Chapter 313
Looking at the huge copper tripod, Zhou Suyi was still a little apprehensive.

Judging from the murals on the outside, this copper tripod was probably used to boil corpses. After a little brainstorming about the scenes of large living beings being thrown here and struggling while cooking, I feel a little shuddering.

Hu Bayi looked at the big cauldron and said: "This big cauldron should be used to cook corpses during sacrifices. The lid of the cauldron means that offering the king is a dream, and there is no ascension!"

"Hehe, a smoldering guy who has done all the bad things, and wants to ascend after death, and dream of his spring and autumn dreams. If he doesn't go down to the [-]th floor of hell, it's all the virtues he accumulated in his previous lives!" Fatty Wang looked up. That big cauldron rolled his eyes.

"I'll go up and have a look, there might be something hidden in here!" Fatty Wang said and started to climb up the cauldron.

Zhou Suyi didn't stop him.

The task is to find the secret here, this big cauldron is placed here, it must be opened to see.

But, she had a bad premonition in her heart.

From the moment I entered this hall, I felt uncomfortable all over.

This pitch-black hall gave people a very unreliable feeling, as if there was something hiding in the surrounding darkness, watching their every move.

Zhou Suyi looked around, but found nothing wrong.

Soon Fatty Wang climbed up, "Hey, the wax is still there, which means it hasn't been opened!"

"Be careful!" Hu Bayi reminded.

"Hey, don't worry, Fatty, I'll take care of the business, so you put your heart in your stomach." After finishing speaking, the guy took out a knife and prepared to scrape off the wax.

For Fatty Wang, as long as there is a place to hide things, there may be treasures.

"High-energy warning ahead, everyone is ready."

"Hey, I added a layer of beauty to the video, and my mother is no longer worried about me watching horror movies."

"Okay, it's night again, and I'm going to be high energy again, so I'll take it."

"Ever since I watched this live broadcast, I haven't had a night without nightmares, please be gentle this time."


The familiar thrilling and high-energy links, netizens can predict in advance, and they can all see that the next [-]% will be the underworld mode, and they are ready in time.

Fatty Wang struggled to lift the lid of the cauldron.

As soon as the cauldron was opened, a strange fragrance came from inside.

This scent is very strong, but it makes people feel a little disgusting, very weird.

The cauldron fell down.


Ding Gai smashed a hole in the ground and stuck it upright.

"It's such a familiar scent!" Zhou Suyi sniffed her nose, feeling that the scent was very familiar, as if she had smelled it somewhere before, it was very special.

It is very fragrant but makes people feel particularly disgusting, which is very contradictory.

"It's corpse fragrance, similar to the taste of corpse fragrance konjac!" Hu Bayi said quietly beside him!

"Corpse-flavored konjac!"

Hearing these words, Zhou Suyi trembled all over, feeling a little apprehensive.

After all, that corpse-flavored konjac is too scary.

At the beginning, he was recruited several times in the ancient city of Jingjue, and it was impossible to guard against. He even fled to the secret room later, and was still within the influence range of Corpse Fragrance Konjac.

If the scent is from the corpse-scented konjac, then it will be troublesome.

"Don't worry, there are no demon flowers, they are just corpses!" Fatty Wang said.

Zhou Suyi's heart was relieved.

Fatty Wang stood on Ding Yan and looked down.

The cauldron was densely packed with corpses.

These corpses are all naked and stacked on top of each other.

There are men and women, old and young.

All the corpses have been waxed and stuck together, surrounded by a thick layer of grease, wrapping them in it, looking weird, like a huge amber.

But this amber really makes one's scalp tingle.

Even Fatty Wang, who is so stupid and bold, was a little terrified when he saw this scene.

"Grandma's, bad luck!"

Fatty Wang cursed, looked inside carefully, but didn't see anything valuable, so he was ready to go down.

at this time.

There was a burst of dry laughter in the empty hall.


The laughter was shrill, a woman's voice.

In this pitch-black hall, suddenly there was a sound that made one's scalp tingle.

"My mother!"

Zhou Suyi felt that all her fine hairs stood up instantly, and felt that the air around her seemed to drop a few degrees in an instant.

Rao was prepared before, but he was still frightened.

Not to mention netizens.

Originally, his nerves were tense, and he felt that there must be some horrible scene in the cauldron, but who would have thought that sharp laughter suddenly sounded.

It's too permeable.

This is many times scarier than a horror movie.

If you are timid, you might throw your phone away.

"Who, who the hell is pretending to be a ghost, come out to me!" Fatty Wang was so frightened that he almost fell off the cauldron, and immediately cursed to embolden himself.

Hu Bayi's forehead was covered with beads of sweat.

Zhou Suyi quickly raised her head and looked up, and at a glance, she saw a red figure floating in the corner of the top of the hall.

"The female ghost in red?"

Zhou Suyi froze.

I used to watch TV dramas, and there was a clip of a female ghost in red, which was like a childhood nightmare. Now seeing a smiling female ghost in red with my own eyes is not too scary.

Hu Bayi murmured: "Send the seal of the hill, touch the golden talisman, protect the body but not the ghost and blow the lamp; the cellar coffin, the bronze coffin, don't come near if the horoscope is not hard; the vertical burial pit, the box tomb, move around the mountains and unload the mountains." "Red clothes are fierce, smiling corpses, the laughter of ghosts is better than listening to ghosts cry."

"Is it better to laugh at a ghost than to hear a ghost cry?" Zhou Suyi read these words, and her scalp became more and more numb, "Old Hu, don't scare people at this time!"

She swallowed heavily.

"Grandma, it's probably the person who was killed by the old boy Xian Wang before, and now the grievances are still there, but, big sister, don't pick the wrong person, we are here to fight against the old boy Xian Wang, and it is also for You take revenge, don't discriminate between good and evil!" Fatty Wang said to the darkness.

Hu Bayi took a deep breath, "How can there be ghosts in the Immortal Cave? But maybe only in this kind of area where Yin and Yang are unclear, there are ghosts. Maybe the sight here is not good, and there is a stone tablet there. I'll climb up to have a look! "

Hu Bayi was also very courageous, so he climbed up the stele and looked up.

Seeing this, Hu Bayi was terrified enough.

Diagonally above the top of the head, a woman in red with a long robe and long sleeves dangles and hangs silently above the dome of the palace.

The top of the temple is dark and dull, only the lower body can be seen, and the upper part is hidden in the dark.


Hu Bayi gasped.

"What's the matter?" Zhou Suyi was also extremely nervous, she jumped up and glanced up, her scalp felt numb again and again.

"My mother, you really are a female ghost in red!" She wiped her forehead, already covered with cold sweat.

I really met a ghost today, and it was a ghost that could laugh, who could bear it.

If it is the first time to play this game, it is estimated that you will be scared to pee right now.

But Rao has experienced so much, and now his scalp is numb and his thighs are shaking.


(End of this chapter)

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