Chapter 315
They were already terrified by the red-clothed female ghost, but these rascals came out to make trouble again, which made Zhou Suyi and the others feel a little bad.

Both Hu Bayi and Fatty Wang were shooting.

"Fatty, take it easy, we're running out of ammunition!" Hu Bayi shouted.

Zhou Suyi was holding a small sword, and a savage rushed towards her from the front, and Zhou Suyi slashed at her with a single knife.

However, Xiaoshenfeng is a dagger after all, and the blade is too short.

Before the knife hit the Yiren, the Yiren dodged it.

Needless to say, the movement of this thing is too flexible.

In the next moment, she was in front of Zhou Suyi.

As soon as they started fighting, Zhou Suyi felt that the fear in her heart seemed to be a lot less, her legs didn't tremble so much anymore, and she seemed to calm down a lot, raising her feet was like kicking Kuixing.

This kick was strong, and the baby's chest was sunken, and the baby also flew upside down.


Yiying happened to bump into the lid of the tripod.

The cover was originally standing on the ground, but after being hit by it, it rolled to the side again.


There was another muffled sound, and the lid of the cauldron hit the mural wall.

The wall was cracked by the impact, and a piece of the outer skin fell off, and golden lights were exposed in the gap.

"What?" Zhou Suyi's eyes lit up, and she ran over quickly.

Can she memorize the description of the task? If she wants to find out the secret here, is it possible that she discovered this mistake by herself?

At this moment, Zhou Suyi was a little excited.

When I got close to it, I used the small sharp edge to pry the surrounding skin away, and found that there was a hidden compartment inside. There was a jade letter in the dark compartment, and I didn't know what was inside.


Just as he was about to check, he heard Hu Bayi yell, and when he looked back, it was the scorpion who got up again and pounced on Zhou Suyi.

"Fuck, careless!"

Zhou Suyi's heart skipped a beat, she was too close and didn't have time to react.


Fortunately, Hu Bayi shot directly, and the bullet accurately hit the man in the head, causing the man to fall to the ground.


Zhou Suyi let out a long breath of fright.

"Old Hu, thank you!"

Zhou Suyi temporarily put away the jade letter.

At this time, Hu Bayi and Fatty Wang leaned over, and the three gathered around Dading.

Surrounded by ferocious men staring at him.

"What the hell, these things are like dog skin plasters. They are too difficult to deal with. I don't have many bullets!" Fatty Wang scolded!

Hu Bayi also said: "No, we have to find a way, otherwise it will be bad for us if we procrastinate."

Just as he was talking, he suddenly felt a scorching breath coming from his back.

"what happened?"

The expressions of the three of them changed again and they hurriedly looked back.

I saw six animal feet under the tripod, like six fire unicorns, facing inwards corresponding to each other, and six pillars of fire spewed out from the beast's mouth.The black surface on the tripod also burned violently immediately.

The corpses in the tripod were all wrapped in the fire and hot oil, and quickly began to melt, and the smell in the hall was disgusting.

At this moment, the six-legged black cauldron turned into a big fireball, and the raging flames lit up the entire apse.

I saw more than a dozen sets of exotic clothes hanging on the roof of the hall, each of which was different, and the clothes of these ancient people did not seem to be prepared for living people.

This mutation happened so suddenly that it was unexpected.

"Fuck, why is it burning!" Zhou Suyi was stunned.

All right, suddenly a fire broke out, this ghost place is really evil.

The main body of Lingyun Tiangong is a structure of nanmu and bricks, built on the dragon halo, it is very dry, in this short period of time, the wood in the palace has been roasted by the heat to make a "cracking" sound.

Once it catches fire, it will be completely over. At that time, it is estimated that a new way of death will have to be unlocked.

Zhou Suyi was a little crazy.

However, this does not count.

"Run, run away!" Hu Bayi yelled, and hurriedly grabbed Wang Fatty and Zhou Suyi and ran towards the road they came from.

He knew very well in his heart that once he was trapped to death here, it would really be over.

However, their luck is really not very good.

Before reaching the entrance, the roof of the short corridor suddenly collapsed, blocking the exit tightly.

"Fuck, I knew it wasn't that simple!" Zhou Suyi didn't even know what to say.

It would be strange if it was so easy to escape.

This is not the style of this game, it is only now.


Something happened again. Obviously, the situation here was far beyond Zhou Suyi's expectations.

She still knows too little.

Suddenly there was a loud bang on the walls of the hall, and the ground trembled.

"No, come again!" Zhou Suyi was about to cry, and quickly turned her head to look, and saw a big hole in the wall, and the red dragon in the main hall in front, which plunged into the map of offering the king to ascend to heaven, passed through the partition wall of the back hall .

Then, there was a rumbling sound, and immediately after, a large amount of mercury gushed out from the dragon's mouth.

"Destroy it!" Zhou Suyi was almost desperate.

How is this still playing?
There is simply no way out.

The way out is blocked, the inside is still on fire, there are people waiting to move, and there is even that weird female ghost in red, who doesn't know when it will make moths.

In this situation, it is a miracle to survive.

Zhou Suyi felt like giving up.

She felt that the black gold ancient knife was destined to be out of luck with her.

Fortunately, Hu Bayi and Fatty Wang haven't given up yet.

It can be clearly felt that the two of them probably have experienced such dangerous things.

So, don't give up even in danger.

Hu Bayi shouted: "The gate of the palace can't go out. The roof is made of nanmu keels and glazed tiles. Let's go up to the stone tablet and blow up the roof of the palace to get out."

Fatty Wang also forgot his fear of heights, raised his hand and pointed to the stone tablet in the corner and said: "Only this tablet is the tallest, let's take a ladder up quickly, hurry up, hurry up, or you'll have to fucking grow up if it's too late." There are mercury spots all over the body."

Infected by their spirit of not giving up, Zhou Suyi came back to her senses.

"Grandma, fight hard, there is no unparalleled road, there must be a way, anyway, the worst result is to unlock a new way of death, my mother has died so many times, this time is not bad!" Zhou Suyi gritted her teeth.

"let me!"

She flew over, threw out the probing claws in her hand, and buckled directly on a wooden beam. Immediately afterwards, the person flew up, stepped on the stone tablet and ran towards it.


Even if the situation is critical, both Fatty Wang and Hu Bayi couldn't help but praise.

It was Zhou Suyi's movements that were so pleasing to the eye and saved them a lot of time.

In the blink of an eye, Zhou Suyi had already reached the top of the stele.

At this moment, the situation deteriorated again.

Three animal heads protruded from the other three walls of the hall, which were also organs that spit out mercury, and the ground in the hall was immediately covered with mercury.


(End of this chapter)

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