Chapter 318 Underwater World
Wang Bing took people to chase after the third master.

All the way down, the figure of the third master was not found, as if this person suddenly disappeared.

They ran all the way to the foot of the mountain, but there was no trace of the third master and Scarface.

"Captain, will they escape from other ways?"

Wang Bing frowned: "There is only one way down here, unless they didn't walk, and the cliffs here, if you don't take this way, you can only climb down along the vines, and the view here is wide, if they really Climb down, we should be able to see it."

Everyone fell silent.

In that case, it would be even more outrageous.

These two living beings can still disappear out of thin air.


Dark seabed.

Lin Shu floated in the water, looking at everything in front of him, his eyes were full of horror.

The oxygen in the oxygen tank had already been exhausted long ago, but he didn't feel any discomfort underwater, and his body wasn't hypoxic.

Not long ago, they were all chased and killed by those strange sharks, and then they experienced the baptism of the great white shark, and they were all washed up.

Only Pharaoh and the others survived, but facing the result of oxygen depletion, what awaited them was a dead end.

However, the trees brought them to a strange place.

When viewed from a distance, it seems that there is a huge bubble here, covering the entire area.

And in this big bubble, there are actually many tall plants taking root.

Unlike the plants on land, these plants are not green, but black in color, and have no leaves, but vines, similar to kelp.

After that, they entered this strange area, and found that they could breathe even without oxygen.

The water here seems to exist in a strange way, and the oxygen content is very high.

This discovery made Pharaoh and the others very excited.

Then they started to go deeper, and saw an ancient city group located in the middle of this big bubble from a long distance, and human-shaped shadows shuttled and wandered in this underwater city.

"Is this Atlantis?" Lin Mu looked forward in shock.

This was nothing like the Atlantis he had imagined.

He originally thought that even if he found Atlantis, it would be nothing but ruins.

But this place is obviously not a ruin, and there are still people living there. Of course, it may not be a human, but a shark like the one outside.


Zhou Suyi and the others sat on the roof, breathing the fresh air, feeling the warmth of their eyes, feeling as if they had passed away.

Everything just now seemed too unreal.

"The task was actually completed, and it was done in one go." Zhou Suyi herself couldn't believe it.

Thinking back on everything inside now, I still feel weird and inexplicable.

"I said, what treasure did you find just now, show me it quickly!" Fatty Wang just took a few breaths, and couldn't wait to see the treasure.

Zhou Suyi took out the jade letter.

Several turns of gold ropes are wrapped around the jade letter. The jade color is simple and unsophisticated, with some dark red spots. It can be seen that it is an ancient relic thousands of years ago.

"Do you think it's the Muchen Bead we're looking for?" Fatty Wang asked!
Hu Bayi shook his head, "Looking at the shape of this jade letter, it probably wasn't for the Muchen Bead, and such treasures as Muchen Bead must have been carried by King Xian's side, but this Dong XZ is in the Minglou Palace. Among them, it must be extraordinary if you think about it.”

"Then what are you waiting for, quickly open it and have a look!" Fatty Wang reached out to take it, but Hu Bayi directly beat him back.

"Don't move around, this jade letter is tightly stitched, and it is difficult to open without special tools. I think it's better to wait until I go back and let Da Jinya take a look!" Hu Ba said.

Fatty Wang scratched his head, waiting for such a long time was simply torture for him.

Zhou Suyi also said: "Just listen to Lao Hu, save this thing for later!"

Hu Bayi packed the jade letter and asked, "Fatty, what's so weird about you burning that clothes?"

As soon as Fatty Wang mentioned this, he immediately dissatisfied: "You still have the face to ask, that dress is so fucking evil, if I am a little less courageous, you have to collect my body now. Next time With such a fatal errand, it is more appropriate for you, Commander Hu, to go out in person, even the blind fortune tellers say you are lucky."

Hu Bayao: "Didn't that blind man also tell you that you are the reincarnation of Lv Bulu Fengxian during the Three Kingdoms period, and you have unstoppable courage, so what can scare you? Tell me carefully, What does the half female corpse look like in the clothes?"

Zhou Suyi was also very curious, that thing could make ghostly noises, and even thinking about it, she felt her scalp tingling.

Fatty Wang seemed to have thought of something terrible again, touched the cold sweat on his forehead, and then said: "Don't mention it, it's just a piece of human skin stretched on the head, and a wig, which is a hood. I If you plug your ears, you can’t hear the ghost’s laughter, so just like what you said, you directly grabbed the human skin hood, and burned the hood and clothes in one fire.”

Zhou Suyi frowned, "But, what's the matter with that ghost's laughing voice? If it's really a ghost, it's impossible to be killed so easily. If it's not a ghost, but it can laugh again, it's outrageous!"

Fatty Wang said: "You didn't see it. If you look closely, the man's leather headgear has red lips painted on a white background, which is not too different from a dead face. When I think about it now, I still feel that my calf tendons are trembling. Ghost, Fat Lord, how can I still sit here and tell you these things? I think the ghost’s laughter is probably because there are a few holes in the human leather headgear. Shen Longyin's big nanmu tree, so we are probably listening. "

"I hope so, we have to study, what should we do next!" Zhou Suyi said!

Now the Minglou Palace has been inspected, and a handy weapon has been obtained, but the Tomb of Xianwang has not yet been found.

Finding the tomb of King Xian is the key.

Just as he was talking, when he looked up, he saw that something was wrong with the clouds in the sky.

I saw a long thick black cloud protruding from the bright sky beside the mountain, like a black dragon in the sky, or a black Milky Way hanging in the sky, gradually falling into the sky with the mountain side. The dark sky united into one, immediately dizzying the Heavenly Palace and Water Dragon in the valley, casting a layer of shadow.

This weird celestial phenomenon made Zhou Suyi feel uneasy in an instant.

"No way, no way, just escaped from the inside, it's too difficult to do something again, isn't this not giving you a chance to breathe?"

Zhou Suyi stared nervously at the sky.

The black river made up of black clouds gave her a huge sense of oppression!

(End of this chapter)

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