Chapter 314
Zhou Suyi looked up at the figure in red, her calves were shaking non-stop.

All I could see was that there were no feet in the red robe, and the clothes were still floating empty, clinging to the high corner of the hall, staring at her condescendingly.

The style of the bright red women's clothing is completely different from the ancient women's clothing that Zhou Suyi has seen on TV, not like Hanfu.

At this moment, the figure remained motionless, and the weird laughter stopped, as if it was looking at Zhou Suyi.

Zhou Suyi's heart was beating wildly, almost to the extreme, and almost entered the healing mode directly.

"Good guy, this is not reconciled to not sending me away."

"This is too hell, I'm just at home alone, don't mess with me."

"It's over, there is an ambulance ringing outside, did someone get scared out of trouble?"

"I bought a new mobile phone, and the screen was directly broken."

"I'm fucking trying to die. I know I can't watch this game at night and I still watch it. It's over. Now I'm going to have another nightmare."


Netizens were also frightened.

Even though I was watching the live broadcast, not personally experiencing it, I felt the cold wind whizzing around, as if the female ghost in red had escaped from inside.

Hu Bayi said in a deep voice: "The clothes are very strange, and the craftsmanship is also very complicated. It looks like what the witches and hags of the ethnic minorities wear, or the great witches among the barbarians. It should be a witch's robe."

"Witch robe? So, it's not the clothes worn by the dead?" Zhou Suyi said.

As long as you don't hook up with the dead, it's still acceptable.

Hu Ba nodded, "It should be, if you get closer, you should be able to see it more clearly!"

Hu Bayi leaned forward again, and at the same time, the yellow lamp post of the flashlight shone in the past.

Under the light, I can see clearly that the female corpse has an upper body, but the rest of the body is hidden in the red robe. The clothes are so wide that it is impossible to see whether the inside is bulging or deflated. Only the head and face on the shoulders can be seen. clear.

The female corpse seemed to have noticed that they were shining a wolf-eyed flashlight on her face, so she shook her head slightly, and turned to Zhou Suyi and the others.

The face of the female corpse was painted with heavy makeup, and her pale face seemed to twitch slightly, followed by a sharp sneer again.


"My mother!"

This smile almost made Zhou Suyi unable to hold back.

archaeological team.

Chen Yan and the others were just outside the main hall, and they had already figured out how to get in.

However, before he entered, he saw this scene.

In an instant, the entire archaeological team screamed again and again.

Many young people are terrified.

After all, they are right at the door. If there are ghosts inside, they will be the first to bear the brunt.

Even Chen Yan broke out in a cold sweat.

In the 30 years of archaeology, this is the first time I feel thrill and horror.

Even those special forces were a little panicked.

Zhou Suyi's legs went limp and she almost fell off the stone tablet.

At this time, Hu Bayi became more courageous, and directly took out a black donkey's hoof from his backpack, "Master Hu treats you to braised hoofs today, let's see."

As he spoke, he threw out the black donkey's hoof in his hand.


The black donkey's hooves, which were designed to defeat zombies and ghosts, flew through the air with a gust of wind.

Zhou Suyi watched Hu Bayi suddenly make a move, and suddenly felt that the man in front of him was so handsome.

This time gave her a rare sense of security, otherwise, she would have to directly heal the mode.

Hu Bayi moved, and the light of the flashlight in his hand changed direction.

As soon as the light flickered, the top of the hall was immediately covered in darkness. There was only a crackling sound in the dark place, and I didn't know what hit it. It seemed that something fell, and it happened to fall not far from them.

"Did it fall off? Is this black donkey's hoof so easy to use?" Zhou Suyi was a little surprised.

If Hu Bayi's black donkey's hooves really knocked down the red-clothed female ghost, it would be too awesome.

She hurriedly looked down, but when she saw something, her eyes became strange.

The thing that was hit was not a female ghost, but a half-worm man grinning at them on the mural wall.

The scorpion was twice as big as when it was just out of the mother's body, and it looked even more fierce and terrifying.

"Why is this thing!" Zhou Suyi frowned.

The female ghost in red hasn't figured out what's going on yet, why did another slut appear.

Hu Bayi shone the flashlight, and his face changed when he saw it, "It seems that the fire didn't burn them all, and there are still fish that slipped through the net!"

This is no wonder, after all, it was on the surface of the water at that time, and it is possible that some babies ran underwater to hide.

These things are obviously very vengeful, and they all chased here.

Zhou Suyi was also convinced, saying that Hu Bayi threw it wrongly, and even hit something, saying that he threw it accurately, because he didn't touch the red ghost at all.

The black donkey's hoof hit the man's left eye, and the eyeball was sunken, and a lot of green water flowed out, hissing in pain.

"Wait, what is that?" Zhou Suyi looked up, and suddenly saw something in the corner of the wall.

Taking a closer look, his face changed again.

On the top of the hall behind Yiren, there is another set of clothes hanging, the style is also very strange.

It should be a leather armor belonging to the ancient Southwestern Yi people. It is also only armor, and there is no corpse inside. Moreover, this armor does not even have a head. It is only wearing a horn helmet. It is impossible to see whether there is a human head in the helmet.

Not allowing her to think too much, the one-eyed man on the top of the mural wall has already jumped over from mid-air.

"Be careful!" Zhou Suyi hurriedly reminded.

Hu Bayi's reaction was also quick, he took out his gun and took a few shots.

The man was shot and fell to the ground without moving.

Fatty Wang below shouted anxiously: "Grandma, the situation is not good. A lot of people have come in. This is a fucking plan to kill us!"

Said, also fired a few shots.

Zhou Suyi looked down, and sure enough, there were several pale figures moving quickly in the darkness.

These people are much bigger than before.

It was only the size of a baby before, but now it is as big as a seven or eight-year-old child, and it is faster and more flexible.

Even if they had guns, they were difficult to deal with, and they couldn't aim at all.

"Damn it, it's raining all night again!" Zhou Suyi cursed secretly.

The female ghost in red hasn't figured out what's going on yet, and these scumbags have come out to do things again, really making it harder for them all the time.

da da da da...

The bullets kept shooting out, but those savages kept dodging, making it difficult to be hit.

And their ammunition has gone through so many tossings, and they are running out. If this continues, they will be exhausted sooner or later.

Once there is no fire suppression, it will be a bit troublesome to deal with these stalkers.

The longer the delay, the worse the situation will be for them!


(End of this chapter)

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