Chapter 306 Lingyun Tiangong
Zhou Suyi and Hu Bayi waited for Fatty Wang for a long time before Fatty Wang finally climbed up.

"Is this the water dragon dizziness? It's really amazing!" Zhou Suyi looked down condescendingly, and couldn't help but sigh with emotion.

Nature is indeed amazing, and it can produce many phenomena that humans cannot explain today.

Just like the scene in front of you now.

There is obviously water vapor around the waterfall, but a little further up, there is no water vapor at all.

It seems that there is an invisible barrier separating the water vapor, isolating the humid air below, and protecting the Minglou Palace above from moisture.

The three of them took a short rest before setting off along the plank road.

When everyone climbed to the end of the plank road, it was already the bottom of Minglou Palace.

There is a gate archway ahead.

Passing through the archway means that you have officially entered the Minglou Palace.

"Damn it, we really found it!" The listless Fatty Wang became excited again.

As long as you know there is a baby in front of you, you don't care about fear of heights.

The three walked over quickly.

Behind the archway are white jade steps. At a glance, there are 99 steps, which correspond to the number of stars, and are extremely steep.

Behind the white jade steps is a majestic treasure hall.

At a glance, the carved beams and painted pillars of the treasure hall are resplendent and magnificent.

"Let's go, there is really a Minglou Palace. I have learned a lot. I thought that the ancient tombs were all buried below."

"Hehe, the rich people in ancient times really knew how to play, and they had to waste money to build two palaces after they died."

"How much manpower and material resources will be spent to build such a magnificent palace in the mountains. This King Xian is really willing."

"It is estimated that King Xian's life has been spent on building ancient tombs."

"Prodigal son, don't engage in business, and focus on the affairs of the funeral."


Seeing the magnificent palace, even the netizens became excited.

When Chen Yan saw this Minglou Palace, he was also excited.

They have found some Minglou halls in archaeology, but the scale is generally small, even the imperial mausoleum is no more than that.

And the Minglou Palace dedicated to the king's tomb, built on the top of such a remote mountain, has a different meaning.

At this moment, I didn't care whether Wang Bing and the others had found out the way, and they couldn't wait to follow.

Looking at the magnificent palace in front of her, Zhou Suyi shivered for no reason.

In order to understand the future plot, she watched the cg animation several times.

Among them, there is a section where a scary red-clothed female ghost appears, which is scary.

"No, just in front of the palace fence?" Zhou Suyi swallowed, a little nervous.

Fatty Wang couldn't wait a long time ago, "You two, why are you still staring blankly, hurry up, dig up the tomb of Old Boy Wang, and eliminate harm for the people."

This guy jingled his slogans, and everyone knew his purpose.

Zhou Suyi hurriedly warned: "This is already within the scope of the King's Tomb, be careful, don't be rash, especially you, fat man, don't touch it randomly!"

Fatty Wang was immediately unhappy when he heard it, "Hey, brother Yang, I am a professional in Daodou, Fat Master, so you can keep your heart in your stomach. With Fat Master here, the ancient tomb is ours." Home, you can come and leave whenever you want."

"Bah, bah, your own home!" Zhou Suyi said angrily.

Is there any fucking way to describe it?

The three of them climbed up the stairs and came all the way to the gate of the palace at the end of the road.

There is a stone tablet beside the door, and under the tablet is a kneeling monster, making a gesture of carrying the tablet on the clouds. On the stone tablet are written several large characters with complicated strokes.

Zhou Suyi hurriedly asked: "Old Hu, what is written on it?"

Hu Bayi stared at those ancient characters and said: "Mysterious and mysterious, the gate of all wonders, Lingyun Tiangong, Huixian treasure hall."

Fatty Wang sneered disdainfully, "Hehe...Lingyun Tiangong, the treasure hall of all immortals, this old man Wang wants to become an immortal, he must be crazy!"

"Isn't it because you want to become a fairy and you're crazy? When you say King Xian, you are making preparations and arrangements for your ascension to immortality after death. Such a person is quite paranoid!" Zhou Suyi said.

"It's just that you are sick. If you don't take it with you when you are born, you don't take it with you when you die. Children know the truth. This Xianwang is not as good as a child!" Fatty Wang said.

Zhou Suyi agrees with this sentence.

Throughout the ages, there is no one who can achieve Taoism and ascend.

However, even if everyone knew about it, they still couldn't help but want to fantasize about it. Even the greatest emperor couldn't escape.

Fatty Wang ignored it, walked to the gate of the main hall, and said cursingly: "This old boy Xianwang has done bad things, today, let Fatty Lord and I do justice for the sky, and defeat him!"

With that said, he kicked on the door.


Although the door of the temple was not locked, it was only ajar, but this kick did not kick it open.

Zhou Suyi was speechless.

This fat man also claimed to be a professional, but he acted recklessly.

The feelings she just reminded were all in vain, right? This is really not long at all.

"I really want to give this guy another big blow!" Zhou Suyi thought to herself, but she still sighed, I can't bear it!
She hurried over, "You bastard, can you stop being so reckless, if there are crossbow bolts inside, once the door is opened, you will be the first to give you a heart-warming chill!"

Fatty Wang shivered, "Impossible, this is the Lingyun Palace, the Palace of Immortals, so the door should not be opened to welcome guests and friends from all over the world, can you give me a warning?"

"Have some snacks, you can!" Zhou Suyi said angrily.

"Old Hu, fat man, step aside, I'll open the door!" Zhou Suyi said.

Things like opening the door are likely to be dangerous. She thinks that her reaction speed is not bad and she should be able to avoid it.

Otherwise, if you let these two people open the door, if something goes wrong, you will have to do it all over again, so it's better to go directly.

"No, no, we two old men can still let you take risks!" Fatty Wang said.

Hu Bayi also disagrees.

Zhou Suyi directly took out the diamond umbrella, "Don't worry, with this umbrella, ordinary things can't hurt me."

"Ah, then I'll be fine!"

Both Hu Bayi and Fatty Wang have seen the power of the Vajra Umbrella.

This umbrella is really indestructible and very easy to use.

They were no longer pretentious, and immediately took a few steps back to hide beside them.

Zhou Suyi came to the door, took a look, and first made sure whether the door opened to the inside or to the outside. After all, she was at the gate of Jingjue Ancient City before because of the problem of which side the door opened to, but it was difficult for her for a long time.

But fortunately, Lin Mu didn't pay much attention to it this time. It was obvious at a glance that the door opened to the inside.

Immediately, Zhou Suyi took a deep breath, exerted strength with both arms, and pushed the door inward.


The door was surprisingly heavy, but Zhou Suyi pushed it open anyway.

Zhou Suyi kept staring inside. When the door opened a gap and saw what was inside, Zhou Suyi didn't know what she saw, and her expression changed drastically!


(End of this chapter)

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