Chapter 320

Fatty Wang took a sip of white wine, came to warm himself up when he came, and slammed his lips after drinking the wine, "You are staring here, Fatty is going!"

He put on diving goggles, an oxygen tank on his back, and a diving flashlight on his head, and jumped straight down.

Zhou Suyi waited, wondering if it would be risky to let Fatty Wang go down alone, after all, this guy is a plot trigger, a tool man.

Along the way, he saw the power of Fatty Wang.

Fortunately, nothing happened. Five minutes later, Fatty Wang emerged from the water.

Wipe the water off his face, and immediately shouted excitedly: "Old Hu, Brother Yang, I found it. There is a tomb wall below, and there is half a bomber next to it. The tomb door was not found, but the tomb wall was hit by the bomber and opened a big hole." , just go in from there!"

"There are tomb-suppressing beasts around, so you can't be wrong. There should be the entrance to Xianwang Laoer's underground palace, but there is a water eye below, and the water flow is very fast. If it is sucked in, it is likely that we will not be able to control our figure. We have to Find a way to hold on!"

Fatty Wang described the following situation vividly.

Zhou Suyi said, this guy has finally been reliable once, and his observation is quite meticulous.

"Okay, fat man, the observation is quite meticulous, I will credit you with great credit!" Hu Ba said.

Fatty Wang immediately said, "Hey, that's necessary. Although I'm not a scout, fat man, it's more than enough to be a scout."

"Hehe, you're still out of breath when I praise you for being fat!"

Zhou Suyi looked up at the sky, it was so gloomy, "Okay, you two, don't be poor, let's hurry up, since there are tomb-slayer beasts below, we will tie the tomb-slayer beasts with ropes, so that we can resist the water eyes brought the suction power."

"It's a good way, Brother Yang has to be smart!"

Hu Bayi and Zhou Suyi packed all the equipment they brought with waterproof bags and went directly into the water.

The water was very cold, and Zhou Suyi couldn't help shaking as soon as it went in.

Fatty Wang beckoned underwater, motioning for the two to follow him and swim forward, and the two immediately followed.

There are many aquatic plants under the water, and schools of fish swim by from time to time.

Although the surroundings were pitch black, Zhou Suyi could see clearly.

At this glance, I feel something is wrong, I feel that I have overlooked something, but I can't remember what I have overlooked.

"Forget it, let's see the situation first!"

She didn't think much of moving on.

Not long after, I saw the wreckage of the bomber Fatty Wang mentioned.

There are many tomb town beasts around, and there is a big hole in the wall of the tomb.

The three came to the side of the tomb-suppressing beast, fixed it with ropes, and then pushed the tomb-suppressing beast to move. The nearby suction was strong, but the heavy tomb-stalking beast was pulling it, so it would not be directly sucked in by the water.

Fatty Wang pointed to the big hole, moved a little away from the water eye, and swam in first.

Hu Bayi and Zhou Suyi followed immediately.

After entering the tomb passage, you can see that there is a gentle upward step in the tomb passage.

The steps are not long, and with the help of the light of the flashlight, one can see the end of the steps at a glance, which has already crossed the water.

Above the water surface, there are still some figures vaguely, I don't know what they are.

All three were overjoyed and swam towards there.

"That's it, I thought it would be so difficult!" Zhou Suyi thought in her heart.

Now that it's underwater, the tomb of King Xian must be not far away.

As long as you figure out everything about Xian Wang's Tomb and get the Muchen Bead, you can unlock the Fenshan Digger Armor. This thing sounds very powerful just by its name, and Zhou Suyi has long been curious about it.

The three of them immediately speeded up and swam towards the surface of the water.

Soon approaching, Zhou Suyi stood up and emerged from the water.


Accompanied by the sound of water, I was about to wipe my face, but my eyes suddenly went dark, and then...

Then there is no more.

【game over】

The sudden game failure made Zhou Suyi numb.

Open your eyes, still a little confused.

who am I?
where am I?
what happened?
With a dazed look on his face, he didn't see clearly at all.

Netizens were also dumbfounded.

Just at that moment, I saw a black shadow flashing past. Since it was the moment the water broke, the field of vision suddenly changed from underwater to above water, which was really unpredictable.

"What happened? Why did the game suddenly fail, is there a bug?"

"After playing for so long, have you ever seen a bug in this game?"

"What's the matter? What happened? I watched the replay, but I didn't see it clearly."

"What went wrong?"

"Hahaha, it's so cute to see Miss Zhou's dazed face."


Netizens, like Zhou Suyi, were all stunned.

With so many people, they didn't see clearly what happened.

When Chen Yan and the others saw the tomb passage below, they were excited and ready to dive into the water immediately.

But as soon as this sudden situation appeared, they immediately did not dare to act rashly.

People's games can be restarted wirelessly. If they go down, they will go directly into the small black box that time.

Therefore, I dare not act rashly for a while, and are all waiting for the follow-up.

In fact, they are very anxious. After all, the third master and the others are one step faster. If they delay for a minute, more cultural relics may be damaged or lost.

The best way is to find trees.

It's a pity that Lin Shu really seems to have evaporated from the world.

And this moment.

deep sea.

Lin Mu and the others came to the bottom of the urban agglomeration, but they didn't take the initiative to go there, but were arrested.

The people here are different from humans, they have long tails, they are real mermaids, all of them are beautiful, but they are all female, they can't speak, but they can communicate with beautiful voices.

What's even more strange is that although they didn't speak, the voice made Lin Mu and the others instantly understand what they meant.

Then, a group of people were imprisoned in a cell under the sea.

The pharaoh watched all this, and his excitement remained undiminished for a long time. He felt that he had witnessed a new miracle, and his eyes were full of admiration when he looked at Lin Shu.

It's unbelievable that this person actually led them to this place.

This further proved that Lin Mu's ability was beyond his imagination.

Lin Mu looked at this guy's eyes, a little speechless, he was arrested, you are so excited.

Moreover, it is obvious that the locals here are very unfriendly to them.

Now, even he has no good way to escape.

After predicting several waves of the future, the results are not very good, either being eaten by sharks, or being parasitized by a group of terrible sea creatures. In short, it is the result of a dead end.

However, I figured out one thing. The scary mermaids I met outside were all male mermaids, and the beautiful ones were all female mermaids.

But here, the status of female mermaids is very high, and the status of male mermaids is very low, but their fighting power is very strong.

It's just that Lin Shu is very curious now, that is, why did Atlantis, which was so famous at the beginning, become an underwater city now?

Moreover, looking at their development level, it seems that they are not very high.

This is so curious.


(End of this chapter)

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