Chapter 297 Jade Rhyme
During the story of the Big Banyan Tree before, Zhou Suyi still felt that this reward was a bit tasteless and might not be used, so she almost forgot about this ability of appreciating treasures.

Now I didn't expect that there was a hint here.


Zhou Suyi chose to use it without hesitation.

Soon, an introduction column appeared next to the clay pot in Hu Bayi's hand.

[Nursing Yuan Pot: A pottery created by the ancestors by accident, it has the function of absorbing the vitality of the surroundings, conceiving and nourishing the vitality, quality: top grade, value: priceless]

Zhou Suyi looked at the introduction column, her eyes became a little strange.

Good guy, she really didn't expect that this small clay pot has such a big origin. It wasn't something offered to the king, but from the earlier ancestors.

Good guy, what is this period of the ancestors?

She didn't learn history well, so she couldn't imagine it at all.

However, she was really surprised by the function of this thing.

"Absorb vitality, conceive and nourish vitality, what exactly is vitality?" Zhou Suyi was curious.

Although there is also the term vitality in modern times, but no one can accurately define it, it is just a vague term, and it is not even recognized by mainstream science, and it is considered to be a completely fabricated thing.

"It's priceless, it really is a national treasure!" Zhou Suyi smacked her tongue inwardly. It's a pity that it's in the game. If it really exists in the real world, it would be great.

Perhaps, it can really refresh the length of the Great Xia Kingdom's history.

"Brother Yang, Brother Yang, why are you so dazed? You must be possessed by an evil spirit. I said, this thing is very evil. Hurry up and throw it away!" Fatty Wang saw Zhou Suyi standing there in a daze. , the expression is still changing, suddenly worried.

Hu Bayi was also a little nervous.

After all, he has never seen such an outrageous thing before, so it is possible for any weird thing to happen.

"Miss Yang, Miss Yang!" Hu Bayi patted Zhou Suyi lightly.

"Ah? What's wrong?" Zhou Suyi finally came to her senses.

Seeing that Zhou Suyi was fine, Hu Bayi breathed a sigh of relief, "I just saw you here in a daze, and the fat man was worried that you were affected by the things inside."

"Ah, it's okay, I'm thinking about something, Lao Hu, show me this thing again!"

Hu Bayi handed the Yangyuan pot to Zhou Suyi again.

This time Zhou Suyi looked at the things inside, and then used the ability to appreciate treasures again.

[Yu Yun: A spiritual creature that grows between heaven and earth, similar to Tai Sui, is a special creature between animals and minerals, which can absorb vitality and form chalcedony. Patients, have a strong nourishing and life-prolonging effect, quality: superb, value: priceless]

Seeing these introductions, Zhou Suyi felt his pulse again.

My good guy, I thought that the top grade of this clay pot was already the limit, but who would have thought that the things inside it turned out to be top grade.

Moreover, there are things between animals and minerals in this world, which is really too amazing.

This is not the most important thing, the most frightening thing is that this thing can produce chalcedony. From the introduction, this chalcedony is a kind of tonic item, which can nourish and prolong the life of seriously ill patients.

This is your mother's magic medicine.

"Oh my god, I've learned a lot, I've learned a lot, and now I'm curious whether there is such a box in reality."

"Oh my god, this thing is enough to drive people all over the world crazy."

"Those rich people probably spend as much money as they want to get it."

"If this can be studied and understood, and then chalcedony can be produced indefinitely, won't our national life expectancy have to be raised to a higher level?"

"Damn it, it's so unreal, there's so much in this world we don't understand."


Netizens are not calm when they see this.

The value of a thing that can nourish and restore the body of critically ill patients and prolong their life is already inestimable, and it is too precious.

Before, in the game of Jingjue Ancient City, they saw many things that science cannot explain now.

Now, the discovery of this jade rhyme has completely overturned people's inherent cognition of this world, only to realize that human beings are too small compared to Blue Star, a planet with a history of billions of years.

There are too many things in this world that humans have not discovered and understood so far.

As soon as Yu Yun came out, the entire archaeological team breathed quickly.

In this world, there are too few people who are not afraid of death, and those who don't want to live a long life are even more pitiful. Who wouldn't want to have a chance to prolong their life.

If this thing is discovered early, many people and many diseases may be saved.

Even cancer, the current king of diseases, may have a chance to be cured by treatment.

If so, it will be an opportunity for the benefit of all mankind, and the person who grasps it will undoubtedly have a very high status.

Zhou Suyi was stunned for several seconds this time, she even forgot to breathe, her eyes were full of shock.

"It's over, it's over, I said this thing is very evil, this time it must be possessed by an evil spirit!" Fatty Wang said again.

Hu Bayi was also worried.

Zhou Suyi's successive performances will inevitably make him worry.

"Miss Yang, Miss Yang!" Hu Bayi patted Zhou Suyi again.

This time, Zhou Suyi's body shook violently, and then she looked at the box.

When Fatty Wang touched the jar with his hands before, a thin layer of jade shell cracked beside it, and they didn't pay much attention to it before.

But now Zhou Suyi knew what it was.

Those jade shells are probably chalcedony.

Zhou Suyi was short of breath, hurriedly picked up all those jade shells carefully with both hands.

"Miss Yang, what are you doing?" Hu Bayi asked Zhou Suyi's strange behavior.

Fatty Wang whispered beside him: "It's over, I see, the one in that jar must be a monster that can charm people's minds, Brother Yang probably hit the devil, Lao Hu, before we both hit the devil, Brother Yang was a big coward It's settled now, now it's our turn to take revenge, no, it's time to repay your kindness, or, why don't you give Brother Yang a try?"

Hu Ba took a look at him, "Why don't you come?"

"Ahem, I, I have strong hands, and I'm afraid that if I slap it down, it won't be light or heavy, and I will cause trouble to Brother Yang!" Fatty Wang said.

Hu Bayi looked at him with contempt, "Get out, you are afraid that Miss Yang will recover, so I will settle the score with you."

Fatty Wang was exposed and scratched his head in embarrassment.

Hu Bayi took a deep breath, looked at Zhou Suyi's strange behavior, and thought, how about giving it a hammer?
Miss Yang knew that they were worried about her, so she shouldn't be angry.

"Okay, stop sneaking around, muttering, I'm fine!" Zhou Suyi heard what they said, and said angrily.

Hearing this, the two of them breathed a sigh of relief.

"Hehe, Brother Yang, it's good that you're fine. Just now, Lao Hu and I thought you were bewitched!" Fatty Wang hurriedly explained.

Hu Bayi asked: "Miss Yang, what are you doing picking up those pieces of jade?"

In Hu Bayi's view, this thing is broken, even if it is precious, it is worthless at all.

Fatty Wang was even more dismissive, "I said, Brother Yang, is it a bit too much money recently? I have no money. Even if I have no money, I don't need to pick up these rags. It's really not possible. Take it out and lend you a 32 ten!"

Zhou Suyi listened to what he said, and wanted to laugh. When the old lady told the value of this thing, she didn't know what kind of expression you two would have.


(End of this chapter)

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