Chapter 309
The room full of bronze men and the terrifying bronze lion were completely incomprehensible. Even if they had guns in hand, they would not be able to hurt these copper bumps at all.

Zhou Suyi felt that there must be something wrong with the taste.

It must be because they smelled those smells that they had hallucinations. Otherwise, how could copper things have life.

The old guy Xian Wang is full of tricks, he is good at all kinds of strange sorcery, and it is not impossible to make something that can cause hallucinations.

Immediately, the three of them were ready to rush out first, leaving here before talking.

However, this is easier said than done.

At this moment, a room full of bronze men surrounded them, and the bronze lion pounced on it again and went straight to Zhou Suyi.

"I'll attract their attention, you two go break the door!" Zhou Suyi shouted.

Hu Bayi and Fatty Wang don't need to be hypocritical at this time.

The two of them have no way to deal with these things. Only Zhou Suyi can delay for a while with her agility.

"Miss Yang, be careful!"

"Brother Yang, resist!"

The two rushed towards the gate, but immediately a bronze man came to stop them, and the two also showed their magical powers and broke through.

Cold sweat broke out on Zhou Suyi's forehead, not because she was scared, but because she was tired.

Wandering among so many bronze men and bronze lions, although it is dangerous to avoid each time, it consumes a lot of mental and physical strength.

If it goes on like this, even her unicorn blood can't last for 10 minutes.

Fortunately, Hu Bayi and Fatty Wang arrived at the door at a decent speed.

"Open it for me!"

Without saying a word, Fatty Wang kicked the door with all his strength.

This door is all made of wood, no matter how good the material is, it is thousands of years ago. Fatty Wang is still very confident in his kick.


There was a loud noise, who would have thought, this shit is all right.

On the contrary, Fatty Wang was kicked back by the huge human force, and his legs were numb, and he sat down on the ground.

"Who am I, this door, how the hell is it so strong!" Fatty Wang was stunned.

Hu Bayi's face changed, "Fatty, have you been hypocritical recently? Why can't you kick a door open? Look at me!"

Then, he also mustered all his energy, and he just kicked up.

In the end, just like Fatty Wang, he took a few steps back and sat down next to Fatty Wang, while the door was still intact.

Seeing that Hu Bayi was also sitting beside him, Fatty Wang said, "Hey, old Hu, you've been a little imaginary lately!"

"Nonsense, this door has a fucking bronze interlayer!"

The thickness of this door was beyond their expectations, but Zhou Suyi also used up a lot of strength when she thought of entering it, presumably there was something inside, and some kind of interlayer must have been added.

"Fuck, you guys still want to chat, hurry up, I can't hold it anymore!"

Seeing these two people still sitting there chatting, Zhou Suyi wanted to scold her.

Can you be more reliable.

"Brother Yang, hold on, grandma's, and explosives, I don't believe I can't open this door!" Fatty Wang gritted his teeth and got up and took out the explosives from his backpack.

"Take it easy, control the amount, the other door didn't explode, and we are here!" Hu Ba said.

Fatty Wang fiddled with the explosives in his hand, "Old Hu, others don't know, don't you know, Fatty, my skills are definitely this!"

He gave himself a thumbs up, "Just put your heart in your stomach and wait and see!"

In the time of talking, he had already prepared the weight of the explosives, went directly to the door to put it away, and connected the lead wires.

"Cover your ears!"

Fatty Wang yelled, and quickly stepped back and fell down.

The next moment, there was a loud bang.


The entire hall trembled, and powerful shock waves were gathered together in the small space.

Rao Hu Bayi and the others were also thrown out while lying on their stomachs.

plop plop...

The two of them fell to the ground, and their bones were about to fall apart.

Zhou Suyi is fine.

Among the bronze figures, it helped her block most of the shock waves. She looked nervously at the door, full of anticipation, and then full of death.

"Fuck, this fucking..."

At this moment, the gate was still intact, without any damage.


Wang Bing and his people also found here, and they were going to open the gate to check the situation.

But news came from Chen Yan suddenly.

"Don't go in, it's dangerous."

Wang Bing was stunned and asked about the situation. Chen Yan hurriedly asked someone to send this video to him.

Wang Bing frowned after reading it.

If it was a crossbow arrow, they could completely block it.

But if it is the same as in the game, and those weird bronze men and bronze lions come alive, it will be a bit difficult to deal with.

But it felt wrong again.

The door was ajar, and in the thick dust at the door, there were obvious footprints of two people. It was obvious that someone had already entered.

Moreover, it was very quiet inside, and there was no sound of fighting.

"Professor Chen, those two people should have gone in, I will try to open the door to see if those two people are inside!" Wang Bing said!

"Go in!"

Chen Yan's heart tightened, the speed of those two people was too fast, they were chasing closely behind, but they still couldn't catch up.

"Okay, you must be careful, and the game suspects that the smell inside may have hallucinogenic effects, you'd better wear a gas mask!" Chen Yan warned!

"it is good!"

Wang Bing also simply made people get ready immediately.

Two people took the shield to the top and went to push the door open.

It took a lot of effort to forcefully push the door open, which shows the thickness of the door.

Immediately afterwards, two crossbow arrows shot out, both of which hit the shield, but did not cause any damage.

When the door was opened and the light of the flashlight shone in, I saw the bronze man and the bronze lion inside.

But all the bronze men and lions stood there quietly. There were only a series of footprints on the ground, but there was no trace of a fight.

Looking at the direction of the footprints, it was obvious that the people who came in walked over without stopping.

After looking carefully, they didn't see the figure of the third master.

Wang Bing immediately told Professor Chen the news.

"Professor Chen, we didn't find the figures of those two people. They should have gone in. At present, except for the crossbow arrows, there are no other dangers. As for these bronze statues, I think they should be fine!"

Wang Bing looked at those bronze statues, they were simple bronze statues.

Although it is made lifelike, but copper is copper, how can it be alive.

It would be crazy if something like that happened.

To be honest, Chen Yan was very conflicted.

After all, there were too many strange things before, if something happened to these people again, it would be really troublesome.

However, Wang Bing also said here that there was no trace of a fight ahead, and both of the third masters went in, and they didn't seem to be in any danger, which meant that it might be safe here.

Like things in the game, they may not exist, they are only designed to enrich the plot of the game.

This has happened before.

Therefore, it is more difficult for him to make a decision.


(End of this chapter)

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