Chapter 312
Zhou Suyi recalled it from the beginning, and thought of the key point.

In short, no matter how difficult this game is, there are ways to deal with it in the game, and many of them have been prepared for the players in advance, but occasionally they are unexpected.

But this time she thought of the three treasures she got from the water cave before.

The jade rhyme and the bone flute should have no effect, but the blue toad should do.

This thing itself has huge energy, and it should be enough to offset the mysterious power here.

"It seems that this is the function of this item!" Zhou Suyi became more and more sure of her thoughts, and immediately entered the game without hesitation.

This time, as soon as they entered the hall, the bronze men and lions came alive, and the gate was closed immediately.

Both Hu Bayi and Fatty Wang turned pale with shock.

But Zhou Suyi was much calmer.

After all, this level has been tried many times and I am used to it.

Once, she even jumped on top of the brass lion and touched the lion's ass.

Who said a tiger's butt can't be touched, she even touched a lion's butt.

"Fuck, this old boy Xianwang really can't do magic tricks, how come these things come back to life!" Fatty Wang shouted bluffing.

Hu Bayi was also surprised and said: "Impossible, these things can't come back to life, there must be something wrong, let's leave here first!"

Then the two slammed into the door together, but they couldn't open it at all.

The bronze lion looked at Zhou Suyi again, roared angrily, and was about to pounce on Zhou Suyi.

Zhou Suyi immediately took out the bronze letter and opened it.

Immediately, a burst of blazing blue light was emitted, covering the entire palace with a layer of blue light, like the color of fluorescent light.

Immediately, Zhou Suyi saw that the body of the copper lion suddenly began to flicker, as if the TV signal was interrupted.


The bronze lion let out a roar, its body seemed to be pulled back by a strange invisible rope, and then remained motionless.

It was the same with those bronze men, they regained their original calm again, standing there quietly, as if nothing had happened just now.

"It's true, it's true, hahaha, I'm really a game genius!" Zhou Suyi was overjoyed, dancing with excitement.

Once again, without a single soldier or a little effort, these things were successfully done. This sense of accomplishment is indescribable.

Hu Bayi and Fatty Wang were hitting the door, when they heard Zhou Suyi yelling behind them, they hurriedly looked back.

"It's over, it's over, why is Big Brother Yang bewitched again, Lao Hu, go up and give her a hard time!" Fatty Wang said.

Hu Bayi was much calmer, looked at the box in Zhou Suyi's hand, and at the bronze statues that had lost their movements and returned to their original state, and suddenly figured out what was going on.

"This thing, can restrain magic?"

"Hey, it seems that it's really not moving!" Fatty Wang boldly stepped forward and kicked the copper lion, but the copper lion didn't respond.

It's really as if nothing just happened.

"Well, as long as you find the right way, customs clearance is really easy."

"That's it, once the toad comes out, will the problem be solved?"

"It's the same as the underground palace in Jingjue Ancient City before. As long as you don't take anything, the earth dragon will not come out. It's as simple as that."

"It seems that if you want to pass the level, you still have to use your brain."

"Sister Zhou is amazing, pass the important level again and take a step forward!"


Netizens expressed emotion one after another.

No one expected that the three treasures obtained before would be used in the subsequent plot, which is a bit powerful.

Zhou Suyi originally thought that this toad would be a key item to be used in the next game, but she didn't expect to use it here, so she was very happy.

[Hu Bayi recognition +1]

[Fatty Wang's recognition +1]

Hu Bayi happily asked: "Miss Yang, how do you know this thing will be useful?"

Zhou Suyi smiled and said: "I don't know either. I just wanted to try it, but I didn't expect it to be really useful. Well, it's not suitable to stay here for a long time. Let's hurry over and see what's going on inside!"

"it is good!"

The three of them didn't talk nonsense, passed through the copper crowd, and walked towards the inside.

Zhou Suyi didn't take it lightly.

"The task has not been completed, it means that there may be more than one danger!"

So, she is very cautious.

In front of the copper crowd is the Golden Water Bridge, and the water under the bridge has long since dried up.

Walking through the Jinshui Bridge is the throne. The red dragon is lifelike and combined with the murals, as if it really took Xianwang to choose a day and soared.

The three walked around the throne and found that there was an apse behind it.

Passing through a dark corridor, we came to the apse.

The apse is even darker, giving people a gloomy feeling.

Although the palace was built magnificently, it was after all a man-made palace for the dead, and it was normal for the living to feel uncomfortable.

It's not normal to be comfortable here.

The three of them were not in a hurry to go in, and first looked at the situation inside at the door to prevent the same danger as outside.

Zhou Suyi looked around.

There are quite a few mural walls in this hall. If you count them carefully, there are eight walls in total.

The eight walls are arranged according to the Eight Diagrams of the Nine Palaces, and many things are recorded on each wall.

Ye Cheng took a look.

Some of them record the local humanities, culture, architecture, people's livelihood, sacrifices, and some achievements of the king.

"If the archaeological team gets this, will the archaeological team go crazy?" Zhou Suyi thought to herself.

These text murals and other records are the favorite things of the archaeological team. They can analyze some local Fengshui culture and complete the history.

Finding that there was no danger, the three continued on.

Through the mural wall, a large six-legged bronze tripod was found on the ground in the middle of the hall.

The tripod is covered with a copper cover, and there is a huge copper ring on each side.

The six legs of the bronze tripod are six half-kneeling mythical beasts, with a vigorous and simple shape, with knotted muscles and scales all over the body, making a howling appearance. From the shape, it is very similar to a unicorn.

This copper tripod was surprisingly large, and the whole body was pitch black, without any patterns on it.

Fatty Wang looked at the big copper tripod, and his eyes began to glow.

"Old Hu, if we can move this copper tripod out, we will get rich!"

This copper tripod is quite old and has a peculiar shape, so it must be priceless.

Hu Bayi said unhappily: "Let's not talk about resistance, even if you can take it out, this copper tripod alone is enough for you to eat a bowl of peanuts!"

"Hey, I'm just thinking, don't hit me!" Fatty Wang said.

Zhou Suyi wasn't in the mood to quarrel with them. Looking at the copper cauldron, she suddenly trembled unconsciously, thinking of the corpse-cooking copper cauldron in the mural outside.

Thinking a little bit about the picture of people being cooked in it, I feel shuddering!


(End of this chapter)

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