Chapter 303
Zhou Suyi looked at the huge phantom below, thinking that she had encountered some huge monster again, so she hurriedly greeted Hu Bayi and Fatty Wang.

Unexpectedly, after Hu Bayi glanced at it, shock was written all over his face.

"Unbelievable, unbelievable, this King Xian is amazing!" His expression of emotion made Zhou Suyi confused.

Seeing that he was so excited, Fatty Wang ran over reluctantly. Fatty Wang stretched his neck and looked forward. When he saw the drop of tens of meters, he quickly put his head back.

"I said, what's going on, did you find the baby?" Fatty Wang asked.

Zhou Suyi also asked: "Old Hu, why do you say that? Then, it can't be a real dragon, right?"

"True dragon? Where is it?" Fatty Wang poked his head out again, and then retracted again.

Hu Bayao: "It's not a real dragon, it's just the incarnation of the geomantic feng shui here. In feng shui, it's called the water dragon halo. It's extremely rare to dive in the clear water and choose a day to transform into a dragon. It's no worse than the general emperor's dragon cave." , this Xianwang, luck is really against the sky, to find this kind of place!"

"This is the water dragon dizziness!" Zhou Suyi was a little surprised.

Although I can't see anything special about the surrounding Fengshui, I feel that it is not easy just because the shadow of the dragon shape can be manifested in the lake.

Hu Bayao: "It seems that the tomb of King Xian should be nearby."

"Then what are you waiting for, let's find it quickly!"

Fatty Wang, who was clamoring for a rest, became excited when he heard that the tomb of King Xian was nearby.

Zhou Suyi glanced at him, this guy, hearing about the ancient tomb is definitely more exciting than marrying a wife.

The three of them were about to continue searching, but at this moment, there was a vision in the sky.

I saw the sun piercing through the clouds and illuminating the insect valley full of clouds.

A rainbow appeared above the waterfall like a flyover, colorful.

This is not the most amazing.

Above the colorful overpass, more and more pavilions and pavilions gradually appeared.

A magnificent palace complex gradually took shape.

There are pavilions, terraces and pavilions, carved beams and painted pillars, rockery and flowing water, everything that one expects to find.

This palace is like a heavenly palace, suspended above the Rainbow Bridge, it is extremely magnificent.

Zhou Suyi was dumbfounded, "A mirage? It's so beautiful, so spectacular, and it seems a little familiar."

Fatty Wang said in surprise: "I said, this can't be heaven, right? That wicked old boy with a smoldering belt, King Xian, is so rare that he can really become a fairy. This damn is unreasonable."

Hu Bayi said: "This should be the real Minglou Palace in Xianwang's tomb. The special celestial phenomenon makes the hidden Minglou show the tip of the iceberg!"

"Fuck, good guy, this king Xian, a poor and remote emperor, has repaired the Ming Tower almost as fast as the Heavenly Palace, this guy is really rich!" Fatty Wang kept stopping, a little eager to try.

Just kidding, this Minglou is so rich, can the treasure be less?

Zhou Suyi asked curiously: "Minglou, what do you mean?"

She doesn't understand this.

Shouldn't ancient tombs be underground?Why is there still Minglou?

Hu Bayi explained: "Minglou is generally a building built on a mausoleum. It is used to place commemorative inscriptions and inscriptions, and a place for ritual sacrifices. Generally speaking, it is built on top of the underground palace. Therefore, to find Minglou can usually find the passage leading to the underground palace!"

"There is such a saying!" Zhou Suyi felt that Hu Bayi was still a professional.

"Hahaha, professional things have to be done by professional people."

"That's it, you also said that Lin Mu is not a tomb robber, do you believe it?"

"I heard that Lin Mu has been missing for a long time. Tell me, maybe he ran away because he knew his identity was exposed."

"Don't say it, it's really possible!"


Such a professional explanation, of course, made netizens doubt the identity of Lin Mu again, but doubts are doubts, guesses are guesses, and no one has come up with solid evidence until now.

The live broadcast of the archaeological team and sister Zhou is in full swing.

And "Angry Qing Xiangxi" chose to retreat bravely.

Sixty days after its release, although the daily box office is still close to [-] million, it is still announced that it will switch from offline to online to free up more time for other movies.

And within 100 days, the total box office broke through a terrifying 2 billion, setting an unprecedented record in the history of Daxia movies, and far surpassing the box office of No.[-] by nearly double.

Such a terrifying achievement makes people amazed again and again.

Not only in Daxia's country, but also in foreign countries have achieved very good results.

With the games "Exquisite Ancient City" and "Yunnan Insect Valley" becoming popular abroad, "Nuqing Xiangxi" is naturally not bad.

The North American box office exceeded 8 million yuan, which also set an unprecedented record.

With this movie, Director Zhang directly entered Hollywood and became a hot and well-known director.

"Warmly celebrate the successful conclusion of "Angry in Xiangxi", the box office has exceeded 100 billion, and the rapid exit is really responsible."

"Why is it released? I managed to grab a movie ticket. Is it easy for me?"

"I heard that it's free to watch on major online sites, but I always feel that it's a little bit worse than watching it in a movie theater."

"It's a pity that this kind of special effects blockbuster is no longer seen in cinemas."

"Director Zhang is really particular. There are still so many box office tickets every day, yet he chooses to end the show to make room for other movies. It's a big deal."

"Nuqing Xiangxi has watched it three times. It's really good-looking. It's an absolute masterpiece of conscience. Now, I'm looking forward to whether there will be a next step. If there is a next one, it will be great."


Netizens sent blessings one after another, and at the same time began to look forward to the next one.

Director Zhang was actually more anxious. After all, now that Lin Mu was missing, he contacted Lin Mu several times, but he couldn't find anyone.

He still wanted to cooperate with Lin Mu in the second movie, but now there is no one, and there is no script, which is more uncomfortable than killing him.

"Director Zhang, I have your package!" Just as Director Zhang was scratching his head, the staff walked in.

Director Zhang usually has a lot of packages, so he didn't take it seriously, and asked casually, "Who sent it? If it's useless, just throw it away."

The staff said: "The above sender is Lin Mu!"


Director Zhang didn't react yet, but immediately widened his eyes, "Who are you talking about, Lin Mu?"

"Well, yes, the sender is Lin Mu!" The staff were stunned, and they didn't expect Director Zhang to react so strongly.

"Hurry up, show me!" Director Zhang was so excited.

The package was not big, and Director Zhang felt that his hands were trembling when he opened the package. Lin Mu would not send him a package for no reason, and he could vaguely guess what was inside.

And there was only one thing that could make him so excited, the one thing he dreamed of.

As a result, I opened the package with trembling hands for a long time, and the staff next to me were stunned, thinking that Director Zhang had Parkinson's, and almost called 120 directly.


(End of this chapter)

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