Chapter 298 Endless Value

In the eyes of Hu Bayi and Fatty Wang, those broken jades were worthless at all, and had no value, so they didn't care much after they were broken.

Zhou Suyi couldn't help but roll her eyes when she heard Fatty Wang's words, "You should keep your 23's for a wife."

"Miss Yang, is this thing useful to you?" Hu Bayi asked.

He could tell that Zhou Suyi was not bewitched, but excited.

Zhou Suyi put away all the chalcedony. Although it was in the game and couldn't be brought into reality, she was still not willing to throw it away at all, even the crumbs the size of rice grains were not let go.

Zhou Suyi said happily: "This is a good thing, it's called chalcedony, it can rejuvenate seriously ill people and prolong their lifespan."

"Ah? Really?" Fatty Wang obviously didn't believe it, "I said Brother Yang, let's stop joking, isn't this just broken jade dregs? Wouldn't it be possible to become the world's richest man?"

"What do you know!" Zhou Suyi rolled her eyes, "I suddenly remembered that the thing in this jar is called jade rhyme, which is a species between minerals and animals. It can secrete a kind of chalcedony, this kind of chalcedony It has the effect I just said."

Hu Bayi and Fatty Wang looked at each other, apparently in disbelief.

After all, this function sounds a bit too awesome.

Zhou Suyi ignored them, picked up a piece of chalcedony, hesitated for a moment, and put it in her mouth.

Then a miraculous thing happened, it was obviously jade, but it melted in his mouth, turned into a cool liquid, and flowed into his throat.

Immediately afterwards, I felt the coolness flowing from the lower abdomen to all the limbs, and I felt that my body became much lighter.

The most important thing is that a lot of blood was injected before, and the body is already in a bad state, but now I feel that I have fully recovered, and my face is much rosier.

It felt like his body was full of strength again, even if the dragon scale demon armor got up again, he was confident to fight him for another [-] rounds.


"Comfortable!" Zhou Suyi couldn't help but sigh with emotion.

Hu Bayi and Fatty Wang next to him were stunned. The sound of comfort just now made their bones brittle, and they almost went to heaven in place.

"Is this food really edible?" Fatty Wang still didn't believe it, thinking that he, Brother Yang, might be deliberately fooling them.

In other words, Brother Yang was bewitched by an evil spirit, and he wanted to trick them into taking poison.

"Let me try!"

Hu Bayi knew that there was no need for Zhou Suyi to lie to them for no reason, so he immediately took a piece and put it in his mouth. Immediately after, his eyes widened with disbelief, and then slowly turned into enjoyment.

"It's like, after taking a Dali pill, the fatigue was swept away. It's incredible, incredible!" Hu Bayi said with emotion.

"Fuck, it's so amazing, hurry up, let me try it too!" Fatty Wang couldn't wait this time, took a quick and slightly larger one and put it in his mouth.

Immediately, the expression was similar to that of Hu Bayi.

"Fuck, feel the power in my body, fuck, fuck..."

Immediately, Fatty Wang's nose began to bleed.

That's right, it's not bleeding, it's bleeding...

"You bastard, what are you doing eating so much, you are a typical example of not being able to replenish your energy!" Hu Ba said.

Zhou Suyi was also speechless.

This fat man wants to take advantage of everything he does. Now that he's done, let's take it as a lesson.

At this moment, netizens were all excited watching this scene.

This thing is really amazing.

Moreover, as long as there is jade rhyme, chalcedony will be produced continuously, which is quite scary. Of course, the output speed cannot be so fast, but it is amazing enough.

At this moment, some of the top billionaires are excited.

These rich people are most afraid of death, and usually try to prolong life and delay aging. Some people even have to have their blood changed every year, and the blood of their own sons is exchanged.

Now, the appearance of chalcedony is a fatal temptation for them.

Chen Yan and the others were still waiting for rescue when the phone rang.

The speed of those people was unimaginable. Just after experiencing the efficacy of chalcedony here, they had already found a phone and contacted Chen Yan there.

Moreover, many people have set extremely high prices.

Even if it is not sure whether this piece of jade rhyme exists in reality, they can't wait.

There are also some rich and powerful people who have already booked their itinerary and are rushing towards Daxia Kingdom.

"If there really is a Liyuyun in the game, and it is so magical, then this thing is really too precious. It is a level higher than the national treasure. It is an artifact."

"Grandma, I originally thought that only life and time are fair to everyone, but now it's all right, with this thing, the rich have the means to prolong life."

"If you think about it too much, this kind of treasure will definitely be handed over to the country. The country will allocate resources and only give them to those who have made great contributions to the country."

"You can have this. Those old scientists who have given everything for the motherland, I think they should get chalcedony first."


Netizens were talking about it, and everyone was very excited.

Life is the most precious thing in this world, and everyone's life has an end, and in order to prolong this end, some people can pay a huge price.

In the future, relying on chalcedony, the country can use this in exchange for a large amount of resources.

Even, some top foreign experts and scholars were recruited to come to Daxia to help Daxia conduct scientific and technological research, and then Daxia gave chalcedony to help them continue their lives.

This is very attractive to those people.

The higher-ups naturally thought of this and sent reinforcements again.

This time it was even more terrifying. A large number of convoys rushed here. Judging by the posture, there was a rhythm to seal up the entire Worm Valley.

With such a heavy guarantee, there is no room for any mistakes.

Zhou Suyi didn't even know how much sensation she caused by using a treasure appraising ability.

It took a while for Fatty Wang's nosebleed to stop. The guy held his nose, "It's a loss, it's a loss, Fatty, my blood is all precious blood. If I collect it and sell it, it will definitely sell for a good price."

Zhou Suyi slapped his forehead, well, this child is dazed, thinking that his blood has a special purpose.

Hu Bayi said with emotion, "The world is so big that there are so many wonders. It's an increase in knowledge that there are such spiritual things in the world."

Fatty Wang looked at the box again, "I said, one of these is an artifact, and there are two more in it, let's see what it is."

It was only then that Zhou Suyi remembered that there was still something in it.

I was so excited just now that I almost forgot.

However, it must not be easy to hide something in the stomach of a monster together with something like Yu Yun. Zhou Suyi is more and more looking forward to what else is inside.


(End of this chapter)

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