Chapter 319

Looking up at the sudden black river in the sky, Zhou Suyi felt that Alexander, the black river made of black clouds, seemed to be pressing on them.

Fatty Wang stared at the sky and said, "Commander Hu, tell me, is this the old man of the Dragon King who has lost his braids?"

"Don't talk nonsense!" Hu Bayi said in a bad mood: "This kind of celestial phenomenon has been recorded in ancient geomantic omens. The black air between the sky and the earth is connected. This celestial sign is called a black pig crossing the Milky Way. In the Green Bamboo Earth Qi Theory, it is said that if the black pig crosses the river, there must be an ancient corpse here, so the corpse's energy flows from the yin to the yang, covering the stars and the moon."

"The ancient corpse haunts!"

Zhou Suyi shivered involuntarily.

Although this is a tomb robbery game, she has never seen a real ancient corpse, let alone a fake ancient corpse.

The only queen who remained in her pre-death state was not considered a corpse.

Instead, I heard Hu Bayi and Fatty Wang say something about the corpse king.

"This thing can affect the sky?"

She thought it was a little scary.

"The black pig crossing the Tianhe River sounds very powerful."

"This is too clear, I feel that I am very proficient in all kinds of Feng Shui."

"In the second 30 days of Lin Mu's disappearance, do you miss it?"

"Hahaha, you said, I mean it's possible, is it possible that Lin Mu disappeared, and he actually went to rob a tomb?"

"Fuck, it's not impossible."


Such a celestial phenomenon and such an explanation made netizens think of Lin Mu again.

Some people guessed that Lin Mu had gone to rob the tomb, which is why he had disappeared for so long, and they guessed it right.

However, Lin Mu is not considered tomb robbery, but found a secret place.

If the mysterious Atlantis is unveiled, it will definitely cause a huge sensation again.

Fatty Wang was still careless, "According to this, it is not a good omen. Is it rain or corpse? By the way, what is the rain? But it wants to block our way of making money?"

Zhou Suyi was also curious.

She had never heard of these terms before, and found them novel.

Hu Bayi explained: "The rainy weather refers to the surge of the flood. We rushed forward and made mistakes. Tonight, we are going to knock down the tomb of King Xian, and we will encounter this rare celestial phenomenon that does not happen in a hundred years. related."

"Perhaps in recent years, this kind of vision has often appeared here. This heavy rain is holding back, and sooner or later it will lead to a big change. Maybe it won't be long before this insect Valley Heavenly Palace will be swallowed by a mountain torrent. That's it. Let's get down to the pool now without delay."

During the speech, the sky has become a black pot, and you can't see your fingers.

Zhou Suyi looked up at the sky, feeling even more oppressed. Even if she didn't understand these things, she could still feel that a heavy rain was inevitable.

And the King Xian's Tomb they were looking for also had a goal, that is the water pool below.

Immediately, the three of them began to walk down the plank road, and at the same time sealed up all the items that were afraid of water.

at the same time.

The archaeological team is also facing the same scenario.

Accompanied by the loud noise in the Minglou Palace, a large black cloud suddenly appeared in the sky that was originally the situation.

These black clouds formed a line and stretched above their heads, looking extremely strange.

"Oh my god, no, there can't really be any corpse kings, right?" The young people in the archaeological team felt their legs go limp.

Chen Yanren was also dumbfounded.

I have never been so unconfident in this line of work for so long.

If he hadn't gone through all this, if anyone said that there was such a corpse king, he would definitely sneer, and then reprimanded him head and face.

But now he didn't say anything, because even he doubted whether there really was a so-called corpse king.

Wang Bing led his men up again.

"Wang team, how is it? Has anyone been found?" Chen Yan asked hurriedly.

Wang Bing shook his head, "We chased down and found some traces, but the people seemed to disappear out of thin air, so we couldn't find them."

Chen Yan said: "According to the meaning in the game, the tomb of King Xian seems to be under the pool. Perhaps, those two people also discovered the clue, and maybe they went directly into the water."

"Under the pool?" Wang Bing was a little surprised.

As a person who is not a relevant professional, it is difficult to imagine that an ancient tomb will be hidden under the water, so he didn't think about it at all.

Chen Yan nodded, "At the very least, this is what we know now. The progress of the game has not yet arrived, and we have to continue to observe."

"Okay, then I'll let people go down to check the situation now!" Wang Bing immediately led people down again.

The fire in the Minglou Palace did not start, but mercury spilled out.

In this case, the ordinary method is useless. In order to prevent mercury poisoning, the group of people came down first.

Faced with the terrifying celestial phenomenon in the sky, everyone is Alexander.

If he didn't feel that he might not be able to go back by running away, I'm afraid some people would want to run away.

As an archaeologist, I thought this job would be leisurely and not dangerous, but now that I'm going to risk my life, I really don't want to do it anymore.

"The youngsters of these archaeological teams are still far behind."

"There is a big difference between those who came from a professional class and those who inherited from other people's rivers and lakes."

"It's not that it's a little big, but it's simply incomparable. As far as the skills of the third master and the other two are concerned, it is estimated that all the archeology professors combined can't compare."

"Dude, the truth is revealed, although the truth is a bit cruel."

"Nonsense, can someone who gets a salary compare to someone who makes a lot of money?"


Netizens commented one after another, seeing the two of the third master overcoming obstacles all the way, and even seemed to be more fierce than Zhou Suyi and the others in the game, but looking at the general actions of the archaeological team seemed too exhausted.

Even with so many people protecting it, the progress is still not as good as others.

Moreover, every place needs a game guide, otherwise, whether or not the ancient tomb can be found is another matter.

"Is the ancient tomb really under this pool?" Zhou Suyi was also a little afraid to confirm.

Hu Bayao: "The shadows we saw from high places before are probably some buildings. Here, it should be the eye of the entire Fengshui formation. It can't be wrong."

"Then what are you waiting for, I'll go down and see the situation first!" Fatty Wang immediately volunteered.

Don't think he can't climb high, but he is not ambiguous at all when he goes into the water.

Zhou Suyi and Hu Bayi couldn't dampen his enthusiasm, so they said: "Be careful when you go down, the oxygen tank we brought won't last long, don't waste too long down there!"

"Hey, don't worry, I know Fatty!" Fatty Wang assured, patting his chest.

Fatty Wang took out a bottle of white wine, drank a couple of sips, and enjoyed the spiciness, and then he didn't know what happened in his mouth, his tongue kept rolling back and forth, and his mouth bulged.

Zhou Suyi didn't take it seriously, she just waited to go into the water to find the tomb of King Xian.

Hurry up and get the Muchen Bead, let's leave this weird place first!

(End of this chapter)

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