Chapter 317
Zhou Suyi was not surprised when she heard the notification sound of the game, but she felt suddenly enlightened.

"No way, the luck this time is so good!" Zhou Suyi's eyes were strange.

That's right, the place Hu Bayi was looking at was exactly where the cauldron had hit him before.

She also took out a jade letter from there.

At that time, I didn't check what was inside, but now that I think about it, this thing is the secret of the entire Minglou Palace.

King Xian put this thing XZ here, and wanted to flood it with mercury, instead of directly burning it down. Thinking about it, King Xian really thought that he would be able to die and be reborn one day, and then he would take this thing away.

If it is destroyed, it may not be available.

"There..." Hu Bayi frowned, because he found that the place was empty.

"Here, I saw a crack there by chance before, and got this!" Zhou Suyi took out the jade letter.

Hu Bayi was a little surprised when he saw Yuhan, "It seems that this is what King Xian wants to hide!"

"Damn it, burn it!" A curse came from behind.

Fatty Wang really didn't care about 21, he just ignited the red clothes.

There was no surprise, the red clothes ignited, fell down, and burned to ashes before falling into the mercury.

"Go, get out of here first!"

At this moment, the mercury below is getting higher and higher, and the mercury vapor here is getting stronger and stronger, and it will definitely be poisoned after a long time.

Fatty Wang took out his engineering shovel and smashed it at the zenith.

No gunpowder was used, and a gap was quickly smashed out.

At this moment, it was already daytime outside, and a ray of sunlight shone in, making it so dazzling.

And on the wooden beam next to Zhou Suyi, suddenly there was a black ancient knife.

This knife looks very heavy, and the black gold color reflects the sun's rays, giving people a sense of atmosphere and restraint.

"Is this the game's reward black gold ancient sword?"

The shape of this knife is simple and simple, Zhou Suyi immediately took a fancy to it.

Although Xiaoshenfeng is not bad, but it is too short to use it well, and this black gold ancient knife undoubtedly makes up for that shortcoming.

"Fuck, here's a knife, it looks quite valuable!" Fatty Wang also saw the ancient black gold knife, his eyes lit up immediately.

Hu Bayi was also a little surprised, because he didn't notice it at all just now: "Someone should have left it before!"

Fatty Wang had already drawn out his sword, but unfortunately, he didn't.

"Fuck, why is it so heavy, Hu, help!"

Hu Bayi also stepped forward to help.

Zhou Suyi was in a hurry, mine, mine, this is mine!
Soon, the two pulled out the knife, but the weight of the knife was beyond their expectation. One of the two was unstable and almost fell from it.

Fortunately, Zhou Suyi hurriedly made a move and took the knife over.

You can feel the weight of this knife as soon as you hold it.

This seemingly normal knife actually weighs about two hundred catties.

For ordinary people, let alone using it, it is difficult to hold it.

But Zhou Suyi felt very handy.

With the blessing of Qilin blood, his physical fitness is surprisingly strong. It would be too light to use an ordinary knife, but this knife is just right.

"Hahaha, great knife!"

Holding the knife, Zhou Suyi couldn't be happier.

Once again harvesting a handy prop, I feel beautiful in my heart.

"It's so heavy, what is this knife made of, why is it so heavy!" Fatty Wang complained, and at the same time, seeing Zhou Suyi holding it easily, he felt a little envious.

"Let's go out first!"

The three of them stopped talking nonsense and climbed out from the gap.

Breathing the air outside again, it really felt like being reborn.


The archaeological team was also terrified, but at this moment, there were bursts of loud noises inside, and at the same time, the surrounding temperature seemed to rise.

"No, those two people are wreaking havoc!" Chen Yan came back to his senses and hurriedly shouted.

These are all cultural relics, treasures.

If it was burned and destroyed, it would be a great sin.

I was so busy looking outside, but I forgot that there were two people inside.

"Quick, take action!" Wang Bing didn't talk nonsense, and hurriedly asked someone to bring the equipment, and at the same time put on a special helmet and entered the hall.

Everyone was very nervous. After all, everything before was speculation, and no one knew if it would be useful.

But fortunately, after entering, with the protection of the helmet, those bronze men and bronze lions did not change in any way, which made them breathe a sigh of relief.

Immediately, Wang Bing rushed in with his people.

As soon as I arrived at the entrance of the apse, I saw that the corridor had collapsed, blocking the front gate, and vaguely through the gap, I could see that the inside seemed to be really on fire.

At the same time, there was a smell of mercury vapor wafting out.

"No, hurry up, rush in!"

Wang Bing and the others were also in a hurry, and a group of people rushed up to try to make a passage out.

And when everyone was busy, they suddenly heard Chen Yan outside shouting.

"not good!"

Without saying a word, Wang Bing rushed outside again.

As soon as he went out, he saw that the two subordinates he had left outside were knocked out, and Chen Yan and the others looked anxious and scared.

"What's going on?" Wang Bing asked hurriedly!

Chen Yan stomped his feet anxiously, "Well, that, those two people suddenly jumped down from the top, and then rang the bell, we felt dizzy, and when we recovered, we saw the two of them were knocked out, Then, then ran towards the bottom!"

"Careless!" Wang Bing's face was ugly, he really didn't expect the third master and the other two to be so capable.

Not only did he escape unharmed, but he even knocked out his subordinates quietly, which is really not an easy feat.

Then I thought of that weird bell, which felt a little tricky.

This method, which is similar to a magic attack, is simply impossible to defend against, and it is difficult for people to parry.

He hurriedly ordered a few times, "The first group and the second group stay to fight the fire, and the third group will chase after me!"

Immediately, with a few people, he chased down.

Those two people may not have many national treasures with them. If they escaped, the crime would be serious.

"It's awesome, the third master and these two are devils, they are still alive, it is simply the ceiling of the tomb robbery world."

"It's a bit awesome to be true, and having that bronze bell is simply an invincible existence."

"I really want to have those two bronze bells."

"Running around with an artifact, these two people are really arrogant."

"The third master is awesome!"


Netizens were shocked when they saw the scene that just happened.

Who would have thought that the two of them would suddenly come down from the roof at this time, it was too unexpected, their attention was almost all attracted by everything inside, coupled with the magical ability of the bronze bell, it was really hard to guard against.


(End of this chapter)

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