Chapter 302 New Discovery
"The big monster is coming out, little brothers be careful."

"The real monster is coming, everyone get ready."

"The monster was injured? It's so difficult that the third master did it? These two are a bit fierce, don't know if they are still alive/"

"It's probably too cold, just the two of them, it's really too difficult to get through here."

"Indeed, although I think these two people are pretty good, it's still a pity to die like this. It would be great if they could be accepted by an official."


Accompanied by the rattling metal friction sound, the hearts of netizens also became tense.

The appearance of this thing in the game and the appearance in reality are completely two feelings.

In the game, just treat it as a small boss.

But in reality, this is a real monster.

If someone takes a picture here and goes out, it is estimated that if you approach science, you can take a photo of more than ten levels, and then there will be another mountain monster in the world.

Zhou Bing and the others immediately became nervous.

As the concentration of tear gas in front became higher and higher, the sound of friction became louder, and then, a huge creature appeared from the darkness and was forced out.

This thing can grow so big here, it is inseparable from the special air structure here.

Therefore, it is still very sensitive to gas.


With that thing completely appearing in everyone's sight, everyone was prepared, but couldn't help but gasped.

too big.

The length alone is at least tens of meters, and the height is also more than ten meters. It feels like a prehistoric giant beast.

Moreover, it is covered with a layer of bronze armor, which makes it even more weird.

The position of the mouth of the golden mask on the head was blasted into a huge gap, which was obviously made by the two of the three masters before.

Part of the dragon scale demon armor on his body was also damaged.

Obviously, the previous battle was fierce.

"Captain, it seems that this thing is seriously injured, and it seems that it is not so aggressive anymore." Someone said.

Wang Bing looked at it and thought so too.

"It seems that the injury is indeed serious!"

"Captain, what should we do, there is probably only one of this thing in the whole world, is it really going to be killed?"

Wang Bing said: "We don't need to worry about this. A biologist has made a judgment based on everything in the game. As long as the body remains, this thing can't be killed. Therefore, don't worry about it. Our duty is to take it. What's more, we brought a professional emetic, if the effect is good, there is no need to hurt him!"

At this moment, the huge monster was already approaching them, but it looked like it was dying.

The densely packed feet under the body also looked weak.


As if exhausting all its strength, the monster fell directly to the ground, splashing a large amount of water from its body.

That one eye also slowly closed, as if dead.

"Let's start!" Wang Bing didn't talk nonsense.

This situation is the best for them, saving a lot of trouble and reducing casualties.

But I have to say that even he admired it in his heart.

The two people before, relying on the equipment obtained from the crashed plane, did have some skills in how to make this behemoth like this.

A large amount of emetic medicine was sprayed into the monster's mouth. Gradually, the monster reacted and its body began to twitch.

Immediately afterwards, his head suddenly lifted, and he began to vomit wildly.


Everyone hastily dispersed.

Female corpses were spat out, followed by a huge bronze box.

After that, the monster's head was smashed down again, and there was no movement again.

Although he can't die, it will at least take a while for this situation to recover.

Seeing the box, everyone became excited.

Rao didn't care about the stench around him.

"There really is, there really is!"

Chen Yan was also very excited watching the live broadcast.

The exact same box appeared, combined with the previous situation, no one doubted that the things inside would be different from those in the game.

"Take the box away first, there must be no mistakes!"

The box was carried away immediately, but it was not opened, because it could not be opened, because the key was still in the hands of the third master.

Now, all the contents of the monster's stomach have been spit out, but there are no figures of the third master.

"Let someone salvage it nearby!" Zhou Bing ordered again.

If the third master and the others can't be found in the river, it means that these two people may be beyond everyone's expectations, and they may really not be dead, but survived.

"Others, follow me to the front and continue to chase!"


Zhou Suyi and the others continued to move forward, but they did not encounter any danger.

After a while, I saw a light ahead.

The position of the entrance of the gourd cave is a waterfall, and all the water flows together, with a drop of tens of meters.

At this time, the sky is bright outside, the wind is blowing, and the weather is very good.

When the three of them arrived at the waterfall, their legs became weak when they saw the drop of tens of meters above them.

Fatty Wang is afraid of heights, so he looks a little numb.

"It can't be done, it can't be done, I'm exhausted, Fatty, I have to take a break!" Fatty Wang sat down on the ground directly.

Hu Bayi was also out of breath, only Zhou Suyi was fine, as if she didn't feel tired.

"You two are a bit hypocritical!" Zhou Suyi teased.

Both Hu Bayi and Fatty Wang blushed.

"Brother Yang, you can't talk nonsense. We are tired, not empty. Besides, we haven't eaten for a long time. Let's stop and eat something!" Fatty Wang said.

"Yes, yes, eat something and replenish your strength!" Hu Bayi also said.

Although everyone ate a piece of chalcedony before, this thing can replenish vitality but not physical strength. They should be hungry or they will be hungry.

"Okay, let's take a break and eat something!"

Zhou Suyi held a piece of compressed biscuit, and looked at the surrounding environment while eating. Below, there was a green pool, which was about 20 meters high.

The pool is like a piece of beautiful jade, it is beautiful all of a sudden.

"What a beautiful environment!" Zhou Suyi sighed from the bottom of her heart.

It was impossible to travel to this place in reality, but being able to experience such a beautiful scenery in the game immediately made her feel better.

Suddenly, she saw a huge shadow appearing in the pool below.

It is 30 meters away from the water pool below, about the height of a ten-story building. Although the water pool looks small from above, it should not be small in reality.

And that shadow hovered in the pool, its figure was huge, like a long snake, according to Zhou Suyi's estimate, its figure was at least three to forty meters away.

"Come and see!" Zhou Suyi hurriedly greeted Hu Bayi and Fatty Wang.

Hu Bayi immediately went over, glanced down, and was shocked!

(End of this chapter)

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