Chapter 307 Hidden mission attack
Zhou Suyi was afraid that there was something tricky behind this door. Who would have thought that the moment the door was opened, she would actually be in danger.

These two doors are extremely heavy, otherwise, Fatty Wang wouldn't have kicked them open.

Even Zhou Suyi had to exert strength with both arms.

Da da da……

At the same time, Zhou Suyi's ears heard a subtle sound, which was accompanied by the sound of piercing the sky.

Whoosh whoosh!
Several crossbow bolts shot from the gate.

If it was Fatty Wang and or Hu Bayi, they would definitely be unable to take precautions at this moment, let alone avoiding them.

But Zhou Suyi, who had been prepared for a long time, was obviously not included.

She was already on guard, and with the blessing of the Qilin blood, her reaction speed was astonishing.

Almost at the moment when the crossbow arrow was shot, Zhou Suyi had already withdrawn her hand, and immediately after, the Vajra Umbrella opened and blocked her face.

The whole set of movements was so fast that it dazzled the viewers.

Even after finishing this set of actions, Hu Bayi and the others still haven't understood what happened.

But then a few crisp sounds were heard.

The three crossbow arrows could not penetrate the vajra umbrella and fell to the ground.

These crossbow arrows are only as long as the index finger, and the front end is blood red. It is obvious that they have been poisoned. If the skin is scratched a little, they will suffer.

"Fuck me!"

Fatty Wang didn't have time to say "Fuck" when the crossbow arrow landed on the ground, and a layer of cold sweat broke out on his back.


Hu Bayi also swallowed nervously, sweating for Zhou Suyi.

"Miss Yang, are you okay?" Hu Bayi asked with concern!
Zhou Suyi put away the vajra umbrella, muttering in her heart that it really is another disgusting routine that can't kill people.

"I'm fine!" Zhou Suyi waved her hand.

[Hu Bayi recognition +1]

[Fatty Wang's recognition +1]

With this wave of small shots, the data has been improved again.

Fatty Wang scolded: "Damn, this old man Wang is really vicious. He shouts to entertain guests from all over the world, and throws a few arrows at them as soon as he shakes his hands. Isn't he afraid of being blamed by the gods?"

Hu Bayao: "Can immortals be shot by crossbow arrows? This thing is for protecting people, not for immortals!"

Fatty Wang exploded, exploded his mouth, "Don't say it, old Hu, what you said seems to be quite reasonable. This offering to the king is a good plan, but he has encountered our super invincible Iron Triangle. These little tricks , useless!"

"Okay, it's Miss Yang's credit, don't put gold on your face!"

"Hey, Hu, I don't want to say that, we are a team, do you understand the team, no..." Fatty Wang started to blah blah blah.

Zhou Suyi ignored him and looked into the hall.

It was a little dark inside the hall, but it didn't affect Zhou Suyi's night vision ability.

There are many huge bronze statues in the hall.

At the front are two ferocious bronze lions, with a golden ball under their left foot and a lion cub under their right foot.

Behind the bronze lion are a pair of Xie, Xie, Xiang, Qilin, camel and horse.

After the bronze beast, there are 36 military generals, civil servants and Xunchen officials in total.

The postures and costumes of the bronze figures are very strange. Rather than serving the king in the court, it is better to say that they are holding some strange ceremony.

A large group of bronze beasts and bronze men guarded the deepest throne in the temple like stars holding the moon.

Fatty Wang also leaned over and looked inside carefully, but he didn't dare to go in rashly. He finally got a little refreshed, which made Zhou Suyi quite gratified.

"Your mother, these bronze statues are realistic enough, and this sacrifice to the king is too extravagant. If these bronze statues are moved out, each of them can become the treasure of the town hall!"

Although his eyes are hot, but these things are given to him and he can't resist them.

"Be careful!" Zhou Suyi stepped in.

She had a hunch that the game would definitely be a monster.

After all, this journey is too simple, and I haven't encountered any troubles that I can't solve.

That's not the character of the game.

[Congratulations on triggering the hidden mission: Explore the Minglou Palace dedicated to the King]

[Exploring Xianwang's Minglou Palace: In order to become an immortal after death, Xianwang made many arrangements to ensure that he would not be disturbed before he died and became an immortal. However, there are many secrets hidden in this Minglou Palace. Please share one of them. find out]

[Task Reward: Black Gold Ancient Knife (made of meteorite iron from outside the sky, cut iron like mud, invincible)]

Suddenly, the game gave a prompt.

From entering this hall, Zhou Suyi triggered the hidden mission again.

"Reward the ancient black gold sword!" Zhou Suyi's eyes lit up.

Although there is a small sharp edge in hand, it is just a dagger after all, too short, and it can't play much role in many cases.

It would be great to have a long knife in hand.

However, she didn't get carried away.

Since it is a hidden mission, I am afraid it is very dangerous. I carefully read the introduction of the mission, "Xian Wang has made many arrangements to ensure that he will not be disturbed after his death and before he becomes an immortal. In this way, the purpose of building here may not be to Sacrifice, but to prevent tomb thieves, here is probably designed specifically for tomb thieves, it must be very dangerous!"

Zhou Suyi analyzed in her heart, but it's a pity that she knew that there was danger, but she still had to face it.

To complete the task, you must pass this level.

If you give up, you won't be able to get the black gold ancient knife. Who knows if this black gold ancient knife will be useful in the future? Is it the key to customs clearance?

Shaking his head, restraining his thoughts, looking around, try to be more careful.

However, standing among these bronze statues, there is an unspeakable feeling of depression.

Zhou Suyi was very vigilant, staring at the surroundings, but smelled a strange fragrance in the hall.

The fragrance is very light, not carefully felt, hardly noticeable!

"Did you smell a fragrance?" Zhou Suyi asked in a low voice.

Hu Ba nodded, "It seems that there is indeed a faint fragrance!"

Zhou Suyi frowned, feeling that she was being careless, she should have come in with a gas mask, otherwise, if she got poisoned, it would be troublesome.

However, after waiting for a while, there seemed to be no symptoms of poisoning.

Just about to breathe a sigh of relief.

All of a sudden, the abnormality rose, and the door behind him was directly closed.

"Fuck, what's going on?" Fatty Wang was startled.

Zhou Suyi and Hu Bayi hurriedly turned their heads to look behind them.

The gate was closed, but there was no one there except the bronze man.


A chill instantly enveloped the hearts of the three of them.

"High-energy warning ahead, please prepare for it."

"Come on, Suxiao Jiuxin Pill is ready, don't be afraid."

"I watched the customs clearance process of the two games from beginning to end three times, and there was no wave in my heart."

"Come on, Yao Mozi, let's duel."


When the netizens saw this scene, they all knew that something was going to happen, but they were all used to it, and they had already read the film three thousand times, and they had no code in their hearts.

Zhou Suyi felt her heart beating wildly, staring at the door, but then felt something was wrong.

I always feel as if something is staring at me.

A bad thought came to her mind, she slowly turned her head to look to the side, and saw the copper lion next to her staring at her.


(End of this chapter)

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