Chapter 321

Zhou Suyi picked up the pillow next to her and wanted to smash it, but she held back.

"No, what went wrong? I had this feeling when I first got into the water, but for a while I couldn't remember what went wrong, what link it was in!"

Zhou Suyi rubbed her chin, racking her brains to recall everything before.

After half an hour.

Suddenly her eyes lit up.

"Fuck, no way, it's so difficult!"

At this moment, her eyes became strange, and she thought of an impossible but possible thing.

Immediately, he entered the game again.

This time, he went into the water again and came to the end of the channel, and he was about to go up.

But Zhou Suyi suddenly stopped Hu Bayi and Fatty Wang.

Both of them were a little confused, not knowing what Zhou Suyi was going to do.

Immediately, Zhou Suyi picked up a piece of gravel and threw it directly towards it.


The gravel broke through the water, and the next moment, everyone saw a black shadow reappear.

This time, Zhou Suyi saw it clearly.

It was a giant green scale python.

Under the giant python's head, there was a big wound, and half of its head was almost cut off. It was the same giant python that I encountered while picking cinnamon for thousands of years on the cliff.

At that time, the giant python fell down.

With such a high distance, and the fact that the body was almost cut off, Zhou Suyi thought this thing was already dead.

But after entering the water, he did not see the body of the giant green scale python.

This is also the reason why she felt that something was wrong before.

I really didn't expect that not only did this thing not die, but it was still here waiting to sneak attack them, it was really about to become a master.

When Hu Bayi and Fatty Wang saw the giant python, their expressions changed.

The stone thrown up just now was swallowed by the giant python in one gulp.

If Zhou Suyi hadn't stopped them just now, their heads might have been swallowed.

"I... Gululu,... grass"

Fatty Wang couldn't help opening his mouth, and ended up taking a few sips of water.

Zhou Suyi was even more straightforward.

Now that it was clear that it was indeed this thing, there was nothing to be afraid of, and the black gold ancient knife that had been prepared earlier immediately slashed at it obliquely.

The black-gold blade was wrapped in water droplets, flashing with cold light, and it slashed on the giant python's body in an instant.

This time it's not Xiao Shenfeng.

The black gold ancient knife directly cut off the head of the green-scaled python.

The giant python was dumbfounded again.

I guess I really didn't expect that I would sit on the sidelines and hide so deeply, but I still failed.

What did you bite into your mouth?
It felt like my teeth were knocked out.


The giant python's head fell into the water, right in front of Zhou Suyi.

His long and narrow eyes stared at Zhou Suyi, full of reluctance and bewilderment.

Zhou Suyi shrugged helplessly, "No way, sister can do it all over again!"

Kicked the giant python's head away, fearing that this thing would bite people when it was about to die.

Hu Bayi and Fatty Wang also hurriedly escaped, and the three of them broke through the water and landed.

"It's so dangerous, fuck it, this thing is too good for your mother to sneak attack!" Fatty Wang was terrified.

Zhou Suyi dodged the two perfect sneak attacks, they really admired them.

[Hu Bayi recognition +1]

[Fatty Wang's recognition +1]

With this experience, this ability to respond is simply incomparable. Is this still a human being?

"Ah... it turned out to be this giant python. No wonder there is no corpse of the giant python under the water. It turned out to be waiting here."

"Sister Zhou is still careful, I almost forgot the existence of this thing."

"This guy is also unlucky. Sister Zhou is hanging around. It's strange if you can beat him."

"It's not good to mess with Sister Zhou, let me show you what it means to be so powerful!"


It wasn't until the giant green-scaled python appeared that netizens suddenly realized that they had forgotten about this giant python.

"I actually forgot about this thing, thanks to Ms. Yang's sharp mind, otherwise, something big will happen!" Hu Bayi sighed with emotion.

Zhou Suyi said heartily, I have been screwed to death once.

"Hehe, it's nothing. After I got down, I found that the body of this thing was no longer there, so I kept an eye out and tried it. I didn't expect this thing to be there!"

"Brother Yang, awesome!"

The two praised each other for a while, and Zhou Suyi felt beautiful in her heart.

Everyone looked at the surrounding environment.

Next to it is a stone platform, with bronze men, bronze horses and carriages on both sides, everything is available.

Fatty Wang looked at these things, feeling a little depressed, "Damn, why are they all so big, there is no fat man I can carry?"

What a loss, what a loss!

For Fatty Wang, seeing these things but not being able to take them away is simply too uncomfortable.

Zhou Suyi frowned and looked around.

There are many corpses on the ground.

These corpses had their eyes gouged out, their tongues and ears cut off, and their bodies were covered with a thick layer of wax.

Everyone had expressions of horror and pain on their faces, and their facial features were distorted. They must have endured tremendous pain before dying slowly.

"This king offering is really cruel!"

You don't need to think about it to know, this is the so-called slaying technique, the deeper the resentment before death, the better the effect.

"It's so wicked and smokey, I said, don't worry, everyone, I must avenge you today, the fat man. I poured out the king's fight, and then poked him into ashes to avenge you!" Fatty Wang patted his chest and promised, It's like these people can hear it.

Hu Bayi walked towards the end, and found that there was no tomb door, but a downward slope.

There is a small gate under the slope, and there are seals on both sides.

He frowned, staring at the small door with a strange expression on his face.

Zhou Suyi noticed the change in Hu Bayi's expression, and hurriedly asked, "Old Hu, what's wrong?"

Hu Bayao: "It feels a little bit wrong. Normally, there will be no piles of sealing soil in front of the gate of the underground palace!"

"Hey, how can there be so many of them that are exactly the same? Besides, the King Xian lives in such a place where nothing shits like a bird. Isn't it normal that the customs and habits are different from ours in the Central Plains? We have all found this place, so what can be wrong? " Fatty Wang said!
Zhou Suyi also felt that there should be no problem.

After all, the road was difficult and dangerous, and it was hard to find such a secret place. If it wasn't there, it would really be hell.

Even the ancient city of Jingjue is not so difficult at all.

"What are you talking about, let's dig, and offer the bucket of old boy Wang to eliminate harm for the people!" Fatty Wang shouted slogans, took out his engineering shovel and walked over to dig the soil.

Hu Bayi didn't stop him either, "Let's dig it out first!"

Immediately, he could only go to help.

Naturally, Zhou Suyi couldn't do anything to watch, so she immediately went over to help dig it up.

The three of them worked together, and the seal outside the small door was quickly dug up, but under the expectant eyes of everyone, a burst of red light suddenly burst out inside.

The red light was reflected on the faces of the three people, and their expressions could be clearly seen distorted, just like those corpses on the ground!

(End of this chapter)

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