Chapter 32

Lin Mu slept too late last night and didn't get up until noon.

He didn't rush to get up, and swiped his phone as usual.

However, as soon as he turned on the phone, his brows frowned slightly.

There are several self-media news on it, all about "Jingjue Ancient City".

[The hottest "domestic game" is absolutely perfect for making money in the ancient city, and it looks ugly! 】

[The official co-anchor of "Exquisite Ancient City" Zhou Suyi deceived players, it's disgusting. 】

[The strongest domestic game? No, this is a disgrace in the history of domestic games! 】


You guys have a lot of news like this.

"It seems that some people are going to be jealous!" Lin Mu didn't think much about it.

There are many reds.

"Exquisite Ancient City" has become popular, naturally many people are jealous, and some people want to get a wave of traffic, there is nothing wrong with it.

Lin Mu has seen this matter a lot, so he didn't take it too seriously.

dong dong dong...

Suddenly, the door was knocked.

"Is it Miss Zhou?"

Lin Mu doesn't have many friends, so the first thing that comes to mind is Miss Zhou.


He hurriedly got dressed and went to open the door.

Opening the door, she was slightly dazed.

It wasn't Sister Zhou outside the door, but two men, one middle school and one young.

Moreover, this man is very familiar.

"You are, Director Zhang?" Lin Mu asked suspiciously!

As a result, the middle-aged man suddenly smiled kindly, "Mr. Lin Mu, right? I'm Zhang Mou. Please forgive me for imitating rashly!"

"It's really Director Zhang, why did you come to my place?" Lin Mu looked at them wonderingly.

I am a game maker by myself, so I can't get in touch with this great director.

But after thinking about it, I realized something.

Director Zhang smiled, "Haha, Mr. Lin Mu, can we go in and talk?"

"Ah, please come in, please come in!" Lin Mu hurriedly invited them in.

"Xiao Chen, quickly bring everything in!" Director Zhang waved at the young man.

Only then did Lin Mu notice that they had brought a lot of things.

"It's the first time I came to the door, I brought some small gifts, please don't be disgusted!" Director Zhang was very polite, without airs at all.

If you don't reach out and don't hit the smiling face, Lin Shu is naturally polite.

"You are too kind!"

After entering the door, Lin Mu poured tea.

"Director Zhang, please drink tea!"

"Thank you!" Director Zhang took the tea without talking nonsense, "Mr. Lin Mu, I won't beat around the bush. I came here to talk to you about the film copyright of the game "Exquisite Ancient City". The copyright should still be in your hands!"

"Of course, still!" Lin Mu nodded.

Director Zhang obviously breathed a sigh of relief, "That's good, that's good. We discussed the copyright of this game. We want to pay Mr. Lin 5000 million to buy the movie copyright. I don't know what Mr. Lin will do!"

"5000 million!"

To be honest, Lin Mu has no interest in money now.

After all, I made tens of billions of dollars a day, so I really don't like such a small amount of money.

The reason why I want to make a movie is to increase my popularity and let more people know about this ip, so that I can accumulate more popularity.

As if he was afraid that Lin Mu would dislike the low price, Director Zhang hurriedly explained: "Mr. Lin, I know that you earned billions of dollars last night, but in terms of movie rights, 5000 million is definitely a sky-high price. You also know that movies It's not like a game, the stakes are high."

"No problem, 5000 million is 5000 million!" Lin Mu directly agreed.

"Ah? I, did you hear me right?" Director Zhang was a little dazed.

He originally thought that Lin Mu would bargain for a price, and he had already made plans in his heart.

But who would have thought that Lin Mu agreed so readily.

"Director Zhang, you heard it right, it's only 5000 million, and not only "The Ancient City of Essence", but also a series of stories in the future, I can cooperate with you!" Lin Mu said!

"Really?" Director Zhang was short of breath.

Ever since he saw the cg animation and background of "Exquisite Ancient City", he knew that this game could definitely be made into a series of film and television dramas!

"Of course, but I have a request!" Lin Mu said!

"Whatever request, you can just ask!" Director Zhang didn't expect that this time he came here only with the attitude of trying it out, who would have thought that the harvest would be so great.

Lin Mudao: "The requirements are very simple. I want to be the producer and screenwriter. You are not allowed to change the story at will. Also, I must have a certain decision-making power as an actor!"

"Just...these?" Director Zhang was a little surprised.

He thought that Lin Mu would take the opportunity and the lion opened his mouth, but he was wrong again.

"Well, that's all. If Director Zhang agrees, we can sign the contract immediately!" Lin Mu was very straightforward.

Director Zhang now wants to slap himself twice to prove that he is not dreaming.

As far as Lin Shu's requirements are concerned, there is no difficulty at all.

Lin Mu was originally the author of the game, so he came to be the screenwriter and producer to perfect the story, which is simply not a good fit.

As for the actors, Director Zhang smiled knowingly, this kind of situation is too common in the entertainment industry, everyone knows it by choosing an actress they like, and then some stories happen.

So this requirement is simply not a requirement!

"Okay, Mr. Lin is happy, Xiao Chen, Xiao Chen, hurry up, let someone draw up a contract, and send it over immediately!" Director Zhang was a little anxious, for fear that Lin Mu would go back on his word!

Lin Mu will not go back on his word.

He had already thought about it before. Not all the plots of the "Ghost Extinguishing Lantern" series will be made into games. Some of the backgrounds, such as Partridge Whistle and Chen Yulou, will be made into film and television dramas, and it will be better to intersperse them!
On the one hand, it enriches the plot, and on the other hand, it can bring huge traffic to the game.

In any case, the speed and scope of the game's spread is far less than that of film and television dramas.

As long as he supervises properly, he believes that the "Ghost Extinguisher" series of film and television dramas will become popular all over the world.

As long as this idea is realized, the popularity value will not be soaring.


At six o'clock in the evening, eighteen hours have passed since "The Ancient City of Essence" was released.

At present, the download volume of Jingjue Ancient City has reached more than 4000 million.

However, even with such a large number of players, no one has cleared the level.

Some impatient players began to scold, coupled with Dai Qing's deliberate guidance, public opinion became more and more unfavorable to Jingjue Ancient City.

And then, a message came again.

Someone discovered that on the st platform, the download button for "The Ancient City of Jingjue" turned gray again.

There is one more line of small characters on it.

"The game does not comply with the regulations, downloading is prohibited!"

As for those who have already bought the game, they can continue to play.

The news was like a bomb, causing an uproar in an instant.

It also seems to have confirmed the speculation in the hearts of netizens that there is really a problem with "Jingjue Ancient City".

"Fuck, it's been banned and can't be downloaded anymore. It really is a money-making game, hahaha, I feel sorry for the 4000 million players who spent money."

"Money back, money back, money back."

"It's disgusting, you can never touch the game of Great Xia Kingdom again."

"Sure enough, my guess has been verified. This game will end when the earth tornado arrives. It is impossible to pass."

"This Mumumu studio is too disgusting, I strongly demand that they all be arrested!"


(End of this chapter)

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