Chapter 305

The third master and Dao Scarlian were sitting on the steps, each holding a small piece of thousand-year-old cinnamon in their hands, stuffing it into their mouths like eating carrots.

Compared with before, the two of them were even more embarrassed, with wounds all over their bodies, and their clothes were even more tattered, almost naked.

"Third Master, this thing is amazing. My wounds have started to scab, and the place where I was bitten by the baby has begun to recover!" Dao Scar's face was full of surprise.

The third master said: "You know a fart, this cinnamon has been at least thousands of years old, not to mention taking a bite to become a Taoist or immortal, it is to heal wounds, it is not a pediatrics, this thing is placed outside, it is a priceless treasure, you take a bite, At the very least, it’s worth millions, and it’s all priceless!”

"Oh my god, it's so expensive, then, I'll eat less!" Scarface felt a little bit reluctant to eat it.

This is not a medicine to eat, it is obviously money.

No, it's gold, more expensive than gold.

The third master rolled his eyes, "Look at your unpromising appearance, what's the fuss about this little money, eat as much as you can, the body is the capital of the revolution, when the body recovers, we will continue, the front, it should be The Minglou Palace is here!"

Not far from where the two of them are at the moment, there is a white jade archway that I can feel.

Behind the archway are white jade steps. At a glance, there are 99 steps, which correspond to the number of stars, and are extremely steep.

Behind the white jade steps is a majestic treasure hall.

At a glance, the carved beams and painted pillars of the treasure hall are resplendent and magnificent.


Zhou Suyi watched the replay once, "Damn, why are there snakes again, why are there so many snakes here, and they are all so big!"

She was a little depressed.

She discovered that the one that swallowed her head in the game was another giant python.

This giant python looked similar to the one I saw in the water cave before.

Obviously, there are still many such giant pythons near the Insect Valley.

"It is said that there must be something guarding around Tiancaidibao. It seems that it is true. This time, I have to be careful!"

After resting for a while, Zhou Suyi looked at the current affairs news, and was also a little excited when she saw the news of "Longling Miku".

After all, she watched Nu Qing Xiangxi before, it was really good looking.

She also began to look forward to it.

Enter the game again.

Climb up the vine again.

This time, Zhou Suyi was much calmer.

Even after finding the thousand-year-old cinnamon, he raised his hand and cut it off with a small sharp blade.

From the location of the fracture, bright red juice flowed out, like fresh blood, and a more intense fragrance spread instantly.

"The thousand-year-old cinnamon turned out to be the thousand-year-old cinnamon, haha, we are so lucky!" Hu Bayi was very excited when he saw the thousand-year-old cinnamon.

But Zhou Suyi stared at the front without any reaction.

Behind the millennium cinnamon, there is a black hole.

The next moment, two red lights suddenly appeared in the black hole, and then, a black shadow rushed out.


Hu Bayi was startled when he saw the black shadow. It was too late to help, so he only had time to remind him.

Before his voice fell, the black shadow had already rushed out, and a huge python's head opened its bloody mouth, biting at Zhou Suyi.

Normally, one would not be able to react when one is caught off guard, but Zhou Suyi, as if she had expected it, dodged to the side.

Immediately afterwards, the little god front in his hand was chopped off directly.


This time, half of the giant python's head was chopped off directly.

The giant python was originally fierce and mighty, but it was soy sauce when it came out.

It probably didn't expect that it would be discovered after hiding behind the thousand-year-old cinnamon to sneak attack. Not only was it discovered, but it was even killed.

How can you justify this?

The next moment, the vitality of the giant python disappeared instantly, and its huge body fell down due to inertia.

After a few seconds.


The giant python fell directly into the pool below, and the entire pool was soon dyed red.

It all happened too suddenly and too fast.

It only took a few seconds from the giant python's sneak attack to the fall, so that Hu Bayi and Fatty Wang were stunned for a long time without reacting.

It took a while for Hu Bayi to come back to his senses.

"Miss Yang, you, how did you do it?" He was a little confused.

The sneak attack just now was too sudden, but Ms. Yang seemed to have reacted in advance. This is too scary. Can this predict the future?
As expected of a descendant of the Prophet, it is so rare that he has inherited this ability.

Zhou Suyi also let out a long breath, "It's nothing, I just thought that there might be something guarding this kind of natural and earthly treasure, so I took some precautions, but I didn't expect it to work, it's just a fluke!"

"Amazing, really amazing!" Hu Bayi gave a thumbs up, thinking that Ms. Yang is worthy of being a hero among women, and I really admire her boldness and carefulness.

[Hu Bayi recognition +1]

"I said, it's okay, if it's okay, let's stop chattering here, let's go up first and talk about it!" Seeing that Zhou Suyi was fine, Fatty Wang was afraid of heights again, so he immediately urged.

Hu Bayi and Zhou Suyi looked at each other, feeling helpless.

The three of them continued to climb without saying anything more.

After climbing to a certain height, everyone was surprised to find that there was a plank road spiraling upwards at the location of the Minglou Palace that had appeared in the sky that day.

The plank road clings to the wall and spirals upwards.

Hu Bayi stared there carefully, then looked at their position at the moment, and shouted: "Look at the location, it seems to be 200 meters to our left, let's climb over and have a look!"

"Huh? Climbing?" Fatty Wang's thighs trembled again.

Hu Bayao: "Why don't you climb up first, and then hang the rope from above to the position of the plank road!"

When Fatty Wang heard this, he froze immediately.

"Forget it, Fat Master won't waste that strength, today Fat Master will risk his life to accompany the gentleman!"

The three of them started to move sideways, which was more strenuous than climbing up. They had to keep changing the vines and make sure those vines were strong enough.

Zhou Suyi's speed is extremely fast.

She is very flexible in her own body, and with a probing claw, she is like a flexible monkey, moving around, and stopped on a stone platform in a short while.

Fatty Wang looked envious for a while.

"Hey, my fear of heights has fooled me!" Fatty Wang sighed, and crawled over with difficulty for a full hour.

As soon as I landed, I felt that my legs were not my own.

Zhou Suyi jumped onto the plank road.

The remnants of the plank road are all built with stone piles and slabs, and the mountain is directly excavated as stairs, surrounded by ring-shaped dangerous walls and cliffs.

There are also two plank roads leading to the big water pool below.

The water vapor below is thick, but here it is abnormally dry, as if there is a diaphragm in the middle, forming a clear dividing line.


(End of this chapter)

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