Chapter 308

As soon as the hidden mission came out, Zhou Suyi knew that danger was coming.

After all, the danger of every hidden mission is very high.

When Zhou Suyi saw the bronze lion staring at her, Zhou Suyi's heart skipped a beat.

She remembered clearly that when she came in, the bronze lion looked up at the sky, but now it turned its head to look at her, which was too weird.

Just as he was thinking about it, the bronze lion even blinked.

"Fuck me!"

Zhou Suyi scolded in her heart, she said to herself that this nima has met everything, that the copper lion can move, what a ghost.

"What's the situation? I just woke up and saw a copper lion moving."

"I fell asleep, and I saw the copper lion move."

"This can't be a real lion, but this head is too big."

"Get up, brothers, the bronze lion will move!"


Zhou Suyi was as confused as the netizens.

Just as she was thinking about it, she saw the copper lion open its jaws wide, roared angrily, and immediately rushed towards her!

This bronze lion is five or six times the size of a normal lion, and its entire body is made of brass.

Not to mention being bitten, even if you are thrown down, you will be smashed into meat sauce directly.

Zhou Suyi naturally didn't dare to be careless, and hurriedly retreated to the back.

Fatty Wang was also dumbfounded, "Old Hu, you, slap me quickly, am I dreaming, I saw the bronze lion and it moved!"


Hu Bayi is not used to it at all, he is just a big coward.

Fatty Wang was stunned by the beating, covering his face, probably depressed.

"Fuck, old Hu, you really beat me!"

I don't know when it started, but as soon as the word slap is said, there is an irresistible urge to give someone a big pussy.

Hu Bayi hurriedly changed the subject, "Ahem, fat man, does your face hurt? Pain is not a dream!"

Fatty Wang covered his face and said angrily, "Nonsense, don't your hands hurt?"

"Ah, it hurts a little!"

While the two of them were talking, the bronze lion fell to the ground.


The huge movement smashed a big hole in the ground, which shows how heavy the copper lion is.

"Grandma, fuck him!" Fatty Wang took out his gun and fired a burst of fire.

The bullet hit the bronze lion, making a crisp sound of metal clanging, but it couldn't damage the bronze lion at all, it only made insignificant craters, and it would recover soon.

"It's over, the bullets can't move it!"

The bronze lion raised its head and roared on the ground, extremely domineering.

At this moment, the copper lion seemed to be the king of the forest, the overlord of the hall.

Zhou Suyi flew back, and when she reached a bronze statue, the bronze lion aimed at her, and rushed towards her with a cry.

"Fuck, are you blind, can't you see the two of them?" Zhou Suyi was depressed.

Why are the first targets of these bosses all players.

Can you give me some way to survive?

I was about to dodge, but suddenly I felt someone grabbing my shoulder.


In an instant, Zhou Suyi felt that her scalp was about to explode.

No matter what the situation, the bronze lion was resurrected, so it was difficult for the other bronze men to be resurrected as well.

She hurriedly turned her head to look, didn't she.

A life-sized bronze figure behind her raised her hand and was pressing her shoulder.

"Fatty, save someone!"

Seeing that Zhou Suyi was about to be bitten to death by the copper lion, Hu Bayi and Fatty Wang rushed forward without any time to think, and they both grabbed the copper lion by its tail.

The copper lion's pace slowed down a bit, but it just looked back with disdain.

Immediately afterwards, the tail flicked violently, and Hu Bayi and Fatty Wang were thrown flying out.

Both of them were dumbfounded.

Thinking that both of them are masters, they were all blown away by a single tail of this copper lion, this Nima really can't accept it.

bang bang...

On the wall around the two of them, the bones almost fell apart.

However, this also bought Zhou Suyi some time.

She twisted hard, but her hands held tightly.

"This is what you forced me to do!"

Zhou Suyi looked at the expressionless bronze figure in front of her, and kicked her genitals at the crotch of the bronze figure.

No matter how you say this is also a male bronze figure, I don't believe you don't feel pain.


Good guy, this kick was solid, the bronze man was fine, but it almost broke Zhou Suyi's leg.

"Fuck, don't you fucking jj?"

Zhou Suyi was in so much pain that she burst into tears.

But this is not the time to talk about these things. Before he had time to think about it, the little god sword in his hand slashed at the bronze man's hand.

Xiaoshenfeng cuts iron like mud, and at this time it shows its strength.

With this knife, the bronze man's hands were cut off directly.

At the same time, I felt a strong wind coming from behind, and I hurriedly rolled on the spot.


The bronze lion bit it, but it didn't bite Zhou Suyi, but it did bite the bronze man.

The bronze man's body was directly bitten into two pieces and fell to the ground.


Zhou Suyi gasped again, looked at the two bronze figures that fell next to her, and said to herself, today she won't unlock a new way of death, so she will be dismembered.

Just as he was thinking, the big foot of the copper lion stepped on it.

How can this be a lion's foot? It is clearly an elephant's foot, even bigger than an elephant's foot.

Zhou Suyi rolled quickly, rolled over the crotch of the bronze lion, and then bumped into a bronze man and stopped.

Look up.

The bronze man was looking down at himself.

Immediately afterwards, he picked up the long knife in his hand and stabbed it towards Zhou Suyi.

"Kui Xing kicks!"

Zhou Suyi naturally wouldn't give up, a Kuixing kick fight.

Before the knife fell, she kicked the bronze man's chin first, kicking the bronze man's chin into a hollow, and kicked back.

Zhou Suyi landed steadily on the ground, but her feet felt a little numb.

Looking around again, those bronze men all came to life, surrounding them inside.

"Damn it, how can I fight this shit? Don't call it a hidden mission, just call it an unsolvable mission!"

Zhou Suyi scolded her mother in her heart.

They couldn't beat a copper lion alone. Its defensive power was too amazing, and its size was too big. If it was touched a little, it would break bones and tendons.

Not to mention there is a room full of bronze figures.

"What to do, damn it, this is a group of copper Gadas, they can't be beaten at all, it's hard to come by, the old boy Xianwang, he really became a fairy, he can use the magic of immortality, and he has become a soldier?" Fatty Wang Cursed next to him!
Hu Bayi said: "Impossible, there is no magic in the world, there must be something wrong, let's escape first, and then discuss the long-term plan!"

Zhou Suyi thought it made sense, there must be something wrong.

By the way, fragrance, it must be fragrance.

After coming in and smelling the fragrance, all these things came alive, and she seriously doubted whether she had been poisoned by some kind of poison that could make people hallucinate.


(End of this chapter)

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