two of them will definitely die!"

Everyone comforted her one after another, all with a hint of luck.

Only then did Chen Yan stop, "No, we can't take chances, contact our superiors as soon as possible, and let them come to the rescue. The national treasure cannot be lost!"

"He's already on his way here. Don't worry, Professor Chen. This time, the higher-ups are paying special attention. They have sent special operations forces over with sufficient weapons. As long as they arrive, even if those two people are not dead, they will definitely be killed." Can catch up!"

"Hope it!"


Fatty Wang was caught by Hu Bayi, "Okay, just hit me, I don't buy or sell, I'll see what's in it, don't break the law!"

Fatty Wang opened the jar, put his head close, and looked inside with one eye.

As a result, when he saw it, Fatty Wang was so frightened that he let go of his hands, and sat down on the ground in fright.


Zhou Suyi was shocked.

She said that being careful is not to make Fatty Wang be careful, but to be careful that this is a national treasure.

Fortunately, she reacted quickly and caught the jar that was about to fall, and then she breathed a sigh of relief.

Zhou Suyi looked at Fatty Wang with some complaints, "Fatty, this is a cultural relic, can we be careful? You mean if you drop it, you will drop it. Do you have a mine at home? Even if you have a mine, you can't be such a prodigal."

She was speechless.

Sure enough, good things must never pass the hands of Fatty Wang. The jade eyeball of Jingjue Ancient City was dropped by this guy once.

This guy is simply a destroyer of cultural relics.

Fatty Wang's face was ugly, he swallowed and said, "Damn, hell, there's a villain in this jar, and he's staring at me with his mother's eyes!"

Upon hearing this, Zhou Suyi suddenly felt her hairs stand on end, her hands trembled, and she almost threw the jar away.

After playing this game for so long, of course I know that although Fatty Wang is sometimes unreliable, he is absolutely courageous.

He was so frightened that it proved that there must be something in the pot.

"Grandma, the old Taoist priests on TV like to put ghosts in jars and seal them up. Couldn't there be a ghost in it?" Zhou Suyi thought in her heart.

However, now that the jar has been opened, if there is a ghost, it should have come out.

Could it be that it's not a ghost, but a lamp god?
"Grandma, don't be afraid, don't be afraid, my mother is here with strong winds and waves, and she can be scared by a jar? I want to see what's inside!"

Zhou Suyi took a deep breath, didn't dare to approach her eyes, but stayed far away, and then looked inside through the mouth of the jar.

Looking at it, I really saw a baby-like jade fetus inside.

It is said that the baby is only similar in appearance, but it is too small, only the size of a thumb, and the whole body is crystal clear, like a small doll carved with jade.

The jade fetus curled up into a ball and was soaked in clear water, as if it was in the amniotic fluid, it was being conceived, very strange.

If you look closely, the chest seems to be still beating.

"That's it..." Zhou Suyi frowned. This thing looked cute, but it couldn't be anything but scary. She felt that Fatty Wang was making a fuss.

But immediately, he saw the jade fetus move, turned over and stared at Zhou Suyi with small eyes.

"Fuck me!"

This sudden movement really startled Zhou Suyi, and subconsciously threw the jar out.

Fortunately, Hu Bayi reacted quickly and caught him again.


Zhou Suyi swallowed, her heart beating wildly.

Fatty Wang glanced at Zhou Suyi resentfully, his eyes seemed to say, if you still talk about me, don't you throw it away too.

Zhou Suyi ignored him and pretended not to see him.

"Hahaha, Miss Zhou is a big loser."

"The camera was too fast just now, and I didn't see it clearly."

"Hey, fortunately I just went to the toilet, and I feel like I escaped a disaster."

"What's inside, it can move and open eyes, it's too evil."


When Zhou Suyi watched it just now, the camera was too fast, so some people noticed it, and some people didn't see it at all, so naturally they wouldn't be frightened.

But what I saw was horrifying.

It's not that the things inside are scary, but that it feels weird.

There is a living creature in a jar thousands of years ago. Who can see it without feeling horrified.

"Why did the two of you react so strongly? Are the things inside really so terrifying?" Hu Bayihu questioned.

Zhou Suyi smiled wryly, "It's not so scary, there is a jade fetus inside, and this jade fetus can move!"

"Can it move?" Hu Bayi felt surprised, took a careful look, saw the jade fetus, and frowned slightly.

Fatty Wang stood up, "I feel that this thing is very evil, so I better throw it away!"

The things that Fatty Wang was willing to throw away directly showed how much psychological shadow Fatty Wang had brought.

But at this time, a dialog box suddenly appeared in front of Zhou Suyi's eyes.

[Do you want to use the treasure appraisal ability? 】

Zhou Suyi was taken aback by the sudden dialog box.

"Treasure appraisal ability?"

Her eyes became weird, and then she remembered the reward for exploring the big banyan tree before. If the game hadn’t given a sudden reminder, she would have almost forgotten this reward. It’s really that the meaning of this reward in this game is not very important. big.


(End of this chapter)

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