Chapter 30
Lin Mu's heart lifted again, he was so nervous that his hands trembled that he completed the payment and reopened the network.

Open the st platform and find "Exquisite Ancient City".

At this moment, both Lin Mu and Zhou Suyi held their breath.

The four big eyes of the two of them stared at the numbers on the screen, and then they spoke together.

"One, ten, one hundred, one thousand, ten thousand, one hundred thousand, one hundred... million...800 million... hiss..."

Lin Mu only felt his heart beating violently, as if it was the same as his mood, and he wanted to jump out excitedly before going back.

800 million downloads in one hour, an unprecedented feat in game history.

Even if those major manufacturers spend hundreds of millions of dollars on publicity before the game is released, they cannot compare with it.

This is a miracle in the history of games.

It is absolutely unprecedented. As for whether there will be anyone in the future, I am afraid that only Lin Shu can break it.

Zhou Suyi swallowed and spit, "Oh my god, one is 299, more than 600 million, that must be..."

She snapped her fingers, but she felt that all ten of her fingers couldn't figure it out.

"Eighteen billion!" Lin Mu directly gave an approximate figure.


At this moment, Zhou Suyi's heart skipped a beat, and she almost fainted from the shock of this number.

Eighteen billion.

[-] billion in one hour.

She counted with her fingers again, even if she calculated the highest income in one year at her peak, how many years would it be.

Count your fingers again.

How do you feel that your fingers are missing a few!
Can't figure it out, can't figure it out.

so horrible.

Although the money was not hers, it was enough to shock her.

"Hahaha, Lin Mu, you got rich, you really got rich!" At this moment, she was also very excited, jumping up and down, and hugging Lin Mu.

Lin Shu was also very excited.

"Hahaha, it's hot, it's hot, it's really hot!"

He also hugged Zhou Suyi excitedly, and turned around a few times on the spot.

He didn't think much of it.

I just want to celebrate the excitement in my heart at this moment with the people next to me.

The two circled around a few times.

Suddenly, Lin Mu stopped, and hurriedly let go of Zhou Suyi, a little embarrassed.

After all, the two had just known each other not long ago, and their relationship was far from this level of intimacy.

Zhou Suyi also reacted, her cheeks flushed instantly, she lowered her head and was afraid to look at the trees.

After all, there are only two people in the room, and the atmosphere is a bit awkward and ambiguous at the moment!

For a long time, Lin Mu felt that he had to break the embarrassment by himself.

"Ahem, that, that's right, that, I keep my word, if you pass the level, I will definitely reward 1000 rockets!"

"Ah, oh, clear the level, yes, yes, since you are fine, then, then I will go back and continue playing!"

Zhou Suyi's cheeks were flushed, her ears were red, and she hurriedly ran away.

Seeing her flustered look, Lin Mu suddenly smiled.

"It turns out that you are also shy!"

Zhou Suyi's shy appearance is really different from her usual live broadcast. I feel pity for this contrast of shyness.


The ancient city of Jingjue is on fire, and there is no need to continue to promote it.

The terrifying download volume alone is enough to explain everything.

And after all this happened, Dai Qing felt the most uncomfortable.

She didn't sleep tonight, just waiting for the results to come out, hoping in her heart that she would hit the street, definitely hit the street.


When she saw that terrifying number, Dai Qing felt bad.

"Damn it, how could it be so scary? No, the more popular this game is, the more Mr. Ma will want to cooperate. At that time, what I did will definitely be exposed, and I will definitely be fired as a backer!"

Thinking of this result, cold sweat broke out on Dai Qing's forehead.

She has struggled for so many years and paid so much to get to where she is today.

She would never allow all of this to be ruined by a little person who was originally unknown.

The worry and fear in her eyes gradually turned into viciousness.

"No, I have to find a way to stop Mr. Ma from cooperating with him. No, no, it can't be that simple. I want to find a way to completely block Lin Mu!"

Dai Qing has the ability and more means.

Otherwise, it is impossible for a female stream without any background to get to where it is today.

Moreover, the public relations department she controls does not do this kind of thing less.


The download volume of the platform is still changing, and there is no significant decrease in each time period. Even if it is two or three o'clock in the morning, the download volume is still growing rapidly.

St's staff are busy, this night they realized what it means to put money in a sack.

Even if it can only be divided into [-]%, it is scary enough.

This day is worth their profits for several months.

[Ding, congratulations to the host for breaking through 1000 million popularity in the first game, reward random skills in the game, do you want to draw now? 】

Suddenly, the sound of the system sounded.

Lin Mu also noticed that the number on the computer had exceeded 1000 million.

Lin Mu's eyes lit up immediately.

This was what he was most looking forward to.

"Draw immediately!"

Immediately, a huge turntable appeared in the brain, with various rewards on it.

[The predictive ability of the Zagrama tribe]

[Snake God's Ability to Transfigure the Realm]

【Fatty Wang's marksmanship】

【Hu Bayi's Feng Shui ability】

【Shirley Yang's Inheritance of Moving Mountains】


All kinds of rewards are varied, and Lin Shu is short of breath.

Immediately afterwards, the big turntable started to rotate, and Lin Mu's heart was raised again.

After a few seconds, the turntable stopped and the pointer stopped at one position.

[Congratulations to the host for obtaining Shirley Yang's inheritance of moving mountains]

"Fuck me!"

At this moment, Lin Mu exclaimed in his heart

Moving mountains to inherit.

Although this thing is not as powerful as the illusion of the snake god's movement and the predictive ability of the Zagrama tribe, it is definitely better.

Because moving mountains and inheriting is not a single ability, it includes many.

The art of moving mountains and dividing armour, Kuixing kicking, ventriloquism, and all kinds of strange arts that have long been lost from ancient tombs are all included.

"Make a lot of money!"

Immediately afterwards, Lin Mu felt that there was a lot of knowledge in his mind, and he mastered it instantly.

At this moment, Lin Mu had the urge to find a tomb to try.

But he held back.

The game is okay, but if you really go to the tomb, it will be over.

But this also made Lin Mu look forward to it even more.

In the future, if I do masturbation and masturbation, which hero's awesome skills will I get?


(End of this chapter)

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