Chapter 316 Time to run
Zhou Suyi's movements were still very neat, she flew directly onto the stele, and then dropped the rope, allowing Fatty Wang and Hu Bayi to climb up.

However, there is still a distance between the stele and the beam above it.

Fortunately, Zhou Suyi is now proficient in using the Yin-Exploring Claw, throwing the Yin-Exploring Claw again and climbing directly onto the beam above.

Looking down from a high position, you can see that the mercury below is already very deep and is still increasing rapidly.

The flames of the six-legged black cauldron burning in the hall also dimmed.

The fire light reflected countless flowing ripples on the mercury surface, making the light and shadow of the temple flicker, and the silver surface fluctuating through the mercury made it even more weird, making people feel inexplicably chilly.

But fortunately, as the flame burned, the oxygen here became thinner, and the mercury was heated, giving off an unpleasant smell.

Those people seemed to like the high-oxygen environment, and the low oxygen content made them very uncomfortable, and they all began to struggle painfully, and they didn't have time to attack Zhou Suyi and the others.

This is the only good opportunity.

"Come up quickly!" Zhou Suyi greeted the two of them from above.

However, it is not so easy for the two of them to climb up. With just one rope, they can climb up to a height of about ten meters without any leverage. The difficulty is still very high. Fortunately, Zhou Suyi is really powerful. Shengsheng pulled the two of them up.

"Brother Yang, you are really the female overlord of today!" Fatty Wang praised!
Zhou Suyi didn't have time to listen to his compliments anymore.

At this moment, they were standing on the beam, and in front of them was the female ghost in red.

The fire below slowly extinguished, and the surroundings became pitch black again.

Between the wooden beams on the top of the hall, a set of weird clothes hang out of nowhere, and the light from the spotlight on the helmet illuminates the past, making it even more shadowy, like ghosts who are dying for thousands of years hovering on the top of the hall.

The scene was extremely gloomy.

Chen Yan and the others outside had found a solution to the thing outside, but no one dared to move forward rashly.

These special forces let them fight, they are invincible, but they are helpless in the face of this weird situation, they are fighters, not celestial masters.

In this case, we can only clarify first.

Everyone did not dare to breathe, especially those young people. From the excitement when they first discovered something, all that remains now is fear.

"How come the task hasn't been completed yet? It's so difficult, do we have to figure it out?" Zhou Suyi was depressed.

At the end of the game, she really didn't want to study whether this was the female ghost in red.

This thing looks really infiltrating.

But if you give up the mission now, you will be really unwilling. After all, after so many experiences, you are still alive and nothing happened.

At this time, all previous efforts have been wasted, and no one can bear it.

"Damn, fight!" Zhou Suyi gritted her teeth, "I'll go and see!"

Saying that, let's go.

"I'll accompany you!"

Fortunately, Hu Bayi was quite reliable, so he immediately followed and stood in front.

At this time, Hu Bayi showed his responsibility as a man, because he saw that Zhou Suyi was very scared, so he wanted to stand in front.


Zhou Suyi is not hypocritical.

When I got to the side of the female ghost in red, I saw it more clearly this time.

There is a human head on the red clothes.

It was a bloody woman's head, the face was covered by long messy hair, only a narrow slit in the middle was exposed, and the face was horribly white, not the kind of bloodless dead white, but the result of a lot of bleaching. Heavy makeup, a thick layer of powder was applied, two pieces of bright red rouge were applied on the cheeks, the red lips were tightly closed, and the head was drooping down without moving at all.

"This nima is no more terrifying than Zhenzi Jiaya!" Zhou Suyi swallowed.

Netizens were also very nervous when they saw this scene.

And, it's night again.

Many are timid and curious, and they probably won't be able to sleep at night again.

"Old Hu, I think don't waste time, just set it on fire!" Fatty Wang said.

At this moment, this guy's face was full of cold sweat. Obviously, in this environment, facing such a terrifying scene, even if he was stupid and bold, he couldn't calm down.

Hu Ba nodded, regardless of whether he was a ghost or pretending to be a ghost, once he was set on fire, he did not believe that he would not die.

Immediately, take out the lighter.


But at this moment, the female corpse let out a sharp laugh again, echoing throughout the hall.

It feels like there are countless ghosts wandering around them.


Zhou Suyi felt that all the hairs on her body stood up instantly.

Hu Bayi was the one who was the first to bear the brunt. He was so frightened that he stepped back again and again, his feet stepped on the ground, and his body fell to the side.

Fortunately, Zhou Suyi had quick hands and eyes, so she grabbed him and pulled him up again.

"How is it, are you alright?"

Hu Bayi seemed to have thought of something, "It's not right, it's not right, although the exit here is sealed, but if you escape from above, even without explosives, you can easily leave, so what is the significance of this mechanism?"

Hearing this, Zhou Suyi and Fatty Wang were taken aback.

They didn't think about it.


There are many beams on the top of the main hall here, and it is not difficult to escape from above. Even if the place is really filled with mercury, you can escape safely.

The mechanism that took such a lot of effort to arrange is obviously meaningless.

"Hey, maybe that King Xian is too confused to think about this!" Fatty Wang said.

Hu Bayi shook his head, "Impossible, such a simple task as Xianwang, unless the real purpose of these organs is not to kill the tomb robbers, but to hide something, once they are caught Covered with mercury, the things hidden there will never be found again.”

"You mean, there is still a treasure hidden here?" Fatty Wang's eyes lit up immediately.

After all, I had great expectations before I came in, but in the end, except for a big copper tripod that I couldn't take away, there was nothing valuable here.

If there is really something hidden, he will be so happy.

At this moment, Hu Bayi looked at the bronze tripod and several stone tablets and murals next to it, and at the same time said to Fatty Wang: "Fatty, don't care if the man in the red dress is a ghost or something, just set it on fire!"

"Okay, Grandma, I've been displeased with her for a long time!" Fatty Wang was also very courageous, so he directly stepped forward and took out the lighter and lit it.

And Hu Bayi looked down, as if looking for something.

Suddenly, his eyes lit up and he saw a place on the mural wall, and Zhou Suyi's eyes became even more weird.

At this moment, the game's notification sound sounded again.

【Congratulations on completing the hidden mission】

When hearing this voice, Zhou Suyi felt suddenly enlightened, as if everything became clear.


(End of this chapter)

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