Chapter 29 Oolong
Not only the players, but even the staff of ST's Great Xia Kingdom did not dare to leave tonight and stayed at their jobs.

Even they, this is the first time they have seen a game with such a large number of pre-ordered downloads.

The commission for their game platform is [-]%.

But even if it was [-]%, based on the current number of reservations, it would be very scary.

According to their past experience, for good games, the ratio of scheduled downloads to the actual downloads of the day is about [-] to [-], and the average game is much worse.

But even if the reservation ratio of "Exquisite Ancient City" is one thousand to one, the number is quite considerable due to the large base.

Therefore, all departments dare not be sloppy, for fear that something will go wrong at this time.

Twelve o'clock sharp!

Countless players standing in front of the computer found that the gray download button finally turned red.

"Fuck, it's finally downloadable, do it!"

Recharge, buy, download, all in one go, as if afraid of falling behind others.

It seems that whoever can pass the game is a great honor.

Zhou Suyi watched in the live broadcast. After twelve o'clock, she found that the number of people online in her live broadcast room began to drop sharply.

From the original more than 200 million, it has become more than 50 at an extremely fast speed.

"Fuck, do you want to be so real!"

Zhou Suyi was dumbfounded, but she wasn't too angry, after all, she had expected it a long time ago.

It's enough to be hot for these three days.

She stared at the constantly changing numbers, and was also happy for Lin Mu.

Little Sister Dai felt like crying.

Although yesterday did bring her a large number of fans, and the number of online users also exceeded 100 million.

However, as soon as twelve o'clock, these fans ran away in unison, as if they had made an agreement, and there were less than 10 people left in the live broadcast room.

And the goal she expected was not achieved at all.

Not to mention clearing the level, the level of life and death of the earth tornado will not pass.

This game is far more difficult than she thought.


12: 30!

Lin Shu leaned weakly on the back of the chair.

"I'm still thinking about the duck-fighting factory, now it's good, hehe, hey, the greater the hope, the greater the disappointment, but, you are a bit too fucking outrageous!"

Seeing that the download volume was still 0, Lin Mu didn't know what to say.


Someone sent a message.

Lin Mu casually picked it up and looked at it.

It was from Zhou Suyi.

"Lin Mu, Gong Xi Fa Cai, you are going to become a millionaire, remember to treat me to dinner!"


Lin Mu directly replied with three question marks.

Zhou Suyi rolled her eyes three times.

"Blind eyes, white eyes, you don't pay attention to this, you won't make a fortune, and you won't recognize me as a friend!"


Lin Mu was stunned again!
This made Zhou Suyi a little confused.

"It's over, it's over, Lin Mu, you won't be like Fan Jin, you will be too surprised all of a sudden, and you will be stupid right away? Wait for me, I will find you right away!"


Zhou Suyi was in a hurry, "It's over, it's over, it won't be the same as Fan Jin, no, I have to go and have a look!"

Immediately, without saying a word, Zhou Suyi hurriedly got up and ran out.

dong dong dong...

Hearing the knock on the door, Lin Mu went to open the door.

When the door opened, Zhou Suyi saw an anxious face.

"Lin Mu, are you okay, do you want to go to the hospital?" Zhou Suyi stared nervously at Lin Mu's expression.

But no matter how you look at it, it's normal.

The eyes are not dull, which is normal.

"Eh? It's okay, I can still resist blows in my heart, don't worry about me!" Lin Mu said!

In his opinion, Zhou Suyi may have come to comfort himself because she saw the poor result and was afraid that she would be sad.

He was still very grateful for that.


This time it was Zhou Suyi's turn to put a question mark on her face.

"Lin Mu, are you alright?"

She reached out and touched Lin Mu's forehead, "I don't have a fever, why are you still talking nonsense?"


Lin Mu was a little confused.

How does it feel, the two of them don't seem to be on the same channel.

"I'm fine, really, I'm really fine, although the download volume of "The Ancient City of Jingjue" is terrible, but I can handle it, don't worry!" Lin Mu smiled optimistically at Zhou Suyi.

I don't want this friend to worry about me.

But Zhou Suyi had a weird face.

"Damn it, Lin Mu, are you fucking showing off? Damn, you are such an abominable person!" Zhou Suyi looked at Lin Mu with contempt.

That download volume, he even said it was terrible.

Let no one live.

If gamers all over the world knew about Lin Mu, they would just jump off the building, right?

Lin Mu smiled wryly, "Hey, it's been more than half an hour and I haven't had a single download. Although I thought that the effect would be poor if I didn't promote it, I really didn't expect the effect to be so bad!"


"What nonsense are you talking about?" Zhou Suyi was stunned!
"Hey, you might think it will be good too. I thought so too, but the reality is such a slap in the face, hey!" Lin Mu sighed.

"Crazy, crazy, what zero, how could it be zero!"

"Hey, you'll know when you come in and take a look!" Lin Mu sighed and led Zhou Suyi into the room.

Zhou Suyi followed in and came to the computer.

At first glance, people are also confused!


The above display is really zero.

"What's the matter? No, why is it different from mine? You haven't refreshed it, have you?" Zhou Suyi asked in surprise!

Lin Mudao: "Hey, the data on this platform is refreshed in real time, you don't need to refresh it yourself!"

"No, no, this is different from what I saw, there must be something wrong!" Zhou Suyi went up and turned off the platform, and then turned it on again.

As a result, it cannot be opened.

"Damn it, look for yourself, you don't have internet!" Zhou Suyi shouted.

"What?" Hope suddenly surged in Lin Mu's heart.

He hurried forward to have a look.

Well, although the wifi is connected, there is no internet.

"No, no problem, I'll check the router!"

Lin Mu hurriedly went to check the router, but there was no problem with the router, but then, he thought of something and hurriedly opened the broadband app, and he was stunned.

"Fuck, I'm in arrears!"

Only then did he realize that at exactly twelve o'clock, the broadband was overdue and he hadn't paid the fee, so the network was cut off at that moment.

His app was set to not allow notifications, so he didn't see the information about the arrears.

"Hahaha, oops, I finally understand, hahaha!" Zhou Suyi instantly understood what was going on, and she laughed tremblingly.

"Hahaha, I laughed so hard, you don't really think that the number of downloads of this game will be zero, do you pay the fee quickly, and when you see the result, you will know why I want to congratulate you!"

"Okay, I'll pay the fee now!"

Lin Mu felt nervous again.

Who would have thought that an oolong would happen at the critical moment, causing him to despair.

Fortunately, Zhou Suyi specially sent a message to congratulate herself, otherwise I would not be able to sleep tonight.

He hurriedly paid the fee, and then refreshed the network.

At this moment, when he saw that number again, his heart seemed to stop.


(End of this chapter)

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