Chapter 311 Two Methods
When Zhou Suyi heard Hu Bayi and Fatty Wang yelling, she thought she had really thought of a solution to the problem.

However, when he looked at the past, his face changed drastically.

At this moment, above their heads, the red dragon embedded in the wall unexpectedly came alive at this moment.

There seemed to be bursts of clouds and mist above, and a red dragon loomed in the clouds and mist, and then, a red claw poked out from the clouds, and grabbed Hu Bayi and Fatty Wang.


Zhou Suyi shouted a reminder.

The two realized something was wrong, and quickly looked up, but it was too late.

The huge dragon claw protruded from the clouds and grabbed the two of them.


The two of them were directly caught by the terrifying dragon claws and turned into two balls of blood mist.

"Impossible, impossible!"

Zhou Suyi was stunned.

The resurrection of the copper man and copper lion is fine, but even the red dragon on the wall has also been resurrected.

With such a dazed effort, the bronze lion rushed forward.

Two paws patted towards Zhou Suyi.

When Zhou Suyi turned her head to look, the huge paw of the bronze lion happened to slap her on the face.


Just like that, his head exploded.

【game over】

The game failed again, Zhou Suyi was in a bad mood.

"What the hell is going on here? Is it really because of inhaling the fragrance that you are hallucinating?"

Zhou Suyi suddenly felt that it might not be that simple.

"It's probably not about the gas. The archaeological team went in with gas masks, but they were also caught."

"Could it be that the magnetic field is abnormal again, so that people's brains have hallucinations?"

"There is a possibility that those may not be made of copper, but some kind of meteorite."

"This Xianwang is really capable. After so many years of death, the arrangements left behind can still make future generations so troublesome."

"I don't have any skills, the tomb has been stolen long ago."

"Haven't you all read Nuqing Xiangxi? At the end, it says that Chen Yulou is also going to Chonggu. It seems that he didn't find the tomb of King Xian."


Netizens are also speculating on possible reasons.

Zhou Suyi looked at the barrage, and frowned even tighter.

"Isn't it a smell? It's so difficult that it's not poisoning? This is strange. What else could be the reason? Could it be that those things are really alive? How is this possible!"

Zhou Suyi couldn't figure it out, so she took a short rest, had another meal, and then habitually called Lin Mu, but no one answered.

"Hey, Lin Mu, don't let anything happen to you!"

It has been more than half a month since Lin Mu disappeared, and no one knows what happened to Lin Mu.

There are all kinds of guesses.

Some said that Lin Mu ran away because his identity as a tomb robber was exposed.

Some said that Lin Mu was kidnapped by tomb robbers, so there was no news.

Some also said that Lin Mu had earned enough money and was disillusioned with the world, so he went to a temple to become a monk.

Of course, there are also some very outrageous guesses.

At this moment.

A thrilling thing is happening in the depths of the sea.


Bullets shot out from the special muzzle, instantly leaving a vacuum bullet mark in front of him.

The target of the bullet attack was actually a group of mermaid-like creatures, just like the legendary mermaids, but very ugly.

The speed of these things in the water is extremely fast, and it is extremely brutal.

In the deep sea water, streaks of blood rose upwards, while corpses floated downward.

At the moment, Lin Shu is one of them.

He can predict the future and avoid all attacks accurately. Although those monsters are extremely fast, they can't hurt him at all.

On the other side, a group of people surrounded the pharaoh to protect him.

But as those monsters attack, there are fewer and fewer people.

Suddenly, several huge figures emerged above them.

It is the bloody smell of the battle here that attracts the sharks.

Everyone's expressions changed drastically, only Lin Mu's expression was calm, and he began to slowly swim deeper, as if there was something waiting for him there.


Zhou Suyi is still trying.

Put on a gas mask and run straight inside, or blow it up with dynamite first...

Various methods have been used, but it just doesn't work.

This place seemed to be an unsolvable level, which made her want to give up.

And the archaeological team is not idle.

Since Zhou Suyi couldn't get through, they couldn't hang themselves on a tree.

Professionals were asked to do a test. The magnetic field here is nothing special, but a strange energy fluctuation was detected.

This kind of energy fluctuation is very unstable. When they approach, this energy will become very strong, and after they are far away, the energy will quickly fade away.

In the end, they set their sights on the copper lion.

It seems that this strange unknown energy emanates from the copper lion.

Moreover, after research and analysis by professionals, this energy can indeed affect people's brain waves when it is strong, making the cerebral cortex extremely active.

Experts suggest that as long as you wear a special helmet to shield this energy, it will not have any impact.

But there is still a question, that is how the third master and the others got there.

They don't have any helmets that can shield energy, but they still went in safely, which is a bit strange.

However, they quickly thought of the strange bronze bell who once made mandrills fall for it.

The principle of this thing, no one is clear, after all, did not get the real thing.

Zhou Suyi is also paying attention to these researches of the archaeological team.

It is not the first time that she has used inspiration from reality to solve difficult problems in the game. She has been inspired by inspiration several times before to help her pass the level.

"Strange energy, bronze bell!" Zhou Suyi murmured, "It's impossible for me to get a helmet that can shield energy. It's in the wilderness here, and there is no place to get it, unless I start from scratch."

"However, this game shouldn't be so outrageous. Since this level is set, there must be a solution. What is it?" Zhou Suyi touched her chin, as if a wise man was thinking about a problem.

After playing the game for so long, his personality seems to have undergone some changes. He is no longer bluffing like before, but more like Shirley Yang, calm and calm, able to think calmly when encountering things.

"Bronze bell, can offset that kind of energy, props, props, what props do I have!"

Suddenly, Zhou Suyi's eyes lit up.

The results of the archaeological team's research are two directions, one is to shield, and the other is to counteract the strange energy.

She can't shield the energy, she lacks props, but it can be counteracted, after all, she still has a few treasures in her hand.


(End of this chapter)

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